
v5 Chapter 246: Death forest cursed by elf race!

The royal Xia of the Matan Empire is located in the castle palace of the most central part of this bustling capital. A secret meeting attended by all members of the Cabinet Council of the Martan Empire is underway.

The fully enclosed secret room is brightly lit by the most original candles. The center of the room is a beautifully carved round stone table. Around the stone table is eight seats. The eight seats represent eight. Cabinet member.

Imperial King, University, Grand Marshal, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Cavaliers, King Guard, Imperial Affairs, and Shadow Manager.

Every decision concerning the imperial country is determined after consultation here. It can be said that this small chamber is related to the fate of the entire empire. The cabinet of eight people is the most powerful in the Matan Empire. Eight people - of course, the rights of eight people are not the same, King Majesty is the ultimate decision maker, others are only responsible for auxiliary duties.

However, at this moment, the cabinet parliament is convened not because of a national event, but because of a person, a magician called a hammerhead, who does not even have a serious name.

Not long ago, the empire of the magician was in the small town of Stan, and there was a big event that no one could say. This incident is explained from the plain, that is, a dark magician who was tempted by the book of darkness is mad. Killed the sect of the Stan city church, Faria, and then the genius girl of the empire, Darkins, and the mysterious master of the Stan city, the steel swordsman, solved the dark magician and removed the great disaster for the church. Bakahaz also rushed directly into the church church in Xia, and chased the cardinal to the Osfoly Cardinal...

The truth behind this incident cannot be said.

But everyone in the room actually knows what is going on.

According to the laws of the empire, the university scholars announced that the steel swordsmen would be called to the emperor to join the king's guards, and at the request of Booth and Eric city owners, the ingenious magician hammer with the steel swordsman would also Come to the emperor together.

This was originally a very simple matter. What happened to the church in Stan City? In the eyes of these big men in the capital, it is only a small matter, and the empire cannot really declare war with the church. At most, some diplomatic disputes have arisen.

The key point is that there is another unpredictable thing on the hammerhead. The Imperial Knights personally sent their own capable men, the Paladin Grayton, to Stan City to **** the hammer and the steel swordsman. To the emperor, the group encountered a half-orc when passing through the city of Quills. The passage of the incident is still unclear to the members of the parliament, but the result of this incident has been shocking: the hammerhead has given a swordsman vows!

This hammerhead turned out to be a royal family!

Well, the empire had a war 50 years ago, and this war that has been going on for years has caused some royal blood to flow out. This is not a big deal. According to the laws of the Empire, the identity of the Hammerhead is directly given.

The church in Stan was destroyed and the hammer was the blood of the royal family. These two things were originally small things.

But if it's mixed together, that's the point.

The destruction of the Church of Stan is faintly shadowed by this hammer. If the empire recognizes his royal identity, it seems to make the church very unhappy, and they may use it to make trouble!

The royal identity of Hammerhead has not been officially confirmed yet for this reason, and the focus of this cabinet meeting is also to discuss whether to give him the identity of the royal family!

"For the stability of the empire. I suggest exempting the magician's royal identity. Even he should not appear in the imperial capital. We should send the king's guards as soon as possible to kill him..." The university student with the king's left hand, It is an old man who is already 80 years old. His white beard almost falls to his chest. His voice is old and lifeless. He leans firmly on the stone chair and wonders if he will faint in the next moment.

"His royal identity has been confirmed, isn't it a shame for my imperial royal family to kill him?" He also reached the age of 80, but the spirited king of the right-handed Grand Marshal, a cold retorted. "This hammer may be one of my grandsons. I can't stand his unclear death!"

"This is for the stability of the empire..." The university student did not have much strength to rebut.

"For the stability of the empire, we should unite the power of every royalty. I heard that this hammer is very great, he will become the pillar of the future of the empire!" The Grand Marshal said with a strong voice.

"The Grand Marshal is right you said..." The university student still said with anger. But suddenly, his godless eyes seemed to flash a fine light, "but the premise is that he can really rush to the emperor, I heard that he offended a few aristocratic families, and now there is even a noble family of ministers blocking him! ”

"It is the home army of the Haital family."

The shadow manager sitting in the next position went on to say that this is a short, bald man. Wearing a gorgeous robe, his face even touched the blush, and it looked strange and glamorous. He played with a small box in his hand, as if he didn't care to explain:

"The lost royal family killed five nobles in the city of Quills, four of which were not worth mentioning, but one of them was the Miss Frey family, called Donna, and the young master of the Martel family. Gula also died in the city of Quells. I heard that it was died by the church, but it seems that the Martel family has already counted this account on the hammerhead. The Frey family and the Martel family are eager to move. The young girl of the Haital family was insulted and rushed back to the imperial capital. Her brother died in order to defend the family honour to the city of Anger, but he was killed by the hammerhead and the Haital family. Therefore, they dispatched their family members and tens of thousands of people. At this moment, they have already arrived in the city of Angel.

