
v7 Chapter 523: Who can think of this kind of god?

The lord of the leaf hangs in the world.

"Mr. Boothdo, has the transmission array been activated?" The meditation on the steps in front of the castle saw that Booth had come over, so he asked.

"I have already opened the transfer array that was handed over to me before the hammer is left. It will continue to run. If the hammer wants to come back, he can come back in an instant." Booth nodded and said that the hammer was made before leaving. Two super-transfer reels, if the two reels are used at the same time, can make the leaf drop to transmit at a very long distance, across the entire continent of Aigendas, in the previous debbie and leafy magic sound calls In the middle, the leaf has already let Boothro open the transfer reel first, so that the leaf can be transmitted at any distance.

"But I don't know why, there seems to be something happening on the hammerhead. He didn't send it immediately..." Booth had a bit of worry on his face. "I wonder if he has encountered any problems."

"The hammer will definitely come back in time."

Debbie was convinced of this. She looked up at Booth and looked up: "Mr. Booth, there may be a big fight in the future. The people of Prince Oberon will not let go here. You should rest well. Let me go."

"Debbie, there are three fixed entrances in the world of the lord... Among them, the house of Unicom and the two portals of the Anthony Magic Store. I have blocked it for the first time, but there is a third door. Why don't you let me? Block the door too?" Busth asked with some concern.

"There are only a few people who know where the door is. Now it is the most dangerous place in the entire Matan Empire. I want to wait until they come here and then plug the door." Debbie explained that she knows that she is in the emperor. After the big event of Duaxia, anyone will regard the world of Yeh’s lord as the safest place for the first time. Debbie is waiting for their arrival.

In the hall of the castle, fourteen dwarves and the female orc Kara are drinking a big mouthful of meat, preparing for the battle that is likely to come at any time. Of course, it will be safe in the world of the lord, but no one will be safe. Know if there will be an emergency. They all need to be prepared for the battle, and it is clear that these dwarves will be an amazing force.

They have been equipped with a series of armed equipment that is completely different from the world's style of painting and full of technology and magic. These are the designs that Ye Hang has designed over the centuries.

The butler Alf came up with a large plate of barbecue from the kitchen. He glanced at Booth, who was standing at the gate of the castle, and Debbie, who was sitting on the steps, and walked over with some worry: "Sir, Miss Debbie, you also have something to eat... especially 黛Miss Bi, from that sorrow to the present. You have never eaten anything."

"I am not hungry." Debbie shook her head and refused. She took out her own giant sword, placed on the extra-slim legs and gently wiped it. This moment the girl is like a wait. The Valkyrie who started the battle.

Booth looked worried at him. He sighed and smiled and said to Alf: "I am going to eat something, hey, wait for me, this old bone may really start to fight." It is."

Time passed quietly.

Suddenly, Debbie felt something alert and looked at the bush next to it. There was movement on the other side, followed by a slight conversation.

"Princess Shi An, the third door opened in that place, I am afraid no one can think of it!"

"There is only a few people who know this secret entrance. You are the attendant officer of the hammerhead in Joffrey. Has he never told you?"

"No... Hammerhead and Miss Debbie have never let me go to his lord world."


Just at this time, Debbie waved away the bushes. She saw Shi’an wearing a rags, dirty face, and Johor’s eyes that looked nervous and worried.

When they saw Debbie, they were shocked. Then the two showed a pleasant expression at the same time.

"Debbie..." Shi An rushed to Debbie's body and hugged Debbie's waist. She was not very close to her relationship with her. In fact, because Shi An and Grayton had nothing to do. I like to run in the world of the lord. Then I went to pick something up. After being discovered, I was naturally a good meal. Their relationship was still bad in the past, but those are only superficial, but this time I saw Debbie, the pressure of the previous accumulation in poetry and peace. Sad. As if for a moment, all of them are excluded.

Debbie was stunned, subconsciously clinging to Shi An, and his eyes were a little surprised to see Jovi.

She did not expect that the poetry would come here with Joffrey...

"How come you are here?" Debbie hugged poetry in one hand, and the other hand grabbed the Gatlin sword in his hand.

"The palace has changed dramatically. There are battles in several places in Asia. I guess what might happen, so I will wait at the exit of the palace secret road in advance. I used to be the personal attendant of His Majesty the King. I was inadvertently informed about the secret road, and I really waited for the poems from the inside, so I asked her to bring me here."

Joffrey quickly said that he was nervously watching Debbie: "Miss Debbie... I know this is the safest place..."

Debbie showed a vigilant expression in her eyes. She put the poem behind her and showed her hostility to Joffrey.

After all, Shi’an is just an eight-year-old girl. Although she is precocious, she still believes in others too easily. She brought Joffrey here...

And Joffrey was suddenly forced, and I don’t know why Debbie was hostile to himself.

At this time, Debbie trembled in his heart and turned his head to look to the rear.

