
v5 Chapter 266: Even if the dead skin is seeking contact

In the flickering white light, the figure of Ye Hang and his entourage appeared on an empty land, and it was a wilderness. The wilderness was not like the wilderness near Stan, where at least weeds were still in the wind. However, there is nothing in the earth above the brown soil, giving the impression that there is only complete loneliness, as if there is only one person left in the vast land. ~Blue~~,..

Here, it is the land of Ye Hang!

The leaves are looking down and looking at the sky: the sky is white, and the sun, the moon, and the stars are not seen, and there is no cloud floating, as if a white cloth is covered, but it emits bright sunlight.

"The time here is outside. When it is dark outside, it is dark night, the sun is coming out, and there will be sunshine coming in here." Bustho seems to see what the leaves are thinking, and walks to the side of the leaves. Laughing and said, "Everything here is exactly the same as the real world outside. It is empty now, but when you spread the seeds here, let the trees grow over the trees and the grass, even the magic matrix will automatically adjust. Lowering the wind and rain, oh, the application of the magical emperor to the space magic matrix is ​​simply shocking."

When he heard the words of Busto, Ye Ding sighed and nodded, but he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Booth: "Wait... Magic Emperor? What does this space world have to do with the magic emperor?"

"Of course, it's related." Grayton's fat face came together from the side. "After 10,000 years ago, the magic emperor founded the ancestors dynasty, using his own magic to open up another piece of heaven and earth, that huge world. The space is said to rival the entire continent of Aegandas. Later, in the battle of the ancestors, the space was damaged and broken into countless pieces. The kings from several empire divided the pieces and regarded them as royal aristocratic territories. The ministers given to themselves become their territory. Here is a fragment of the vast continent. Don't look so big here. Compared with the original space of the world, it is just a small piece of debris."

"..." Ye Ding was shocked and speechless. The magic emperor... is really a character that makes people feel great.

As he left Stan City to take risks, he encountered many deeds related to the magic emperor, but he felt more and more shocked. The magic emperor was just like God on the mainland of Ai Gendars. Being is a true God. Rather than a fake **** like a leaf hanging.

If the magic emperor is still alive today, I don’t know what kind of changes will happen on this continent!

"But it's so desolate here. If you want to open it here, you must spend a lot of money..." At this time, Debbie has returned from the shock to a more realistic question. "And if we want to live here, we must build a house." The size of the house cover is not suitable for such a large area."

Looking at the little girl's face tangled, she looked at her fingers and counted her gold coins enough. Ye smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, don't make money, little things."

"To manage such a large territory, at least 50,000 gold coins are needed. This is a huge sum of money. Ordinary civilians don’t say a lifetime. It’s a lifetime that can’t make such a big sum of money.” At that time, the dead skin and the face also entered the territory of Oriana, suddenly opened his mouth to brush his own sense of existence. She smiled and walked to Ye Hang's side, looking at Ye Hang with a gentle look: "Mr. Hammerhead, I believe my father is very willing to help you pay this money, if you...hehe, you understand me What is said."

Everyone else turned to look at Oliana, lying in the trough, is this the rhythm of letting the leaves fall?

Debbie was even more angry, and Oliana said, "Isn't it 50,000 gold coins? I will show you in minutes!"

"Oh." Oliana raised her head proudly, her face scorned, and she was really unseen in the country. What does the concept of 50,000 gold coins seem to have no idea at all? ignorance!

Before Debbie even told her, "If you let the hammer choose between me and the royal identity, he will choose me without hesitation. Do you believe it or not?" She was not shocked when she stayed for a long time. She was shocked. . But not because of Debbie's self-confidence and pride, but because it feels like a girl will be ignorant to the point where she has such an idea, thinking that a man will give up her life for her rich and rich?

Thought this is the tearful story written by the poets?

She followed the sneer a few times and stopped talking to Debbie because she felt that it was an insult to herself to talk to a stupid civilian with a head. She would use the facts to make her understand. If a new imperial family is a poor and white, if you want to gain a foothold in the emperor, it is absolutely impossible to support her.

Even if she reveals the meaning of this aspect, Ye Hang will immediately go to his own face.

She is now waiting for the shackles of Ye.

