
v5 Chapter 272: Dare to grab my man, you first ask my gr

The highlight of today's auction is the last elf short sword, so there are countless people who have already prepared for the final bidding with the people. The final auction of this finale is a must. ↗ “ “ 涩 涩 涩 涩 , , , , , , ,


"I am bidding for seven thousand gold coins!"


"Miss Oliana offers 10,000 gold coins! No one wants to increase the price!"

The auction only started for a while. The five elf short swords were instantly arguably priced at 10,000 gold coins. The auction price of 5,000 gold coins was based on the market price of the previous auction house. The final transaction price was also 10% higher than the reserve price. 40%, it is also about 7,000 gold coins, but this time, it does not follow the common sense to get a 10,000 gold coins...

Today's auction, from the beginning to the end of the two auctions, seems to have the bold temperament that allows the general rich to breathe, and Pilate will first shout a bottle of elf wine worth up to one hundred gold coins. After the high price of a thousand gold coins, and then the last auction, Oliana shouted a shocking high price of 10,000 gold coins from the elf short sword with a price of 5,000 gold coins... People couldn’t help but sigh, today’s silly The lack of looks seems a bit too much.

“Is there anyone still going to continue to increase the price?” the old auctioneer continued to ask.

The stage was quiet.

Already having less than 50 years of experience, the old auctioneer is still encountering this situation for the first time. The auction items like this will generally attract strong interest, and everyone will generally cooperate very much and gradually increase the price of the accompanying products. It’s really weird once. It can be said that most people have been stunned by the price of 10,000 gold coins...




The three hammers fixed the sound, the old auctioneer smiled and announced to all the auctioneers: "This time we are the finale of the auction house of Rogan, this set of elf shorts is now officially shot by Miss Olyana, congratulations to Orly Miss Anna got these precious treasures."

After a pause, he squatted on the stage with his arms flat: "This time the auction of the Rogan auction house has officially ended. Then we have arranged some performances for everyone to watch. You can stay in it. Keep watching here."

That's all. The old auctioneer left the stage leisurely, and the previous beautiful girls with elf false ears followed, and after a while they put on a gorgeous dance dress, and began to dance with the graceful vagueness.

This is a very famous dance that imitates the elves: the dance of the wind. Today's auction can be said to be based on the theme of the elves, so these beautiful girls will deliberately perform this dance, but the lack of the natural elements of the elves is close to the wind and the flow of the body, the taste is much worse. .

Ye Ding and Effia naturally have no mood to appreciate this. There is not much charm. It is actually selling big. Leg dance Efia is not interested in the dance itself, and Ye Dang... oh. Selling big. The legs are sold a little unprofessional, and there is absolutely no way to keep up with those great children's groups!

After eating the last bit of snacks and fruits provided by the royal box, the two left and satisfied.

When I arrived at the street outside the Rogan auction, Ye squinted at a glance at the appearance of an elegant lady. Of course, if the clothes on her body can be more gorgeous, the dragon baby shape in her arms can be more embarrassing. Lazy and extravagant, then the appearance of her elegant lady is more in place, but the temperament shape is not important now, the important thing is the little girl's face full of flying expression.

When I saw the leaves hanging, I was happy to wave my arms. Today, I can’t be more happy. In addition to the elves, I took a thousand gold coins. The elf short sword took 10,000 gold coins. In the auction, the leaves also brought out some other things to auction, such as some elf jewels found in the Green Forest Palace, and a palace was almost burned by firewood. However, Ye Ding found that it was quite beautiful and returned to the elf table... These things were clipped to seven clips and finally auctioned more than 2,400 gold coins.

After deducting the intermediate service fee to be collected at the auction house, the wealth in the auction of Ye Sheng can be increased by at least 13,000.

It’s a good income, and it’s worth spending so much space on this plot...

Ye Ding and Effia immediately wanted to meet with Debbie and Vivian, but when they first came to the two, he saw that Oliana was coming over with a black face, um, her hand I still hold the set of elf short swords...

For her. Ten thousand gold coins are still a huge summable money that she can't resist. She can't say regrets in her heart. At that time, she would spend 10,000 gold coins for a sigh of relief... Most importantly, she is reckless. The decision to make this decision is clearly because of the introduction of Debbie. This civilian girl deliberately pretended to be a very shabby look, so that she could not look down on her all the way. At the last moment, she took out more than 10,000 gold coins at once, which directly aroused her thoughts of not accepting the loss: one has been You as a poor and forced person suddenly scorned you with gold coins, and the pride of being a rich person certainly made her intolerable!

But after she called the price, she realized that she was pitted...

Ten thousand gold coins bought five elf short swords...

In order to pay for this 10,000 gold coins, she must be accused of being accused by her father. I am afraid that the industries under my name will also be lost? It’s not worth the candle! She first took the elf short sword and wanted to give it to the leaf sag and brush the leaves. But now she doesn't want to give it anymore, so when she revisits the leaf sag, her face It’s an inextricable entanglement. Looking at Debbie’s eyes, it’s more like a spark, as if it can explode at any time...

"Miss Oliana, you are a rich man, I can't sigh." Debbie watched Oliana go to her and waited for someone to smile. She said to her, she said, the girl would not be so cheap on weekdays. Selling awkward, but Oliana is different. This woman is coming to her own hammer. Debbie will not give her a little affection.

Oliana's face changed slightly, and she bit her teeth, and pretended to be a very light-looking look: "Isn't it a 10,000 gold coin? It's not really a thing for me. This set of elf short swords is really true. I like it very much, when I bought it and made it for collection..." She seemed to think of something in general, looking at the leaf hanging. "Right, Mr. Hammerhead, you seem to be interested in these elf short swords? Oh, if true I really want these elf short swords, maybe I can..."