There is a figure in the white light that is quickly emerging. Some of them are wearing the guardian costumes of Prince Oberon, and some are members of the Swordsmen Guild, members of the Wizards Guild, and even from The master of the Gangster Empire...

The world of the lord was once again invaded!

"This, this... how come?" Joffrey looked terrified.

Shi An also has a small face: "How is this?"

"Those people are brought by him." 黛 指 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔 乔.

"I?" Joffrey was full of shock.

The dwarves who were drinking in the castle heard the movements outside and rushed out. Their tomahawks were transformed by lasers, which were completely condensed by lasers. They were more convenient and quick, and their armor was more It was a space transformation, with strong destructive power and defensive power, and the fourteen dwarves were highly motivated at this moment.

They only have fourteen people. In addition, there are a total of sixteen, including Butdo and Cara, but the sixteen of them face the hundreds of invaders, but they seem to be completely out of the wind.

"For the honor of the dwarf, for the glory of the Lord. Fight!"

Sorin took the lead and was ready to go to war.

He and other dwarves originally joined the world of Yeh's lord in a cooperative relationship, but after a long time passed, with the fascinating magical design drawings of the leaves, Ye Dang has already won The respect of these dwarves. They have admitted that Ye Hang is their lord.

A big battle is on the verge.

One dwarf is preparing to fight to death.

That scene is just a feeling of blood!


"噗通", Sorin, who had just issued a **** declaration, suddenly fell to the ground with a soft body. The other dwarves and the female orc Kara, also one after another, followed the Donomi card and fell to the ground.

Bustho's body swayed. He didn't fall, but he could see that his condition was very poor. His right hand trembled and tried to condense a space spell, but he could not do it at all.

Is this poisoned?

Debbie protects Shi’an with one hand and holds Gatlin’s giant sword pointing at Joffrey. He can’t help but see this face.

And it is at this time. A loud bang rang, it was a dragon humming sound, accompanied by this sound, flying from a black, cold figure in the forest, that was the dragon baby, the 18 dragons that were kept in the forest Also rushed out under the call of the dragon baby, after so long training, each of these dragons has become extremely powerful, with a high level of Warcraft.

Even the one of the wind wolf heads, with the help of the "black dragon meat 坷 特 special pet food" prepared by Ye Ding. Reached the ninth order.

Each of them is incredibly powerful!

And when they unite, they can play an earth-shattering battle. Lier is sitting on the back of the dragon baby, holding his favorite magic magnet in his small hand. Be prepared to kill the enemy at any time.

Nineteen World of Warcraft came out of their nests, and the power was amazing. Even though the hundreds of people who invaded the world of the Lord were so powerful, this moment has changed.

Debbie showed a sneer, hey, the Warcraft carefully trained Warcraft finally came in handy! Stupid intruders are ready to die!


"噗通!" The head of the wind wolf that was rushing to the forefront of the dragon beast suddenly rolled onto the ground, as if the body suddenly became a lack of strength, and other dragons and beasts rolled one after another. I can't get up again.

The dragon baby flew in the air, and it seemed to have been affected. He made a weak and screaming, and the body fell toward the direction of the cockroach. It put the last bit of strength to send Lil on the back to Debbie. It seems that it can no longer flap its wings.

"Oh..." It screamed in doubt in his mouth, and the baby had no strength for Mao...

Debbie: "..."

This Nima pothole!

In the blink of an eye, the only thing in the world that can be beaten in the Lord's world is that there is only one Debbie.

The intruders sneered around and screamed at Debbie.

"Don't move, I will kill him if I move again." Debbie said coldly, and Gartlin's sword in his hand was aimed at Joffrey next to him.

Joffrey immediately trembled: "Miss Debbie, don't be impulsive..."

The intruders were also slightly stunned, and then one eye was full of surprises and looked at Debbie, as if Debbie was doing something weird.


"Debbie, you are very powerful, but sometimes your head is really a little bit faint..." A somewhat old voice suddenly said, "If the hammer is here, he will understand the problem in the first place." It’s not Joffrey, it’s me.”

Alver smiled and walked to the front of the intruders.

"Alf, you..." Debbie has widened his Re-introducing my identity. Alf coldly said, he made a royal singer to Debbie. "My full name is Alfred Matan, the only child of the 26th king of the Matan Empire. This country should have been its mine. ”

At the beginning of the imperial affairs official residence, the fourth person standing with Osphori, the university student, and Oberon was Alf, but he used some kind of magic to hide his breath and changed. The sound makes Ye Hang think he is a young man.

Afterwards, the appearance of Joffrey was completely an exception. At one time, Ye Ding put his doubtful eyes on Joffrey.

Ye Wei did not think that the real emperor was actually always by his side.

His butler Alf.

Who can think of this kind of god? ?


In the next chapter, Debbie is more powerful, and the chapter name is "Debbie's Super Skills [Golden Rain]" (to be continued.)