
v6 Chapter 433: Force it back to 1000 years ago!

Ye Hang and Lier’s conversation is very rapid, but the devil is not so easy to deceive. He seems to have noticed the plot of Ye Ding, his face flashed a sneer, and the body instantly disappeared from the place. The next moment appeared on the side of Ye Ding. He achieved the telescopic effect with super speed. With a bang, his arm passed directly through the leaf and Lil's body!

It was only a quick surprise on his face that the front of the leaf and the body of Lil had no real feelings, and it was a phantom!

Then he perceives something and quickly looks at the direction in which the hole leaves—the figures of Yeh and Lil emerge from there.

In the time when Ye Li and Lier were talking, they actually came to the direction of the exit of the cave. At the same time, Ye Lui used the [Shuibo Moonshadow] to leave himself and Lier’s figure in the same place, deceiving the devil. Sight.

"Go, let me and Jarvis rise to you!"

Ye 嘱 嘱 了 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽 丽

"Want to go, not so easy..." The figure of the demon Sauron disappeared again, and once again appeared in front of the leaf sag, its hand is still simple and violently bombarded to the chest of the leaf, ready to use this most rude The way to kill the leaves.

But this time his hand paused in midair.

Because another strong hand has already grabbed his wrist first, Ye sneer looked at the demon: "After using an attack, even if the speed is fast, as long as there is some precaution, it will not be recruited. So simple. do not you get it?"

With that said, Ye hangs sideways and stepped forward, and shouted in his hand, directly smashing the body of the demon soul Sauron to the ground.

At the same time, he turned and shouted loudly to Li, who was standing next to him, shouting: "What are you still doing here, hurry and leave!"

"Okay... Dad." Lier wiped the tears from his face, turned and jumped over the shield made up of several nut walls, and ran away from the hole.

"Can't run, no one can run!"

Was slammed into the bottom of the underground, and the body of the dragon, who was caught in the hard stone surface, shouted loudly. The arm of Sauron, who was holding the leaf in his hand, suddenly turned into a smog and broke away from the palm of the leaf. Then Sauron All of the figures turned into black smoke. And quickly re-formed in midair.

Ye Ding will immediately wave his wand to attack, but the next moment the figure of the demon has appeared in front of him, hehe! boom! boom! The heavy fists of Yu Yu’s fists continued to bombard the body of the leaves, and the speed and strength made the leaves completely unstoppable. His body fell heavily on the wall behind him without any help, and almost half of his body was blasted into the wall.

The devil's mouth is constantly bursting with a burst of laughter, as if enjoying the feeling of this madness.

But very quickly, just listening to the bang, the beams of the two laser swords appeared on its chest - Jarvis attacked from behind. The double sword penetrated his entire body!

The soul of Sauron should be able to feel the pain at this moment. It screamed in the mouth and looked down at the blades of the two laser swords exposed on his chest. The body dissipated into black fog again and then condensed in the distance. Re-agglomerating the adult body, his mouth screaming in anger.

Jarvis quickly ran to Ye Hang’s side: "Sir, you have nothing?"


Ye Ding tried to stand up from the hole in the wall. He only felt that the bones of his body seemed to have been broken. The mouth could not help but cough up a few mouthfuls of blood. His spirit seems to have been bombarded just now. Some of them are in confusion. I saw his eyes staring at the demon in front of him, and said in his mouth: "The enemy is too strong. It seems that he can only be transformed into a Super Saiyan to solve him. Jarvis, if I hang up, remember to resurrect with Dragon Ball. I, ah ah ah ah..."

"Mr. You are sober,..." Jarvis hurriedly reminded him of the lobes that were ready to transform.

"..." Ye Dang swayed his head hard, and this completely restored some confusion. He looked up and looked at the sneer in front of the sneer, Sauron, and took a sip of blood in his mouth. "Scratch, this design is nothing more than a fringe on the head with a black color. It’s just like Flissa, just got into the Dragon Ball story..."

When I talked about Yeh, I went looking for my wand, and suddenly he realized what he was. Turn your head again to see the magic spirit Sauron.

The magic spirit Sauron sneered and raised his arm. He was holding a wand in his hand. He had just stolen the wand of the leaf when he was attacked by Jarvis from behind! Just listen to it, it will pinch the wand into two halves, burning in the black flame, directly burning this wand into ashes.

"The magician below the specialization field must use the wand to release powerful magic. You don't have a wand now, but I want to see how you are going to continue to play with me." The magic spirit Sauron sneered.

"It's very simple..."

Ye Ding saw that his wand was destroyed but he had no worries at all. He took a deep breath and followed the wind and began to condense around his body. The wind element was like a whirlpool and was somehow pulled to his body. The injury on the leaf hang is also quickly recovered from the naked eye. After two baptisms of dragon blood, the second time is the dragon blood baptism of the real black flame dragon. The body can be said to have superior healing ability. At this time, his recovery speed has completely surpassed the effect of dragon blood.

Just listening to Ye sneer and continuing to just say: "... In this case, then I will enter the field of specialization."

With these words, the body of the leaf hangs completely recovered, and the clothes are windless and automatic. This is not the special effect that he deliberately made to make a handsome man, but his body has now completely produced the characteristics of the wind, as if by Composed of wind elements.

Wind Element Specialization!