"Oh. Sorry." Ye’s mouth twitched with a faint smile. “After carefully seeing these swords, I found that they were not as beautiful as I thought, so my interest in them has disappeared. Sorry. ”

Oliana: "..."

Ye squinted at Oliana's stiff smile on her face, and couldn't help but feel a little unbearable. In fact, he was originally prepared to go back and tell her that the auctioneers of the elf short swords were giving them a fatal blow anyway in the short term. I am only going to sell these elf swords, so if someone knows that these elf swords are their own, he does not have to worry about someone remembering himself.

But now I see Oliana's look. Ye Hang dispelled this attention, he pulled up Debbie's little hand, and the dragon baby climbed up the shoulder of the leaf. The little guy stood on the shoulder and the head of the cow rushed to Oliana to make a face... Ye smiled with Debbie said: "Hungry, go, let's find a place to eat."

“Well, we have a big meal at noon today, and we are in the biggest restaurant in the emperor!” Debbie said with great enthusiasm. Of course, if you make money, why should you celebrate it?

At this time, Ye Hang saw that Dajinsi was coming out from the back of the auction house, so she greeted her.

Wearing a gold wire that is completely inconsistent with the cold weather around. Immediately smiled and walked over, she looked at Oriana with vigilance, did not directly say that she replaced Ye Hang’s anonymous auction, but went straight to Debbie’s side and used her fingers to top the nose. After the eyes, I went to the ear and said something to the ear. What she said is: "This auction deducts the intermediate service fee, and I get a total of 132,000 intermediary service fees. I will give you back!"

Debbie nodded immediately with excitement, and then cordially took Dajinsi to ask her to go to a big meal. Ye Ding also smiled and said that he would eat something. So I completely gave Oliana aside.

Oliana suddenly had a very bad guess and a hunch...

"Miss Oliana!" At this moment, the voice of a teenager next to him suddenly shouted.

Looking around, Oliana found out that she was a familiar royal family. His father was a duke. The status was quite detached, and Oriana quickly adjusted her emotions and said to the other party: "Gubo, hello."

"Miss Oliana, this is the elf short sword that I just photographed?" Gu Bo looked enviously and glanced at the nephew of Oliana's arms as a royal family brother who had always been the title of defeated family. I think Oliana spent 10,000 gold coins worth nothing. Instead, I admire the other party's ability to take this set of elf short swords as their own, and he even said with envy, "Miss Oliana, it looks like you are familiar with Miss Dajinsi over there?"

Oliana frowned and glanced at Gubo.

Apparently, Gubo saw that he had just greeted him and he was just standing by, and Oliana was just standing by, so he would ask, Gubo said a little embarrassed: "Miss Oliana, you can follow Miss Dajinsi said, if she has a fairy dagger in her hand, can I sell it to me? I don’t want the whole set, the single line, the price is good.”

"What?" Oriana's body shock, "The auctioneer of the Elf Short Sword is... Dajinsi?"

"Yeah." Gubo nodded quickly. "I just wanted to go to the auctioneer and just saw Dajinsi leave from behind because it was an anonymous auction, so the old-fashioned waiters would not tell me exactly. Who is it, but looking at their expressions can be guessed, the sale of those elf weapons is definitely Miss Dajinsi, she must have discovered an elf relic when adventurous..."

Oliana has not heard what Gubo is saying next.

Dajinsi is the master of those elf short swords...

Look at the expressions of the people who have just reached the gold silk and the leaves, and they are clearly colluded. Even the owners of these elf short swords may be Ye Hang and Debbie. They are all coming together to come to the pit. my own!

That cockroach is completely outfitted with a shabby face!


Oliana’s body suddenly burned a blazing flame. Of course it was not a real flame, but a pink sword. It was as if it could be seen that a beautiful long-necked bird was constantly on Oriana’s body. Dancing.


This is the state skill of Oriana.

She is a talented swordsman with a level 8 senior swordsman!

"嗖", she pulled out her own sword from her space ring, put away the elf short swords, and the figure turned into a breeze and quickly rushed to the Debbie who was leaving.

Intermediate Defense Curse Sun Shield

Ye Ding’s vigilance was very strong and his reaction was very rapid. He quickly waved his wand and listened to the “When” sound. Oliana’s anger was blocked and a group of people quickly exposed to prepare for the battle. Look, look at Oliana, who is burning a pink flame.

At this moment, Oliana was completely angry.

"What are you doing?" Ye squinted and frowned.

Debbie picked up his own sword with a slap in the face, and looked at Oliana with a small face.

Surrounded by curious passers-by.

"Debbie Anthony ~ ~ I am giving you a life and death challenge!" Oliana said in a cold voice, the sword in her hand pointed at Debbie.

Surrounded by four weeks.

The challenges in the magical world can be said to be common. It is a few noises in the pub, and there may be challenges in life and death. But now, Oliana is a royal lady who challenges the life and death of Debbie. This nature can be much more serious.

Ye hang early to hear that Grayton mentioned Oliana's fighting ability, she can be said to be in the young generation of the Martan Empire, talent is second only to the talented swordsman of Dajinsi, Grayton, now 18 years old The age has become an eighth-order swordsman, and it is hard to step into the swordsman field in his lifetime!

Debbie is just a sixth-order swordsman, and Gatlin is not available now.

She will definitely not be the opponent of Oliana!

Ye hang immediately wanted to stop the duel, but before he could open his mouth, he smashed his giant sword with a slap in the face, and pointed at Oliana: "I accept your life and death challenge, hehe, Dare to grab my man, you first ask my great sword to answer it!" To be continued. ↗ This book is from the basket and is updated quickly.