
v1 Chapter 24: Iron warrior's flying slay

The wooden house has been swallowed up by the flames, and the smoke is rolling. With the flying dust brought by the flying dust scroll just after the leaves are falling, the house built by the dead wood and the thatched grass will soon collapse. It is conceivable that the temperature inside the wooden house at this moment How hot it is.

Busca, sitting under a son's help, sat on a wooden stake. He still looked uncomfortable. The golden robes on the original were smashed by the pieces of the blasted artillery shells.

Kerry's face was full of horror and nervousness. His hands were tightly holding a long sword, and his body was constantly shaking. He couldn't help but ask: "Father, that armor... Is it really the hammerhead in the armor?" ”

"Crap, in addition to the hammer head and a second person?" Buska's heart can not tell the anger.

Quin and Locke seem to be accounting for the following, and now the wooden house burns a fire under the reel thrown by the leaf.

He hopes that under the blockage of the flame, the road to the exit of the ramp can be completely blocked.

But soon he was disappointed.

Inside the cabin, a figure slowly drilled out.

Because the body is wearing heavy armor, the armor is covered with a thick layer of animal skin, so the poor heat in the cabin, for the time being, can not let the leaves feel pain, but the smoke in the air, almost let him suffocate It is.

Moreover, wearing this cumbersome armor to climb up from the wooden ladder below is definitely not an easy task. His legs are already exhausted and will be completely abolished. It is possible to faint at any time, and this high temperature Underneath, the animal skin that he wrapped in the armor and the remaining reels under the animal skin could not last for a long time.

So he moved the ring finger of his left hand, and a little magic was passed on the parchment that links the ring finger.

The rope-shaped parchment is written with a dense magical character. The magic character is used to transmit information. The rope-like parchment extending from the left hand of the leaf is attached to the body of the leaf, and is connected to the armor. Back, there is a hide that is firmly fixed like a cloak.

Almost at the moment when the leaves swayed the ring finger, the animal skin suddenly agitated.

It was a thick skin of a wild boar, and the leaf was hanging down to fix it firmly on the back and waist of the armor, and it was rolled into a barrel. At this moment, the wind rushed in the barrel of the animal skin, so the skin was so Was blown up, looking far away, it was like holding a long column behind the armor.

Ye Ding made a wind sac with himself.

The role of the wind sac is to send him to the sky.

The madness of the wind, as if in an instant, the burning of the original wooden house is more intense, a few wooden tables and chairs just behind the leaf-hanging armor, directly blown by this wind, even the entire wooden house The structure that could have been adhered to under the flame, under the interference of this wind, also began to falter.

This brought a powerful recoil to the leaf. Under the push of the wind sac, his body could not help but walk forward and took a few steps. After all, it was the first time to use this kind of thing, and there was no way before. He experimented, so he was not familiar with all of this, but fortunately he played well in this environment, with this forward momentum, the body quickly maintained a balance.

The wind blowing in the wind sac comes from a mad wind scroll.

This mad wind magic scroll is the four times the magical scroll of the sacred wind developed by Ye Hang, which is four times more powerful than the ordinary mad magic scroll.

The wind swayed by the ordinary wind magic scroll can blow a big sweat, not four times the wind.

Unfortunately, the wind only lasted for a while.

Fortunately, there are three quadruple wind magic scrolls in the wind sac.

Feeling that the strength of the windbag behind it weakened, the **** of the leaf lobed moved again.

At this moment he has come to the edge of the wooden house, heading towards the wooden gun made of wooden planks, and the door is next to it, but under the strong driving force of the windbag, the leaf can not turn in time.

But it doesn't matter, the strength of the windbag is big enough, and the armor on his body is thick enough.

The most important thing is that the wooden wall that has been burned by the fire is crisp enough.

Oh, almost in the second hurricane reel blowing in the wind sac, the wooden wall was smashed by the leaves.

At the same time, the leaves are separated from the air.

Driven by two hurricane reels, the speed of the leaf sag increased to the extreme.

At the moment of rushing out of the wooden house, the body of the leaf singularly flew into the air.

That should not be called flying, but should be called jumping.

But that kind of height still has that distance, and it is not that ordinary people can jump out. Even Kerry, who used to be a fourth-level swordsman, can't.

Kerry and Buska are standing a few meters away from the wooden house. In the view of the two, in the flame of the wooden house burning, the tall armor suddenly broke through the wooden wall and flew in the flame roar In the air, perhaps because the leaf smashed the wooden gun, perhaps because the wooden house was already near the shelf. In short, when the leaf hangs up, the entire burning wooden house is completely scattered.

That undoubtedly gave Ye Hang a more spectacular color from the flight of the flame.

In fact, in the vision of Busca and Kerry, the figure that leaves from the flame at this moment is indeed the coolness that can't be said, and gives them a kind of chill like a death.

"Father, he...he..." Kerry couldn't speak for a while, no one could collapse so high, at least the fourth-order swordsman couldn't do it, and the second-order swordsman couldn't do it. But if the armor is in the armor, then... did a second-order magician do it?

If Ye Hang hears Kerry's voice at this time, he will smile at the height of each other: the magician relies on wisdom, wisdom!

But at the moment, Ye Ding has a standard way of appearing as a Hollywood hero, but his heart is not easy. His current psychological activities are like this: I am flying in the trough, I actually flew up. ... I am going to go to I want to fall down, I have to fall down, lying in the trough, lying in the trough...

After all, Ye Ding is not really flying. It is only under the support of a powerful force. It is so high that the strength of the wind sac weakens, and he naturally falls to the ground.

He is landing on the ground.

At this time, he suddenly saw that Kerry, who was standing in front of the sword, was standing under his own, and looked up at himself with a look of horror.

The body of the leaf slanted slightly downwards, and if there was no accident, he would kneel directly on Kerry's body.

Then in this very short time, Ye Ding did two things: he pointed the long sword of his right hand below, and then moved the index finger of his left hand.

The third hurricane reel was launched.

The wind sac that had dried up was once again agitated. This time, the leaf sag is falling, and the strength of the wind sac makes the sag fall faster.

The speed is fast, and it means that the blade is aligned with Kerry's sword and will be sharper.

Then, without any surprise, the fiery swordsman was inserted into Kerry's chest.

Kerry’s body is no longer glamorous. A few months ago, because of Debbie’s giant sword, a scar was struck on the armor. Later, because the leaf was used to bring more scars to the scroll, this made Kerry’s The inherent defensive array of armor has completely failed, just like the ordinary white iron armor.

The powerful force brought by the long sword easily penetrated the armor, penetrated his chest, and quickly passed out from behind...

The first time I wrote a fantasy, this scene is too hard... so today it’s even more, welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, hottest serials are all in ~ Mobile users please read.