
v6 Chapter 426: Half Elf Girl Escapes Marriage

The ramie that was smashing in the air quickly rang in the empty hall. Gwen stayed by the side for half a minute and never returned. It seems that Debbie did not find his presence after waiting for the three girls.

Hey, he is also a villain who spends a lot of pen and ink to describe it. Is it really good to ignore him?

Gwen’s line of sight was quickly attracted to the heads that were displayed in all directions in the hall. He showed a surprised expression and walked to a shelf to get close to a head and looked at it seriously. He only felt the unspeakable surprise and guessed the heads. The use was placed here, and then something even more amazing happened: the original head of the serene suddenly opened his eyes: "Hey, boy, are you handsome?"

Other heads have also spoken -

"I am starving……"

"Who will help me change my posture, I haven't moved for 10,000 years."

"so boring……"

All the heads seemed to be shaking at the same time, making a series of noises.

Gwen directly screamed and fell to the ground with a scream, full of trepidation: "This... this..."

"Give me some quiet!" Hearing the noisy voices of the heads, he shouted louder than the scorpion, and the heads were quiet all the time. Looking over Gwen for a moment, she seems to have discovered the existence of Gwen. "Wei Wei'an, this is just how it happened? How did you come out with the test from him?"

"In the inside, thanks to his help, I can overcome my fear... I have already helped the boss to accept him as a younger brother." Vivian looked at the mahjong card in front of her eyes and said casually.

Debbie, Effie, and Dakins stunned a little, then they understood what it meant. The three men sighed at the same time. Of course, the eyes never left the mahjong in front of them: the best thing is that the best hand is The most important thing is ok!

"Oh, yes." Vivienne thought of something, and said casually, "I just advanced to the Archbishop."

“The Archbishop?” Debbie asked his own mahjong card casually. “It’s said that Vivian has never asked you. What is your realm?”

"I turned out to be the official bishop." Vivienne explained, "Don't say you, I haven't mentioned my realm for a long time. It is estimated that the readers have not remembered a few."

"Hmm. Congratulations." Effie next to him said casually, "I just entered the realm of the Paladin."

"Oh, I am happy with the same hi." Wei Wei An mouth attached to the road.

Standing next to Gwen: "..."

Hey, you are so casual about what you want to be promoted so that you can say it casually, whether it is a paladin or an archbishop, it is a realm that many people can hardly enter for a lifetime. You are so free to let those people who are not at all arbitrarily embarrassed! ! !

After the soul of the Tucao passed, Gwen quickly calmed down. He turned his head and glanced at the door when he came. At this time, he knew that he had just left the fear of the original sin with Vivian. Test...

But before leaving, he did not kill Jack and left Jack inside.

As long as Jack is not dead, he can't leave this sinister trial with his own autonomy. But now he doesn't have much regrets. Is it for himself? Is it already joined the Yeh's camp?

Presumably, after a little more, it will be a little bit of a protagonist.

I feel a lot of peace of mind when I think about it.

Then Gwen looked at the four girls waiting for Debbie. The four girls have already started fierce mahjong battles. However, Gwen understands that they are not worried about the companions who have not yet come out. They are still using this way to send their concerns.

In the same way, it also proves that although they are worried, they can still be sure that all their companions can smoothly leave the original sin test!

Not only the sag, but even these companions of Ye hang, with some temperament that Gwen can't understand at all...


"This group of guys, what do they think of the dangerous trials, even playing cards!!! Or this weird mahjong called mahjong. Is this the thing that the hammerhead invented?" The unknown presence on the four girls looking at the mahjong in the mirror is so violently--because Vivian has passed the test, so the mirrors of the three men and Vivian are displayed at this time. Unknown, there is a powerful wave of fists: can this group of people not play cards according to common sense? I even played mahjong tiles...

However, it seems that this kind of thing called mahjong is a bit interesting...

It’s not right, now is not the time to consider this kind of thing!

There is no such thing as a sore forehead. Some sweaty said to himself: "It is obvious that they are also very worried about their companions. They have successfully gone out of the test, but other companions may not be as safe as they are, like this half-elves..." Unknown There is a mirror that will show Freya in front of her. "She is in danger, oh. Maybe this half-elf girl will stay in the test of loneliness forever."


Lonely test the secret territory.

The scene presented here is the island of Dorn. In the very center of the island stands a magnificent building. This is a huge castle, inhabited by the king of the Dorn Empire and his reborn brides...

In one of the rooms above the castle, as the 10,000th bride, Freya was nervously looking through the window to see everything below. She was holding a magic magnet in her arms and looking at the scope of the magic magnet. Looking at the scene below, consider the possibility of escaping from here - because Liri is always with her on weekdays, so she has always been helping her to hold a big cock, and when she enters the test, she is also She brought it in.