The shadow director is responsible for the empire’s intelligence agency. He was originally a circus artist and he was a monk, but he built a intelligence network that made the empire a part-by-step, and he became the empire’s cabinet. A member of the parliament, what happened to Hammerhead and others, he seemed to know very clearly. Even now, the Haita family’s military army is blocking the hammer in the city of Anger. He also knows clearly.

His intelligence is obviously not relying on the backward means of the Red Eagle Book.

The shadow masters made the people present here move.

"The 10,000-strong family army?" The temperament of the Grand Marshal, said coldly, "The Haital family is too much. Their family members are completely composed of thieves and robbers. He dares to send so many people. Killing my lost royal family? His Majesty, I ask for support before sending troops!"

Sitting at the top is the king of the empire, who is only sixty years old. According to the seniority, it is actually the scorpion of the Grand Marshal, but because of excessive labor, his body has always been not good. At this moment, the old looks like he is even older than the Grand Marshal. He seems to be leaning against the stone chair. People’s arguments don’t care. When I heard the request of the Grand Marshal, there was a musing look on the face. The other members of the parliament had speculated in their hearts that the King’s moment did not know whether he was really considering whether to send troops to support it or whether he was considering what to eat for dinner. ......

"Coughing cough..." The university singer sounded weak, and rang again. "Before we appointed the Hammer's royal identity, he was just a civilian, even with the **** of his paladin Grayton, they A group of people was not enough to send the empire to the empire, they killed the sons of the nobility. The nobility had reason to launch the family army to maintain the honor of their family, which is also permitted by imperial law."

"His royal identity is beyond doubt!" said the Grand Marshal's voice, and even stood up directly from the chair.

"Oh, my dear Grand Marshal." The middle-aged man sitting next to the Grand Marshal hurriedly said that he was the Minister of Finance of the Empire. "The university sergeant is also thinking about the stability of the empire. The royal identity of the hammerhead is really involved." Too much, he may be a pillar that can serve as an empire, maybe just a straw bag, we should take a closer look."

"What should you do as you say?" Grand Marshal cold voice. University and finance ministers have always been colluding in the parliament.

"I suggest giving this hammer a test to confirm whether he is the pillar of the empire." The Chancellor of the Exchequer said with a smile, "We can regard the plight of the city of Anger as his test, if he can break through the Haital When the family’s vassal army was intercepted, he passed the test. We naturally gave him royal status, but if he could not pass the test, he would only be a straw, and he would die if he died. How?

The Grand Marshal blinks, what is the test, and the tens of thousands of people can pass it!

Is the Chancellor of the Exchequer not letting him send troops to support it?

The Grand Marshal was almost angry and wanted to smash the table. However, he has not yet erupted. In the box in the hands of the shadow manager, a sudden burst of "啾啾, 啾啾" sounds.

Everyone looks to the shadow manager.

The shadow manager also slightly stunned and carefully opened the box in his hand.

Inside the box is a colorful spider.

This kind of spider is a kind of Warcraft, the name is Shadow Devil, it is a kind of 9th-order Warcraft, but this kind of Warcraft became the 9th-order Warcraft not because of his power, but because it has a unique ability - It can be remotely contacted via its own web.

Its spider web is not a spider web in the ordinary sense, but a magic net condensed by magic. No matter how far the spider web is, their slight vibration can be felt by the shadow spider. The shadow manager is in the Martan Empire. Every town and village has its own chess pieces, which are all passing information through the spider web to the shadow manager.

The shadow intelligence network is built on top of this shadow spider.

"Hey, hey..."

The Shadow Devil whispered a few whispers to the ear of the shadow manager. After a moment, the shadow manager shared the box. He looked at the many members of the parliament and showed a strange smile on his face:

"The news just got, the hammerhead and his partner killed the city of Angel, the family of the Haital family died and wounded, their heads, the beasts who were killed by the Bakhaoz adults directly died. ""

Member of Parliament: "..."

The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, who had previously proposed the test of the hammerhead, was shocked. There seemed to be no way to believe this information. The old face of the university scholar was even more jaw-dropping, as if he really wanted to return to the West...

Even the Grand Marshal and the Cavaliers, who had some good feelings for the Hammers, were surprised at the moment.

The army of the Haital family has been killed and injured more than half...that is the army of 10,000 people!

"It seems that this hammer is really the pillar of our Martan Empire!"

From the very beginning, I have been a young man who is absent-minded. His eyes suddenly became spiritual. He stood up from his position and moved his waist. "Just do it. From now on, the identity of the royal family is officially confirmed. Who is it? No objection?"

The members of the parliament are quiet.

The university scholastic seems to want to say something, but the words stop.