Ye squatted here, and when he returned to the carriage, he felt what happened here, but because he thought about taking the shackles and waiting for someone to look at his territory, he didn’t care, but now he realized this. It seems that the child is not small, so he whispered to Debbie: "What is this?"

Debbie did not speak with his mouth, and his face was angry.

Next to Dajinsi’s look at a joke, “Miss Oliana seems to look down on our civilian girls.”

The leaves are coveted, although Dajinsi did not say what happened just now, but it seems that this Oliana must have used her own noble contempt for comparison?

I am second time! Ye Lie immediately angered, and the dead skin was posted on the face to seek communication. I don’t care about it when you are not familiar with it, but even dare to bully my family’s Debbie? Ye sneered a sneer, then turned to look at the 黛 道 : : " Debbie, this is your fault."

Everyone has a look.

Oliana’s chin is upwards at a forty-five degree angle. It seems to be from the country. This hammer also knows the valuables of the wealth. Choosing to be with yourself is definitely better than following this civilian girl. There are more benefits to being together.

She is proud of her.


"I will make it clear later, I am responsible for making money. You are responsible for managing money and spending money." Things, there is something for you to worry about? After that, you are responsible for taking care of your family's affairs." So the leaf hanging handed the bracelet for transmission to Debbie. "I will say the rest of the future." At home, you have the final say, see who is not pleasing to go out directly!"

He was picked up by a pair of excited bracelets, his eyes were shining on his wrist, and then she sneered at Oliana.

Oliana’s face changed dramatically and she was shocked: “You dare...”

The words have not been finished yet, and the Orianas disappeared without a trace of white light, and they were driven out of the territory.

"This woman is really annoyed." Ye Ding looked awkwardly and looked at everyone.

Grayton said with some concern: "Hammer, that Oliana said is also a prominent royal lady, so it is a bit bad to drive him out? She will definitely regard this as a shame and you are not finished."

"Take him." Ye Ding said indifferently. "Whoever let her despise my family, I can't be a big deal. I don't want to be a royal. I have something strange."

When I heard Ye Hang say this, everyone was smashed at the same time, reminiscent of the words that the previous 黛 冲 奥 Oliana said.

Although Debbie said that he is very confident and proud, but everyone feels that if you really give Ye Hang this choice, then he may have to hesitate for a while, royal identity, this is a symbol of incomparable honor in the eyes of ordinary people, who Can't you give up so easily? However, in the eyes of the eye drop, this obviously cannot be compared with the comparison. He faces this choice and will definitely choose Hebi without hesitation!

Efia and Vivian, who are already familiar with the relationship between Yeh and Debbie, can’t help but feel moved and envious at this moment, while Debbie’s face is slightly red, and her eyes are straight. Look at the leaves.

Ye Hang actually did not understand: "Hey, what do you do with me?"

Debbie, with a little tweaked expression, suddenly got to the side of the leaf hanging, some clumsy on the face of the leaf hanging on the kiss... Well, that is a relative?

When Ye was suddenly shocked, he looked at Debbie with a stunned look: "What are you doing than biting my face?"

Debbie: "..."

After all, kissing this kind of thing is still the first time, the technical unskilled is excusable...

The little girl's face is red like the red The leg is smashed on the leg of the leaf, and the others are laughing around.

After playing some fun, Ye Chui took out his magic car and prepared to see how big his territory was. Bustho, Dajinsi and Shi An were the first to ride a magic car, feeling extraordinarily novel. Grayton’s fat man immediately became smug, and a very familiar look was explained to everyone. He also warned everyone to be careful to sit in the seat, otherwise they would accidentally be accelerated by the magic car to fly or not. After the sudden braking, the fat man first arched directly into the front seat, and he forced it to be perfect...


On the top of King's Road in the emperor's Yaxia, Oliana, who was driven out by Debbie, stood on the street for a quarter of an hour before calming down from the shock. The leaf hangs like this, let the squad drive out.

"Ignorance! Stupid!" Olympus swears in the mouth. "You give me the wait. Without the help of my father, you can't even build your own castle. You are a joke in the royal family! Hammerhead, you come back sooner or later." Ask for me!" To be continued.

Ps: continue to ask for a ticket for a monthly ticket... The original monthly ticket from the first to the seventh is double ah~~~~ ↗ The book is from the basket, updated quickly.