
v5 Chapter 320: He feels a bit bullying the aborigines o

After the first day of the Gaillard Magic Sound sale and the sale of a total of 832 units, the sales of the next day still reached 107, while the magic car of the Frey Family Magic Store The sales for the two days were zero. On the third day, Magic Sound sold 61 sales of the Magic cars of the Frey family. It is still zero. Of course, only 60 of the sales of Magic Sound are not a decline in business. It’s already sold out in Anthony’s magic store...

The most important part of the magic sound is the leaves of the sacred tree. Although the sacred tree is very large, it cannot be picked continuously. The leaf hangs and Freya discuss the perfect sustainable harvesting strategy, which is to pick one at a time. A thousand or so, wait a month to pick another wave...

This will ensure that the Elf Tree will prosper.

Therefore, sitting behind the counter waiting to collect money is better than telling people that the new magic sound will not be shipped until one month later.

"What? Actually sold out of stock? Today I came over the queue early in the morning, and the result was gone!"

"This... can I book it first? I have to wait for a month to buy a new item!"

"I have to book too!"

So even though this day, only 61 items were sold, but more than 100 items were bookable...

According to this trend, Ye hang began to worry that after waiting for a month, I am afraid that the magic sound will still be sold out on the first day of the shelves.

Originally, I also thought that it would be a bit pitted to price the magic sound of two thousand gold coins... After all, according to the calculation method of the leaf drop, a gold coin is equivalent to 10,000 pieces of the previous world, and two thousand gold coins can be 20 million yuan. 20 million to buy a mobile phone? Even if the phone just appeared, there would be no such price! But it still caused a huge sensation.

In the blink of an eye, I have earned two million gold coins and converted them into the property of the last world. That is the proper value of 20 billion yuan.

Is it so easy to make money?

As a traverser, he feels a bit bullying the aborigines of this world...

On the evening of the third day, Ye Dang prepared a celebration feast in the Lord's space.

Of course, it is said that the celebration banquet actually participates in the banquet, that is, the pedestrian of Ye Ding, plus the female orc of Kara, the dwarf Dorf and the other thirteen blue mountain dwarves, the words of outsiders. Ye Ding called the fat grayton and his little princess.

Because of the big money, I took out a big bucket of elves and wines than the direct hero.

Grayton also deliberately brought a lot of delicious food from the palace - the chefs of the palace are only for the sake of the king's Majesty, but they don't mind taking some extra lives to earn some pocket money. Delicious, but they are all very valuable. Of course, the reason why Grayton is so lavish is that Ye Chen has given the Princess Shi’s a big red envelope of 50,000 gold coins: the great business that can be completed by the King’s Majesty, Princess Shi’an has contributed.

It is worth mentioning that the next day after the five hundred magical voices were handed over to the King, the King’s words were specially called to hang down into the palace and see the leaves. After eating a big meal, the king secretly asked the leaf to hang down the safety of this magic sound.

After getting the magic sound, the king immediately let some of the royal magicians in the palace study the magic sound. Of course, the last hair was not studied, so he was even more amazed at the magical power of the leaf drop.

Ye Ding also assured the King that the magic sound would never leak any information during the call.

This is actually not the truth, because the communication system of the magic sound is equivalent to the transit server of the elf tree in the world of the lord. The elf tree is equivalent to the satellite of the last world. It is planted in the backyard of the leaf sag. Think about it. The signal leaf sag of any magic sound can be intercepted by the Elf Tree, and it is still very easy.

However, Ye Ding has a bottom line, he will not arbitrarily steal the information - unless someone uses the magic sound to do something that makes him unhappy...

He assured the king that the magic sound system is hidden, and will never be infected by other people. In fact, the information transmission of the magic sound is indeed very safe. Even if the elves can perceive the signal of the magic sound transmission, there is no In the special voice coding method of Ye Hang, they still cannot analyze the information transmitted by the magic sound.

What's more, the elves have not known how many years have passed. They have rarely moved around the world.

His Majesty’s answer to Ye Hang seemed to be very satisfied. He told Ye Hang that after some tests on the performance of the magic sounds, he would distribute the five hundred magic sounds to the various city owners and the generals of Bentham. Let the information exchange network of the Matan Empire be unparalleled.

