
v2 Chapter 98: Silent, uninhabited skull town

It is already in the late autumn season, the skull town is in a desolate state, the leaves of the dead wood are falling everywhere, the evening winds are bursting with the sound of "whistling", as if confiding with speechless sadness, the houses around are broken, and the walls and windows are full. The scars of terror and bloodstains show the terrorist incidents that occurred not long ago, the sudden footsteps, the heart-rending loneliness in this uninhabited town, and the patrol team walking in quiet streets. All the gods watched the surroundings, everyone's nerves were already tense, and the **** smell in the air made people very uncomfortable.

Ye Long holds a long sword in his hand and walks in the middle of the team. His heart is difficult to rest. This should have at least tens of thousands of people stationed in the town. I don’t know why it is empty now, like a ghost town.

Before entering the town of Skull, Bedwick had already let Balmain and another lord guard sneak into the city for exploration. It has already confirmed that there are no signs of living in the town, and Balmain also confirmed that this should be the case. It happened in two or three days. There was a fierce World of Warcraft that struck the town, and the entire town was destroyed in an instant.

"This is already a large-scale World of Warcraft attack..." Bedwick has not had the previous leisure mood, looking at the shocking sights around him, and said to one of them, "Berner, use the Red Eagle to contact the city government. We need assistance!” He paused and continued. “Skull Town is the foothold of mercenaries. Half of the tens of thousands of people here have extraordinary power, but now they are being killed. This is not our ten. An event that several people can cope with!"

"Yes, Bedwick!"

The swordsman named Bernard hurriedly took out the banknotes, quickly wrote down the information, and took out a bright red beast from the cage tied to the horse. It was only the size of the pigeon in the leaf hanging, but it was With sharp cockles and claws, it looks like an eagle, which is the red eagle used as a communication tool on the mainland of Aegundas.

Bernard put the written note into the bamboo section on the red eagle's leg. The red eagle unfolds its wings, as if the arrow from the string flies toward the direction of Stan. The speed is fast and disappears without a trace.

"Even if Stan City sends out foreign aid, it will wait until tomorrow morning to arrive. We must be prepared to deal with any danger during this time!" Bedwick looked at the crowd and issued orders. "Dammon, are you familiar with this place?" Very good, you choose the most suitable location, Balmain, you bring some people to conduct a detailed search in the town, to confirm whether there is still a live, if necessary, to figure out what kind of Warcraft is committed, the rest left behind In case of danger, whistle warning."

"Yes, Bedwick."


Damon and Balmain all said that they started to act according to Bedwick's orders.

Skull Town is just a small town. The houses in the town are built in a simple and simple style. Only one building in the middle of the street is quite large. It is a garden building. It is completely different from other dilapidated houses. The materials used are also selected. Hard diamonds, Damon's chosen location is here: "This is the church, which is the best place to defend in the entire town."

"Twenty years ago, the church laborers moved to build a church mission in the town of Skull. I still remember that at that time, I had secretly complained about the church’s arrogance. Now it seems that the existence of this church is beneficial to us." Bedwick Said in the mouth, has pulled out a short sword from the waist, holding back the door and pushing the church door.

At this moment, the sky was dark, and there was no light in the church. There was a **** and wet smell on the front, and there was a rotten stench. Bedwick wrinkled and stepped into it.

Someone ordered a torch, and the patrol team was inevitably sleeping in the wild winds. This kind of thing is definitely indispensable.

Suddenly, there was a burst of sound in the air, which was like a slap in the air, as if something was flying around the church.

"It's a blood bat! First-order Warcraft, its combat power is very low, but likes to live in groups, bloodthirsty, the group will be very troublesome..." someone shouted.

And almost at the moment he uttered the sound, the Bedwicks had already rushed into the church, and a little cold light burst out of his body, and there was a numbness in the air. The roaring sound, then the sound of the object of "噼里啪啦" - this is the short swordsman advanced attack skill [the waltz of the stars], this is a group of offensive skills, can burst out hundreds of star-like attacks in an instant, used It is best for dealing with hordes of blood bats.

What's more, Bedwick is a seventh-order senior swordsman. This skill can show the most powerful force under his hands. The numbing blood bat inhabited by the church is his skill. Fallen!

"Come in, there is no danger here." In the darkness of the church, Bedwick's voice sounded.

The rest of the crowd entered the church with lighting equipment such as torches.

The interior of the church is very wide, and the surrounding walls are full of beautiful images. The seven gods are enshrined in the church. The believers listened to the sound of the holy voice and fell to the ground in a mess, in front of the open space. There is a skeleton sitting on the ground with a cross-legged leg. From the clothing on his body, it should be a priest who is drained by the blood bat.

Bedwick is standing in the air and looking at it.

This is the first person and body that I saw in the skull town, but it was presented to everyone in such a horrible way.

"Effia, is your previous patrol mission so exciting?" Debbie, who entered the church, quietly approached Effie, and asked with a trembling voice.

"How come? The previous patrol missions only had to patrol the surrounding grasslands, the skull towns rarely came, and there was no such large-scale Warcraft attack..." Effia replied, from her voice, It can be heard that he is now in tension.

"Don't be afraid." Ye Ding's voice rang again. He walked to the middle of the two girls and trembled and said, "I will protect you..."

Effie’s nervous expression suddenly softened.

Then she heard Ye Hang and said: "... Debbie."

His words are to say to Debbie...

"You don't want to protect me?" Effia asked with some anger.

"Oh, there is you." Ye Ding said a little perfunctorily.

It seems that the tone of the way is going on! ?

Effia sighed with some anger: "I don't need you to do anything, I will protect myself!"

"That's just right." Ye 垂 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 黛 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶

Debbie: "... don't tremble before you speak."

Ye Ding: "..."

It is undeniable that this kind of atmosphere like a silent night into a ghost town makes the leaf hang more or less unpredictable the body is in a state of great vigilance - simply he is a bit I was scared, but the jokes with Debbie and Effia made him feel a little more relaxed. Debbie and Effie looked a lot better - suffocated by the leaves.

"The foreign aid on the side of Stan City should arrive early tomorrow. Just be wary of any danger before this..." The people made a simple deployment, the coma who they met on the road, Atode. After being placed, Ye Hang looked through the door of the church and looked at the cold and horrible town. He thought secretly and clenched his sword.

He now sincerely thanked Boothto for his foresight and gave him a bunch of escape items. Now it seems that these things can be used...


Starry sky, paving a layer of stars for the grassland at night, a red shadow flashing through the sky like an arrow.

Suddenly, another black shadow suddenly rushed up, as if a black mist swiftly swept the red shadow. The shadow figure stretched out in the air. It turned out to be a huge flying World of Warcraft. Sending a loud tweet, quickly falling into the grassland, the claws open, is a red little beast, it is the red eagle released in the skull town to contact!

Flying World of Warcraft screamed a few times behind the "咕咕, 咕咕", spread the wings, and flew again to the stars.

Behind it, in the grassland under the starlight, a pair of red eyes lit up and looked at the direction of the skull town...


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