
v5 Chapter 261: To do BOSS, you must have a BOSS look, h

In the city of Gass, south of Greensson, Yehshang and his entourage have entered this place, and they have come to the streets of Gass City that are spacious and seemingly defeated. They just don’t wait for them to find a tavern that can be settled, and suddenly surrounded in all directions. A group of people came up, and they looked at them in a cold look. The city people in the city of Gaith were shrunk in their own houses. Some of them were surprised to see the two people on the street.

Seeing the people around, Ye Ding and others are full of helplessness, I did not expect to have an ambush after all...

Debbie held his own sword in his hand and looked around coldly. He said in his mouth: "We seem to have been known to have mistakenly entered Greenson yesterday. These people are obviously prepared."

"..." Grayton was even more shocked than Ye Hang and his party. "We will enter the Green Forest. We didn't even expect ourselves. How could they know... It turned out that the shadow director leaked the eunuch. Where is the whereabouts?"

"Hey, look back and I will go and pick him up again!" said the sinister.

other people:"……"

Well, it seems that I have to take the time to give it a slap in the end.

"We injured more than half of the Haital family's family members yesterday. These people dared to come and intercept us, indicating that their strength is stronger than those of yesterday. We should be careful." Ye Hang is cold at this time. Said that now the steel swordsman armor can not be used, Debbie Gatlin also declared deposed, the current situation can be said to be very unfavorable to them.

While he was meditating on these things, several people in front of him suddenly let go, and a familiar girl figure came out of it. It was the Doss that she had not seen for a few days. She is now wearing armor and her face is cold and there seems to be no A trace of feelings, looking at the eyes of the leaves is more like a shot can be shot.

"Oh..." The phantom cat Mina, who was squatting in Vivienne's arms, couldn't help but cry when she saw her former owner.

This attracted Doos's attention. She looked at the phantom cat and her expression was slightly moved: "This animal is still not dead? Mina. You give me over!"

"Hey!" Mina screamed in a low voice, but the little body was squeezed into Vivienne's arms, and her eyes looked cold and looked at Dossi.

This made Doth obviously more angry, and she thought that she had taken the initiative to cut off the contract with Mina. In the past few days, she has never regretted doing it. If the magic pet dies, the owner will be hurt. She is glad that she can act decisively, but now she finds that this magic pet has not died at all... This makes her unbearable. It is.

From this little phantom cat or cub. She already knows how much effort she has in the other person's body. Now she sees her in the arms of others. This feeling is really incomprehensible to her, and she feels that a group of people are simply hateful to the extreme. Overtake the results of her hard work!

She bit her teeth and looked at Ye Hang and his party and said: "You guys who are abominable guys dare to grab my magic pet!"

"Miss Doth, can't say this, obviously it is your own contractual relationship with it, grab? Hehe. What do you say from this?" Ye hangs his chest and sneers.

The baby is standing on his shoulder, and he screams a few times: ugly woman, Mina is saved by the baby!

Although the little guy has always shown some kind of hostile attitude towards Mina, she actually regarded it as a partner.

"..." Doss's face became distorted by anger, but she suddenly laughed and swept over the leaves. "How did the steel swordsman not be with you? I heard that Greenson is in the middle." Lurking with evil spirits, you can come out from there smoothly, and you must have paid a heavy price. I guess... the steel swordsman is dead?"

Ye Hang and his party were silent.

"Ha ha ha. Since the strongest one of you is dead, the strength is greatly reduced, I see how you can escape the palm of my hand!" Dossi said arrogantly, just with every win. The same. She is not in a hurry to start, but refers to those who are surrounded by people in all directions. "These people are all mercenaries who are one of the best. Each of them has the power of a senior swordsman. Ten people, and these two. From the masters of the Martel family, Mr. Aili and Mr. Ellery, one of them is the swordsman of the ninth-order peak, one is the magician of the ninth-order peak, they are Ai Gula's uncle, I believe that their love for Egola will definitely make them not to be merciful to you!"

With the introduction of Dossi, the two middle-aged men standing next to each nodded, and looked at the leaves and people in a cold look. The two were dressed up as swordsmen and the other was dressed as a magician.

"Oh, there is Dona's family. She is the genius of the young family of the Frey family. You don't know that the patriarch of the Frey family, Mr. Barr, knows how angry he is when Donna is killed by your cruelty, so he personally handed it over. I was given two war gods to let them fulfill their mission of revenge."

It was said that Dossi stretched his hand and waved to the side. Suddenly, the two faces were opposite each other, and the armor of the whole body appeared on the side. When it appeared, it gave a very strong breath.

Donna’s family, the Frey family, is a magical family. They are known for producing magical goods. They use the burning fire snake as a family totem. The magical martial arts in the Matan Empire are basically from the hands of this family. Obviously, these two gods of war are the highest crystallization of their craftsmanship.

Grayton’s face is already pale, and he whispered in the ear of the ear: “The **** of war is worth thousands of gold coins, and it has super destructive power. The combat power is said to be no less than the swordsman! This thing is all baby, the Frey family also It’s really enough for the blood, and I actually took out two of them directly."