Before she came to this testimony with Harawin and others, it appeared on a funeral. It was the funeral of a sister of Harawin. Because of the curse in the blood, the island girls could not fall in love, in love. The price is the early death of their lives, which allows them to taste permanent loneliness and loneliness.

The original sin of loneliness is experienced in their body.

When Dorn asked if Freya was willing to be his 10,000th bride, Freya had already agreed to it like a huge earthquake. Why did she agree? The answer may be simple: she has been a lonely and lonely person since she was a child. I hope that there will be a big family that cares for each other. In this mystery, this lonely torture is infinitely magnified, and she is eager to join the weird big family of the Dorn royal family.

But when she was greeted by the king to the exclusive Dorn bride's palace room waiting for the evening wedding, she suddenly woke up from that lonely lost: what I was doing! ? How can I be inexplicably promised to be the bride of others! ?

Lonely... She has found her own family's own happiness, isn't it?

Since I met Yeh Teng, the naughty cute snacks, the elf, Lier, the regular teasing and the greed of money, the arrogant and arrogant Effie, the glamorous noble and occasional shy Dajinsi, kind and lovely Warm and welcoming Vivian... Everyone in the castle is her family. She has already got the happiness she had expected before!

Why is she still lonely? So you have to escape!

Who is going to be the old man's bride!

But... how can she escape?

There is at least a hundred feet from here to below. Although the bottom is full of soft island trees, if you jump directly, you may still be broken into meat. Would you like to use a sheet to screw it into a rope?

Uh... Even if you screw everything in this room into a rope, I’m afraid it’s just a few long ropes?

Freya took the magic magnet into her space ring and rubbed her hands against the window. Standing on the window sill and looking down - high.

If the boss is around, he will definitely think of a bunch of ghost ideas and take her to jump from here.

It was at this time that the door was suddenly pushed open.

Harawen appeared at the door.

This physical and sensation index is even more so than Wei Wei'an. The girl who is more than a big fire sees that she is standing on the window and reveals a Freya who looks like she would rather marry and not marry. She suddenly stunned, she subconsciously The idea is -

"Please don't jump off the building and commit suicide!"

At the first sight, King Dorn looked at Freya and wanted to marry Freya as his 10,000th bride because he had fancy the blood of the Elle, and the blood of the Elf could live forever. Half-elves also have the characteristics of longevity. The island of Dorn is now enjoying the longevity and the curse of loneliness. It is also because of the elves, if you want to unravel the curse of yourself. Maybe... can the blood of the elf help me?

Perhaps he and the descendants of Freya can untie the tragic fate that has shackled the island of Dorn for two thousand years?

There are three other trials in the country of Rawan in Haraway. When Dorn asked King Freya if he was willing to be his own bride, he understood his plans. At that moment, they were also infected by the idea of ​​getting rid of loneliness. Immersed in it, this is their original sin of solitude, and even before returning to Freya, Harawin has been helping the sisters prepare this grand elf wedding!

But... Harawin has awake from the test of loneliness and originality with his strong will.

Among all the people who participated in the original sin test, only one person in Harawin was truly defeated by his own will. She tried to wake up her three companions, but they were not as strong as Haraway, they were completely Immersed in the ecstasy of freeing the fate of loneliness, letting Harawin say that they don't listen. In the end, Harawen had no choice but to decide to come to Freya.

But when she came to Freya's room, she saw that Freya was ready to jump off the building!

While reminding Freya in the mouth, Haraway was rushing to the window quickly, grabbing Freya's arm and shouting in his mouth: "What are you going to do? You will die if you jump from here!" ”

"Don't. Don't..." Freya's face was pale, and Nima suddenly rushed over and grabbed her arm and jumped!

"Don't?" Harawen snorted. Freya meant not to care for her? She should be prepared to say this... It seems that she would rather die than the bride of Dorn King. It is a firm and loyal girl. Hara said softly, "Please don't give up and be afraid. I will definitely bring it. You left here..."

"Loose hands ~ ~ let go..." Freya continued to yell in the mouth.

"..." Harawen looked shocked, and she let herself let go! She really didn't want to live... Actually, she said she would take her away, but how could it be? She knows that Freya is a half-elf, but she has no combat ability. She has no confidence to take her out of here...

Perhaps, giving up your life is the best choice at this time?

"I understand, I will always remember your name, I will find a way to take your body out and teach Mr. Hammerhead, you... go well." Haraway's face showed a miserable smile, then Released your hand.

"Ah--" Freya fell from the window, and it was a scream.

But then -

"Wait..." Harawin thought of something. "What she just said seems to be: Don't let go?"


Ask for a ticket for a monthly ticket~~~(To be continued.)