
v1 Chapter 32: The curse is too strong, so the broken w

Ye stunned and looked at the magic crystal that appeared in his hand. Listening to the 黛 looks more reasonable, the expression becomes a bit strange, is this really worthless?

Loss, he just looked forward to it!

When Ye was ready to crack the space ring yesterday, he easily saw the door in the ring, and he tried many times to push the door open overnight, so today he saw it. It is also a mirror of the space magic matrix, and it is easy to see the door in the intention, and then it is easy to push the door away.

He thinks this is a very simple matter. Is it a very simple thing for others?

But Ye Dang doesn't know. First of all, there is never a second-order magician in the world who will try to crack the space ring. It is something that only a senior magician will try. No one can simply look at it. The door to the space matrix formed in the intent.

This requires a very subtle understanding of magic characters and matrices to do things.

Ye Ding can do it because he came from the experience of the previous generation about the programming language, which made him subconsciously produce some strong visual effects on the array of character formation. This effect is also applicable in the magic world. And it is the magical intuition that many magicians have practiced for a lifetime.

Perhaps from the essence of spiritual strength, Ye Hang’s faculty qualification can only be inferior. From this magical intuition, he is definitely a super genius – of course, although Ye Hang claims to Xueba also understands that his hacking experience is a shortcut for magic, but he has no direct knowledge of his genius attributes.

At this time, the footsteps came. It was Mr. Basgen who took the wand and walked back to the hall. Ye hangs and puts the magic crystal into his pocket, and greets him with the cockroach. Now that he has just identified it from the mirror. The magic crystal that was taken out is just a worthless gadget. It is not worth paying attention to. The most important thing to care about is the wand that is free.

Bassgen took out a dozen or so wands, each of which was carefully placed in the raft. He placed the wands on a round table in the hall, and opened them in turn, laughing and saying to Yeh: "Little brother, you pick one from the inside."

The wand is an important prop for the magician to release the curse. Without a magic wand, a magician who has not yet entered the field of specialization is no different from ordinary people. Because the magician's magic matrix can only be released through the magic wand as a medium to release its power.

The materials used to make the wand are generally used to have some magical trees, such as Morgan Tree, Blood Carving Tree, Purple Star Vine, and Tung Mu Wood.

At the same time, inside the wand, we must add some materials from World of Warcraft to stimulate the activity of the magic. This is called the magic core. Usually, the feathers of the flamingo and the scale powder of the Fengming beast are used.

It is said that the highest quality core material is dragon blood.

But the last three dragons have been killed in the battle of the ancestors 5,000 years ago. There are still very few dragon blood in the world, and the wand made of dragon blood is one of the few. .

At this moment, these wands that Basgen gave to Ye Hang, the quality is a very common lower wand, after all, it is only used by low-level magicians.

"Wands and magicians are like swords for swordsmen. A magician should choose his favorite wand. In fact, the wand will choose the most appropriate owner. You can see these dozen wands. That one is you. The most convenient ones are used to allow you to accurately enter the magic matrix into the wand.” Basgen said with a smile, suggesting that Ye Hang will try every wand.

"it is good."

The leaves hang their eyes and pick up a wand.

Within three months of being imprisoned, Ye Dang had a new understanding of magic. He made many new magic scrolls based on his own experience. The magic scroll is a spell written on parchment, so the leaves are hanging on these three. Many new spells have been created during the month.

Of course, it is not necessarily true to say that creation is only because the power of the magic spell he has learned is doubled, and the matrix of the magical elements in the magic spell is doubled or even quadrupled. Such a curse is not Counting how to innovate, there are certainly many people who have done this, but when Ye Hang wrote these spells on parchment, he could not help but expect.

If these spells are released through the wand, what kind of picture would it be?

The release of the spell requires the engraving of the magic model in memory, and the new types of magic scroll matrix created by Ye Hang have already been firmly written in his memory.

At this moment, he picked up his wand and couldn't wait to experiment with the power of his new curse.

He was so excited that he didn't even think about how shocking the reaction would be if he let Basgen see the spell he had released.

[four times lightning]

In the heart of the leaves, he quietly sighed, and his wand waved gently.


A flash of lightning suddenly burst from the end of the wand, and the blue-and-white light bursts in an instant. The air seems to contain the wrath of the thunder, giving a kind of oppressive atmosphere that the hair must be erected.

Bassin couldn’t help but flash a trace of surprise, this spell seems to be unreasonable...

But the surprise is only temporary.

Because the hugs in the leaves were suddenly interrupted, and the electric light was rushing, and the black wand was twisted into pieces. The leaf hangs with the "Yes". I loosened my palm and only felt a numbness in my palm.

"..." There is some quiet in the hall.

Then Debbie didn't hit a kick and squatted on the thigh's thigh: "You don't know if your attack spell is unfavorable. Try the wand and try to attack the spell? Look, put the wand Wrote it!"

The leaf hangs a little innocent and smashes the palm of the palm of the hand, but the heart can't tell the strangeness. His curse has absolutely no problem. After all, it can be used when burning on the magic scroll, but why is it through the wand? Shizhan directly broke the wand?

At the same time of doubt, the body of the leaf hangs involuntarily, and burns four times the lightning matrix on the magic scroll. The cost is the magic contained in the magic ink, which can be released in person. The cost is the magic of the leaf itself. Four times lightning, it is as if the leaf is hanging out four times [Lightning], so that the leaves are already a little tired.

He smiled helplessly and turned to look at Basgen: "Sorry, it seems like a problem with my spell release..."

Not a problem, it is very problematic!

Because Basgen has never seen someone release the spell and will destroy his wand!

Unless it is ... the magician released the curse is too powerful and the wand can not bear the crack, but how can this kind of thing happen in a second-order magician?

So maybe it’s a problem with the wand itself?

"Hey, I have to give advice to the Magic General Assembly. The quality of the wand they sent has such a big hidden danger!" Bassin thought in his heart, but his face showed a smile and said to Ye Hang: "It doesn't matter, Probably this has some problems with the wand, you try other ones." After a pause, he suggested, "You still don't use the attack spell, try other curses."

"Okay..." Ye Ding promised.

Then, Basgen felt the surprise that was completely different from the previous one - he never saw a magician who could use the life magic spell [Breeze] so smoothly, he could control the paper people to dance in the air!

How boring is this to be so proficient in this spell?

Finally, Yeh has finally chosen one of the most handy wands. It is a wand made of paulownia and made of flamingo feathers. a free wand, leaf 黛I was very happy to leave the hall of the Magic Guild - at this time they had already forgotten the magic crystal thing.

Basgen cleaned his wand and continued to lie on the recliner and began to close his eyes.

There are some magicians going to the magic guild to buy magic materials, or to do something else.

Near noon, a 17-year-old young magician walked into the guild hall with some exhaustion.

Basgen saw each other and quietly sighed and stood up and greeted him: "Obert, you are coming again."

"Mr. Basgen, I want to try again." Although the boy named Ober was exhausted, his face was full of pride and he came directly to the mirror on the side of the hall.

Obert is the son of the president of the Stan City Magic Guild, the third-order magician, the magic crystal in the mirror, is the puzzle for him.

Obert is the most talented magician in Stan, but Stan is a small place after all. His talent is only plain on the whole continent, and it is impossible to enter the eyes of the senior magician. The magic crystal is a test, but Basgen knows that this test is not something that Ober can pass. In fact, this is the way the senior magician euphemistically refuses...

When he was thinking like this, Ober's exclamation suddenly came over: "Mr. Basgen... Magic Crystal... Magic Crystal is gone!"

"What?" Basgen was shocked.

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