Information exchange, which is absolutely the most important for the deployment of a country's military affairs, His Majesty also laughed, with the magical sound of the hammerhead, the military power of the empire will be improved several levels - although he is laughing Said, but Ye Dang knew that he was not joking.

After the dinner. Ye Hang left the palace and met the shadow manager Valis at the entrance of the palace.

The bald **** smiled and said hello to Ye Hang. It seems that he is very interested in the magic sound of Ye Ding. Although his Shadow Spider can transmit information from a distance, the content of the information is more general. The magic sound of Ye Ding is so bad even if the call is so bad?

He concealed the meaning of cooperating with Ye Ding to engage in intelligence networks, but the leaves were not confusing, who knows what the attitude of the **** in this attitude is...

Today it is today.

On the celebration banquet in the Lord's World Castle, the cups are intertwined, and the fourteen dwarves who drink from Dorf are murderous. The dwarf's favorite is forging, and they also have no wine and no joy, don't look at the body. But drinking wine is a bottomless pit, and they are born banquet experts. As long as they are there at the banquet, it is definitely not cold.

The atmosphere of the celebration banquet was very warm. Ye ping was not very drinking, but the mind that he drank today was drunk.

At this time, Grayton pulled him to the side, holding a chicken leg in his hand and revealing a pair of eyes to be with the leaves.

"You have completely offended the Frey family this time. I guess their family may not be able to get rid of it." There was some concern in Grayton's voice. "But this magical family is terrible."

"Oh, what's the matter, anyway, they provoke me." Ye Hang said with a sullen look, "I don't even say that the Frey family has a knight. It's just that I have more money at home and I have been pitted for more than half. They can also pick up any storms."

"You're not right." Grayton's fat face was very dignified. If you take off the chicken legs in his hand, it would be more like that. He said with a serious look, "You know the Matan Empire." Haven't you been willing to give the Frey family a title? The Frey family has actually done a lot of things useful for the Empire these years."

“Why?” Ye Hang was a little more awake.

"Because of worry."

Grayton sipped a chicken leg and continued: "The imperial royal family began to doubt it hundreds of years ago. The ancestor who created the Frey family may not have died yet."

"Don't die?" Ye Yiyi said, "Has that person already reached the sacred realm, or the legendary field of ambiguity?"

"No, that person should be a magician in the field of specialization. Specializing in fire magic, he used some way to continue his life, but he spent most of his time sleeping, only the Frey family came to life and death. Will be awake."

Grayton said: "Fifty years ago, the Mactan Empire was in civil strife. A royal family duke thought that the Frey family had foreign enemies, but there was no evidence. The Duke was a hot temper and took the high-level of the Frey family. All of them were caught, but a few days later the duke was attacked by a strong enemy and burned to ashes. The people of the Frey family were finally acquitted because there was no evidence and the situation forced it. It was at that time that the imperial royal family began to suspect that the Frey family had a hidden master. The master was probably the ancestor who created the Frey family."

The expression of Ye Ding was a little shocked: "But the magician in the field of specialization can live for so long?"

"The magician in the field of specialization is still a flesh. The life expectancy may increase slightly, but it is impossible to live a thousand years old." Busdo's voice suddenly rang, he had a glass of wine in his hand, laughing at the leaf. Sit down next to you, "But the magician in the field of specialization can borrow some means to integrate his body and consciousness into the elemental magic to fall asleep and save his body forever, but the magician will stop. No more progress, not worth the loss."

"So is it similar to the eternal magic that Abena got from Greenson?" Ye Ding thought of something. "Time is condensed in an eternal point, but life will not stop, and the realm cannot be improved."

"It's similar to that, but in fact this method is far less than the elf's eternal life." Booth shook his head. "Let your body and spirit blend with magical elements to continue life, but in fact, as the time spent sleeping is getting longer, he will gradually lose his emotions as human beings, without human emotions. That is no longer People."

Having said that, Bustho smiled with emotion: "If I want to, I can let myself blend with the elements of space and enter the eternal sleep, but I won't do it, and most of the special magicians will not. So much, we pursue the ultimate in power, but first we must be human, the power of human feelings will make sense. If the ancestors of the Frey family are still alive, then he is no longer a human being, only one Old monster."

"Teacher." Ye Dang suddenly felt, "Do humans in this world really get eternal life?"

