
v3 Chapter 162: Holy Words and Holy Spirit

The Xicheng District of Stan City is the most sparsely populated place, but in the past it was often crowded with people, because the Seven Gods Church in Stan City was built here, and the daily worship of the Seven Gods is full of enthusiasm.

Only after the invasion of the animal tide, this situation has undergone tremendous changes. Almost all the beliefs of Stan City have been attracted by the steel swordsmen. Only some of the most devout people will worship the church, but their eyes are already full. doubt.

Inside the church's cathedral, there is a golden sculpture of the seven gods. In front of the statue, Vivienne is softly talking and what Faria is saying.

"Miss Darkins is really a dark magician?" Vivian was a little hesitant to ask Bishop Faria, "But... listening to the boss saying that others are very good."

"Knowing people knows no one, the dark magician is a guy who is good at hiding his evil, Vivian, don't be deceived by her." Faria snorted and reached for the shoulder of Vivian - When his hand touched Vivienne's shoulder, a gray, vain worm suddenly got out of his fingers and quickly climbed into Vivienne's hair...

Then, Faria smiled coldly and continued: "Vivienne, you have never doubted the belief in the Seven Gods. However, you are too superficial about the world. If you have the chance, you can be good. Da Jinsi has a good touch, and the Seven Gods will let you understand her true side."

Vivian had no idea what the gray bug had, and hesitated and nodded. "I know, Bishop Faria."

"In addition... have you heard about the steel swordsman these days in Anthony's magical hut?" Faria then asked, let Vivian go to Anthony's magical cabin to experience life, the main reason is To find out who the steel swordsman is, I dare to compete with their church for the faith, and too little to put the glory of the Seven Gods in the eye!

Of course, Vivienne himself does not know his mission.

When I heard that Feria asked, Vivian thought about it and hurriedly nodded. "Yes, I don't know the steel swordsman more than the boss and Miss Efiya!"

"They all talk about steel swordsmen?" Bishop Faria hurriedly asked.

Then Vivian replied: "Debbie mentioned that the steel swordsman would make him stinking. Effia has become a steel swordsman student, follow him to learn sword skills, and I feel Miss Effie. I like the steel swordsman very much, oh, right, and the boss. Whenever he mentions the steel swordsman, he will say that the steel swordsman is a handsome hero who is brave and brave and powerful. ......"


Faria licked his own eyebrows, and his swearing stinks a few stupid gimmicks. He tried to calm his anger and said to Vivienne: "Okay, it seems that your experience life is very colorful. With the glory of the Seven Gods, go back, remember what I said, have a chance to get in touch with Dajinsi, and you will see who she is."

"Oh, Bishop Faria, see you again." Vivian quickly bent over and quit the church.

There is no one in the church.

Bishop Faria took a breath and watched the statue of the Seven Gods take out his own Bible and silently read a passage. With his chanting, a sudden gray fog appeared in front of the statue, and the fog slowly Condensation has become a illusory figure.

"The Cardinal Master Osfoly." Bishop Faria closed the Bible and respectfully followed the illusory figure. "I have already hatched the Word of God with my faith." The egg, which cultivated a sacred worm, was placed on Vivienne's body. As long as she was in contact with Dajinsi, the sacred worm would immediately enter Vivienne's body."

The sacred worm is a powerful locust that can only be made by the church. It is very precious. Faria is also the first contact. He did not expect the church to use this kind of thing in order to deal with Dajinsi. You must know that even if it is special The magician in the field can't resist the infection of the Holy Word.

"Very good..." There was a sound in the illusion figure that seemed to be floating in the distant place. "Stan City will actually appear as a dark magician. Oh, this is the best chance, Faria, as long as you can I will help you arrange a position for you to get a place in the Holy Land."

"Thanks to the Cardinal Master Osfoly." Faria hurriedly thanked him. He was already tired of this remote town of Stan, and it was great to be able to leave, but then what Faaria thought of, Some hesitantly said, "But... Dajinsi is very important to the Matan Empire. Even if Eric and Booth did not help her because of the position problem, there are some powerful guys in Stan City who may intervene. Something, like... the steel swordsman."

The illusory figure was silent for a moment, and suddenly three pages of black verses floated out of it and landed in front of Faria.

"This is... the Holy Spirit?" Faria looked at the black verse, and her eyes were happy.