"It seems to be very troublesome..." Debbie said, but said that, but the little girl was wary, wielding the giant sword in her hand, revealing a picture that they would fight with them. Come.

The leaves are frowning, and I feel that the situation is very tricky. Thirty senior swordsmen, two nine-level peak magicians and nine-level swordsmen, plus two warriors, may have such overall strength. It may not be comparable to a thousand orcs or tens of thousands of Haital's family members. But now there is no help from the steel swordsman's armor. Debbie can't use Gatlin. Vivienne is not good at using the Word at this time. Their strength is equivalent to directly ruining more than half, and this battle is absolutely unfavorable for them...

However, the brow furrow suddenly stretched out.

He glanced at the east and vaguely felt the spatial fluctuations from there. He was very sure who it belonged to, so he smiled at Doth: "Oh, teach you something."

"What do you want to say before you die?"

"Do what you want to do, and it’s really unprofessional to talk nonsense." Ye said with a smile. "The big ones are generally so finished."

Do not think about it.

The nine-level peak magician Ellery had already felt the space fluctuations from the east. He hurriedly shouted: "Someone is coming to support, hurry up!"

Dramatically surprised, coldly snorted, waved and smothered the killing organs of the two gods of war, and the two warrior’s arms immediately slammed two long swords, and their shadows immediately It is necessary to launch an attack on Ye Hang and his party.




A blue lightning and a red pillar of fire suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded the two scorpions. The powerful power directly stopped the two scorpions. The armor on the body instantly became ruined, and the feet were deeply immersed in the ground.

Then, a girl in a refreshing robes on a cold winter day, slowly falling from the sky, is the face of the glamorous Dajinsi, she has a hand on the top of the nose and glasses, the other The hand waved the wand in his hand.

Advanced Attack Skills [Thunderstorm Star Chain Storm]

A group of lightning **** condensed around her body, a total of seven, and there was still lightning flashing between them, under the control of Dajinsi. More than a series of lightning began to bombard the two war gods, and the sound of "噼里啪啦" rang, and everyone's vision seemed to be filled with this powerful lightning bombardment in an instant.

The two war gods do have the powerful destructive power of the swordsman field, but they are not human after all. It’s useless to have a strong destructive power and not know how to use it. At this moment, the two cockroaches are completely smashed, and their figure gradually becomes ruined under the lightning bolt, and the length is fixed on the arms. The sword was uselessly waving around.

On the other side, the 9th-level swordsman Eric jumped up. The big sword in his hand slammed into Dajinsi.

Advanced Attack Skills [Blood Dance from the Blue Mountains]

The swaying swordsman radiated a gorgeous light and swept to Dajinsi.

At the same time, the nine-level peak magician Ellery also hurriedly waved his wand and released the advanced attack spell [Vulcan Kiss]

The fiery red flame condenses into a sinuous shape in the air, and the open mouth seems to be swallowed up directly by Dajin.

But at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in Aili's body. After the white light flashed, Aili originally smashed the figure to Dajinsi and suddenly reversed his direction. His skills changed from facing Dajinsi to positive. Release Allieri of Vulcan Kiss.

The two were shocked, but the skills could not stop at the moment.

[The dance of the spirits from the Blue Mountains] The flames formed by the gorgeous swords and the kisses of Vulcan are so strong that they collide together, and the loud noise of "砰" is accompanied by the stirring sword and the scattered The flames of the two people were simultaneously impacted by powerful forces on both sides. Among them, Aili also directly collapsed a house next to the street, and Ellery also flew out more than ten meters away.

The white light flashed, and the white cloth and the robes of the robes appeared in front of Ye Hang and others.

In addition, the 30 senior swordsmen mercenaries, then finally realized that the foreign enemies came to help, one by one murderous to rush to Ye Hang and his party, but a group of white light suddenly appeared on the head of each of them. The white light is holy, condensed into a long rifle, and then waits for these mercenaries to react, and the holy rifle ghosts directly penetrate.

Super Knight Attack Skills [Sacred Knight's farewell song]

A bright long pistol phantom was inserted directly into the 30 mercenaries were firmly slain on the ground, and there was still a sad music floating in the air, in the air, wearing a white knight armor. Middle-aged man, holding a long gun, descending from the sky.

The Knight of the Matan Empire, Otto, the strongest knight of the empire.

From Ellery, he realized that the magical fluctuations shouted: "Someone came to support, and quickly took the initiative." When the thirty mercenaries were directly nailed to the ground, it actually only took a few seconds. In a few seconds, thirty senior swordsmen mercenaries, nine-level peak swordsmen and nine-level peak magicians, as well as two war gods were all spiked or defeated.

Doss spent a lot of energy and gold coins to prepare, and thought that the camp that has never been killed is simply smashed.

At this moment, her whole person was completely scared, and she stood in a stiff and dull look at Ye Hang and his party: "This... this is not true..." (To be continued.)

PS: Seeking a monthly ticket for a referral ticket~~ There are fourteen votes for a three hundred monthly ticket. Ha~~~~