Boothto looked lovingly at the leaf: "Of course, magicians, swordsmen, even knights, believers, when power reaches a certain level, then you can touch the boundaries of life and death, have eternal life, but ...What does that mean?"

"Meaning?" The leaves hang a bit.

Booth smiled and nodded. "The longest-lived person recorded so far is the magic emperor. He lived for three thousand years. I think if he wants, he can continue to live, but he eventually disappears. If he is dead, then he can only kill himself."

"Suicide?" Ye Lie’s heart was lying in his heart, and if the magical emperors on various tall people died if they committed suicide, then the image would have collapsed... But then Ye Hang thought again: Busto guessed if magic The emperor disappeared because he committed suicide. Maybe... he just disappeared and did not die?

However, Ye Ding did not interrupt Busto's words.

Booth continues to say: "Eternal life, it sounds wonderful, but it is actually a punishment. The eternal life represents loneliness. The death of one person by your side, only you are alone, no one can afford it for so long. Loneliness, I believe that in the tens of thousands of years after the death of the Emperor, some people must have touched the secret of eternal life, but most of them chose to give up at some point. Eternal life is not a gift, but a hell."

With some sighs saying these words, Booth's tone suddenly turned: "As for those who have tried their best to pursue eternal life, the ancestors of the Frey family, Abena, they eventually even have perfect Forever, it will only be regrettable. The efforts they have made so far are only a joke."

Listening to the sigh of Bustho, Ye Chui sings out the gods, and in the last world, I watched those online novels, and I used to practice a few hundred years of life, and then spent the years in cultivation. Nonsense, even if the monk still has a spring heart, can someone who can bear so long and lonely be a person?

Isn't the essence of man's nature?

However, if you live with your favorite girl, it is a good choice...

Suddenly he looked at Bustho with some surprises. He could see that Booth was drinking so much to say so much, which made him benefit a lot.

"I used to pursue the ultimate power and eternal realm. I met a girl I liked when I was young, but I refused to leave it. I didn't stay in the house. I traveled around and there was no place to live. After I met you, I found myself as the so-called Longevity is just a dream, so I enjoy the present time."

Busto patted the shoulders of the leaves and stretched the waist: "The ancestors of the Frey family are alive, killing them, not afraid, facing the old and dead monsters, we use them by living people. Are you afraid of him?"

After saying this, Booth laughed and ran to tease the Elf, who was being held in his arms by Freya.

Both Yeh and Grayton were silent and looked at Boothto.

After a while, Ye said: "The teacher really drank too much..."

"Yeah..." Grayton nodded in agreement.


And when Ye Hang opened the celebration feast, the suburbs of the Frey family were in the house.

The tops of the family, such as Torres and Pub, are waiting anxiously outside of a house.

"Petri has already known about the ancestors of the ancestors. We just suddenly awakened him to the ancestors and suddenly appeared here!"

Tolis said with some concern.

Their Frey family has always been controlled by Petit, but in fact the inside of the Frey family does not think so, they just use the power of Petit to perfect themselves, the core secret of their family, about the ancestors The existence did not tell Petit, even though many people in the emperor have already guessed the existence of the ancestors, the Frey family never admitted it.

However, Petit was obviously convinced of the existence of his ancestors. They had just awakened their ancestors and he suddenly appeared here.

"Pettier talked with his ancestors for so long... I don't know what they are talking about?" Pubri said with some worry, he was very worried.

After Petier came here, he directly proposed to talk to his ancestors, and the ancestors directly agreed. They had been talking about an hour in the room. The outsiders couldn’t know what was going on inside. whispered so quietly, suddenly "Oh," the door of the room opened.

The door is open to the ancestors.

Petit stood behind him, and when he opened the door, Petal's cane was gently slammed on the ground, and others disappeared in the white light, and the ancestors stepped out.

This is a very old man, it is a sigh that a person can grow old like this, he is very awkward, wearing a robes that don’t know what age, bald, wrinkled heads around a circle of gray hair, but his The eyes are full of haze, giving people a cold texture.

"The ancestors..." Tolis trembled.

"Let the family gather sharply and join me in the lord space of the hammer!"

His dumb voice whispered.

Ps: Ask for a ticket for a monthly ticket~ (To be continued.)