"Stop me, teach me to die, no matter who!"

The ethereal voice said, the figure dissipated in the church.


"Jarvis, what's the situation in the tomb now?" Anthony's magical hut is located in the research room on the second floor, and Yeh asked about Jarvis in the magic crystal.

"Master, now the situation in the ancient tomb has been balanced, there are a total of eighteen remaining Warcraft, four of which have only entered the fourth-order Warcraft, the remaining fourteen is only the third-order peak of Warcraft, these days continue Under the battle, these World of Warcraft have no small improvement, it is estimated that they will enter the fourth order soon." Jarvis replied.

There were more than 4,000 World of Warcraft in the tomb. After more than ten days of fighting each other, there are only 18 left. The original Warcraft is a race with a very strong chassis consciousness. Rarely, the original fourth-order Warcraft has five, but one of them was killed by several third-order World of Warcraft the day before yesterday. The only remaining 18 are the most powerful Warcraft. The power here is not limited. It is said from the combat power, but also includes factors such as wisdom and jealousy.

"Well, I am now ready to transfer into the tomb!" Yep nodded and looked at the delivery reel just completed in front of him.

I asked some questions about positioning transmission from Busto this morning. After returning, I have made this scroll. In fact, he has mastered the production method of the transfer reel a few days ago, but it is still the first to be sent to the tomb. Second, so the mood is quite nervous: "Jarvis, I will send directly to the inner hall of the tomb, help me see if there is a Warcraft disk now?"

"Master, there is no World of Warcraft in the inner court now," Jarvis replied.

"That's good..." Ye Dang took a deep breath and pulled the reel in his hand. "Get up!"

The white light flickered and the leaf hang disappeared from the study room.

The next moment he appeared in the inner hall of the tomb.

It was dark all around, and there was a **** smell in the air. This ancient tomb was ready for others to break in from the beginning, so there was a special air circulation mechanism, but this is obviously not too much for the air here. Great use, under the scent, people have a stunned suffocation, the ground is still a little wet, it is the sticky feeling of blood.

The whole inner temple is now as horrible and gloomy as hell, and the darkness around it makes the heart linger. He said to Jarvis: "Give a light."

On the wall around the inner temple, there was a faint magic, etc. The light was dim, but it was enough to illuminate the infinity inner temple, let Ye Li see the inside of the inner hall. He looked around, a few months ago he I used to form an adventure team with Debbie and Effia to explore here. At that time, the situation was very critical, but the urgency of giving people at that time was definitely not comparable to this moment.

Suddenly, Ye Hang’s eyes met with a pair of ferocious scorpions – it’s a Warcraft with a tiger-like appearance. It’s a person who’s tall, and a pair of fangs stick out from the mouth. It’s gone silently. Behind the leaves, wait for an opportunity to cull.

After realizing that Ye Li found him, he slammed into the mouth and rushed to the ground. The next moment, the magical array of the inner temple floor lit up, a yellow space wall appeared, and the leaves were isolated. Among them, slammed, this World of Warcraft hit the space wall and fell to the ground, but it was not discouraged, and began to smash and scratch the space wall.

This movement quickly attracted other Warcraft inhabiting various tombs, and they all came up.

Ye Ding realized that the ability of Warcraft could not destroy the space wall, and he was relieved - he is not afraid of these World of Warcraft siege now, but the key is that he wants to convince these Warcraft to become his own younger brother.

Warcraft around the World of Warcraft, the first attack on Ye Sheng is a third-order Warcraft cracked tiger, in addition to the third-order Warcraft bone snake, third-order Warcraft mouse, fourth-order Warcraft Iron Armor...

"Hey?" In many Warcraft, Ye Dang suddenly saw a familiar figure, "Wind Wolf! And, this wind wolf..."

A wind wolf appears in the field of leaf hang, although each wind wolf is similar in shape, but this one seems to smell the taste of the leaf sag, and the eyes stare at the leaf hangs coldly, letting the sag suddenly realize: " This is... the leader of the Wind Wolf group who attacked us in Skull Town!"

This was originally a third-order Warcraft, but it has advanced to the fourth-order, because it released some kind of space-like Warcraft skills, so that Ye Hang and Debbie have problems in the last pass, and were sent to the dark forest. I didn't expect it to be sealed in the tomb, and one survived to the present!


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