In the past millennium, Ye Sao has entered the field of specialization many times and then succumbed to the realm. It can be said that except for the field of all-round specialization, all other areas of specialization are already familiar, and he has been in Longjing many times. It has recorded the sentiment of entering the field of specialization of each department.

The original leaf sag is already the ninth-order ninth-level peak magician. The only difference between him and the field of specialization is the final sentiment. Therefore, before the departure to kill the magic spirit, Ye hang has made sufficient preparations. The preparation work is to fully integrate the sentiments that enter the field of specialization. At this time, the leaf drop can be said to be able to enter any special field other than the all-round specialization field at any time and any place.

In short, he can now enter any specialization field indiscriminately!


The silhouette of the leaf hangs directly into a hurricane that roars the world, invisible and invisible, instantly blowing in front of the devil Sauron, a powerful wind spinning around the body of the magic spirit Sauron. A layer of wind was formed around his body.

The force of the hurricane began to tear the body of Sauron, and the demon spirit screamed in the mouth of Soren, constantly attacking the surroundings, but his attack could not hurt the leaf sag at all. After entering the field of specialization, the leaf can use the wind element as its own, and even let part of the body merge with the wind element, and the characteristics of the wind element specialization are invisible and rapid.

He trapped the devil Sauron with a hurricane.

At the same time, Jarvis is also ready to fight.

He is going to use the strongest stunt he developed in the last millennium. He named his stunt as: twenty-eight swords!

This name is very good at first sight. It seems that you can use the twenty-eight-handed sword to fight directly. In fact, his most powerful place is that he really controls the twenty-eight-handed sword!

"嗡嗡嗡" laser sword started to sound, Javis in addition to the laser sword of both hands, the outer side of each arm also inspired three laser swords, three laser swords appeared on the outside of the thigh, and his On the back, there were fourteen swords of laser swords!

A total of twenty-eight laser swords in the week!

At this time, Jarvis is no longer an armor. In the last millennium, Ye Sai has constantly reformed him according to Jarvis’ own wishes, and he has continuously pushed a laser sword into his body. Among them.

Now he can control twenty-eight laser swords.

At this moment, his body is simply no more cool, just like a laser hedgehog...

And so many laser sword activations will inevitably require a lot of energy. So now Jarvis has broken into five super-magic spar, enough to supply the magical power needed for his twenty-eight sword flow.

"Sir, I am coming!"

Jarvis screamed in his mouth and his body jumped up. His body curled up in the air, clung together, and began to roll quickly, which turned his body into a powerful laser ball.

The powerful hurricane formed by the field of leaf plucking also cracked a crack, allowing the laser ball Jarvis to enter.

At this time, the situation is like this: the hurricane formed by the drooping forms a wind wall enveloping the magic spirit Sauron, and the laser ball formed by Jarvis's twenty-eight sword flow is covered by the leaf in this closed space. Under the control, turn around. And the constant bombardment is trapped in the magical spirit of Sauron, because the two people have no cooperation, so Jarvis can adjust the laser sword at any time without hurting the body of the leaf.

This is like putting a hedgehog and a wild cat in the washing machine and then dry cleaning...

That wild cat is not too miserable!

If you really want to do this, then the wild cat will not die. I don’t know, anyway, the scream of the demon, surrounded by the combination of the leaf and Jarvis’s “washing machine mode”, is continuous. Even if his current form seems to have reached the point where King Kong is not bad, he can still black atomize the physical attack immunity at any time, but it is so severely wounded by laser Javis by this ingenious attack method, still causing him a lot of damage. Load...

And when Ye Ding and Jarvis's washing machine model completely trapped the devil Sauron, in the dark corner of this huge cave, with a dark cover. Lill is holding what the transmission is all about.

She had left the hole under the cover of Ye Hang, but she actually did not leave half a step from the beginning!

The image of the previous leaf cover that left her to leave is still the illusion that the leaf is made with the moonlight. She has another task - she is using the transfer order to activate the time reset, and the time reset is not the leaf drop. Not Jarvis, but Smeg!

Reset Smeg to the appearance of a greedy secret, in which case Smeg will be forcibly separated from the devil!

The magical spirit that transformed the Smeg into a thousand years will no longer exist!

This is the tactic that Ye Ding and Lil Jarvis set when they set off. If the devil is so powerful that they can't win, then use this tactic to solve the devil.

When they realized that the devil and the cockroaches were completely integrated into Sauron, the final tactics began to be implemented.

But if you want to reset the time, you must first get the body fragments of the person being reset. Otherwise, Lil and Jarvis will reset Smeg together when resetting the leaf drop. It will save a lot of trouble, no need to risk letting Ye Hang go to contact with the scorpion to let Ye shou get rid of the enchantment of the Lord of the Rings.

It’s just that for thousands of years, Yehry and Jarvis have been unable to obtain the body fragments of the skeleton. He is too embarrassed.

Just now, when Ye Ding used [Fire Dragon] and [Thunder Dragon] to trap the magic spirit Sauron and Jarvis attacked the devil, Jarvis finally got a small part of the body fragments. Just a little bit of something that can do some kind of authentication, but only need this thing to borrow transfer orders and time resets, and force the reset to a thousand years ago!

Now, in the time when Ye and Jarvis are trapped in the spirit of Sauron, the time reset of Lil is about to be completed!

Ask for the recommended ticket and the monthly ticket ha ~~~ (to be continued.)