"That's good. The Cavaliers are going to appoint the royal identity of the hammerhead. If there is a blocker, kill it directly!" His Majesty the King announced happily. "This meeting is over. The stomach is starving, Dorn, go and tell." The kitchen prepared me a rich meal."

"Yes, His Majesty the King." The King's Guardian said in a hurry and respectful manner.

Members of the Cabinet Council left the Chamber of Secrets under the leadership of the King.

The shadow manager's identity is the humblest, and he has a humble posture. I waited for everyone to leave and slowly walked out of the Chamber of Secrets.

Outside the secret room, he saw that the Chancellor of the Exchequer was waiting for him.

"Oh, Petriel, are you waiting for me?" Shadow Manager hurriedly and humblely asked.

"Warris, you should know my relationship with the Frey family. You should know my attitude towards the hammerhead." Chancellor Petit, who looks like a smile, looks at the shadow manager. "You just chose in the parliament." That time to tell this news, I want to know, what kind of heart you have."

"You are really yelling at me." Shadow director Varis took a look of disgusting and charming. "The information that the spider gave me is just the right time. This has nothing to do with my poor man." ""

"Hey!" Petit looked at Valis coldly.

Varis suddenly looked around in a sneaky manner, then suddenly approached Petit and said: "My adult, in fact, I did not announce all the news."

"What do you mean?" Petrier glanced, looking at Valis a little strangely.

"The hammerheads did break through the Haita family's vassal troops, but they are not safe now, because waiting in front of them will be far more dangerous than the Haital family's military. They I have already entered Greenson, and my spider can't peek at that place..." Varis said with a sly smile. "The most important thing is, my adult. The Knights are going to take the martyrdom." Declaring the royal status of the hammerhead, even if the hammerhead is lucky enough to leave Greenson, it is always time for the Cavaliers to meet the hammerhead. During this time, you still have a lot of things to do, isn't it?"


"Hey, fat man, do you know the road?" Ye hang stopped the magic car and looked at the forest in front of him with amazement.

After leaving the city of Anger, because the transmission array outside the city has been destroyed, Ye Hang and his party had to drive. Grayton claimed that he was familiar with the road conditions, so Ye Ding had always followed the instructions of Grayton, but now... he found himself in a jungle that gave him a bad feeling. He said with some dignity: "How do I feel that something is wrong here?"

"Reassured, I have not walked three times on this road, I can't go wrong." Grayton was sitting in the back seat of the car with a chicken leg, and said confidently, "out of the city of Anger." After going to the south for two hours, you can see Jon Avenue. If you go straight to Jon Avenue, you can come to Marty City. You can't go wrong!"

When I heard the fat man, Ye Chui, Debbie, Vivian and Effie turned their heads to look at Grayton, and the eyes of the four seemed to be spurting fire.

Grayton made a direct chill: "What do you think of me? Am I wrong?"

"Fat, you said two hours after going to Angel City... Are these two hours of riding for two hours?" Debbie said with a small fist.

Grayton nodded. "Yeah..."

"But we are driving now! Several times faster than your fat horse!" Dean snarled more angry than angry.

Grayton finally realized that something was wrong. His eyes hurriedly looked at the outside scene: "How long have we been rushing?"

"At least one and a half hours!"


Ye Ding knew that he was pitted by this unreliable fat man. He turned to look at Grayton: "After we left the city of Angel, we walked about 300 kilometers to the south. What is it here? We seem to enter a place. The forest is over."

Grayton looked so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

"Rely, fat man, you can answer quickly!" I urged impatiently.

Grayton swallowed: "Three hundred kilometers south of Angle City... If I remember correctly, it is Greenson!"

For the people north of Wenshui River, the name of Greenson is obviously very strange, but Effia feels that it is a bit uncomfortable to get this name. She asked with some surprise: "Green Forest... What is it?" local?"

"Green Forest... is a dead forest cursed by elf races!"

Grayton’s fat-faced white-scarred looked terrified at the dark forest outside the window and said: "This forest was originally the home of an elf race, their name. It is still appearing in some poetry allusions of the Martan Empire. The Green Elf is said to have a magical potion plant here. It is said that the elves can have the secret of immortal life, which attracts the greedy Terran, two thousand years. The former powerful mercenary army attacked here and killed all the elves here! But before the death of the Elves of the Green Elf, he cursed the forest, and any foreigners who entered here would die from the elves. Under the evil spirits... For two thousand years, this is a forbidden place, a veritable forest of death!"

At this time, suddenly "squeaky", something fell on the roof of the magic car... (to be continued.)

PS: Ps: The plot of the breakout is finally over. The big chapter of 5,000 words mainly introduces the members of the Imperial Cabinet. Petit, Wallis, the game that has seen the rights should recognize these two people, the image character The TV is almost the same, in order not to let everyone feel bored, deliberately left a section of the next episode, Greenson, the elves will appear in this episode ~~~~~ See the sincerity of five thousand words On, ask for monthly and recommended tickets~~~~