
v8 Chapter 673: This is my omnipotence

At the beginning of the dynasty, I saw the demon emperor thousands of years ago in the trial of the Emperor. After 10,000 years of time and space, the devil took the nest of the dragon from his hand. At that time, Yeh’s first real experience was realized. The power of the demon emperor left a deep impression on his heart, but then he studied the absolute field of omnipotent magic and understood the essence of time magic, which made him feel that the magic king crossed the eternal years... in fact, it was like that.

The Emperor Trial is a world of secrets, and this world of the world is actually the absolute realm of the Emperor himself. He can control everything in his own absolute field, and naturally he can control the passage of time at will.

In a way, all the rules in the absolute field are completely independent of the rules of the vast world outside the absolute realm, time, eternity, power, life... These rules will be dominated by the Lord of the field, the absolute field Inside, absolutely invincible, even the speed of time in the absolute field can be arbitrarily mobilized by the owner of the field.

Ye Ding can make time in his absolute field flow through hundreds of thousands of thousands of years, and when Ye Dang will close the absolute field, for people outside the absolute field, time has passed. A moment.

This is the magic of time.

But it is not a complete magic of time.

Because for the current leaf sag, this way of controlling time is only effective in the absolute field, and it is very dangerous. If Ye hangs in the absolute field for hundreds of years, his life will be reduced by hundreds of years. Now is not eternal life, directly adjust the time flow rate in the absolute field, isn't it ruined to kill yourself?

Ye Hang said that he would kill Illidan after 8500 years, and now Lier is being shrouded in an absolute field. Ye Lu can directly adjust the time schedule, so that the time in the absolute field will come to 8,000. A hundred years later, but the power of time will also be applied to him. At that time, he is afraid that the **** that has been corroded by time will not be left...

Evil Lier’s face showed a treacherous smile: “You have to kill me after 8500 years? That’s good, I know that the absolute field of the Almighty Wizard can control the time, but [Time Rule] and Time Magic It’s totally different. It’s impossible to come to 8.5 years after the magic of time. Haha, you are coming to try, you are not eternal life, you can’t resist the corrosion of time!”

It seems that Illidan is quite familiar with the all-round magician and the absolute field.

It is because of understanding that he has no fear.

He knew that Ye Ding could not really find his true body across 8500 years.

For the control of time magic, Ye Ding has not yet reached the level of the Emperor, can directly immunize time and power corrosion, easily across the ages.

"My strength really has no way to resist the corrosion of time, but there are people around me." Ye Ding said calmly.

"The person around you? You mean this elf? She is now under my control. You can't borrow her eternal power... or the half-elf in your space world? Hey, the blood of the elf is so noble, it is actually human. Defiled, when I am completely resurrected, I must kill all the half-elf in this world in the most brutal way!" Evil Lier said evilly.

"You will insult Freia this account and I will count with you."

The leaf hangs coldly, and he stretches out his right hand. The magical matrix of the mysterious magic on the palm of his hand is constantly flashing. He is feeling something...

Evil Lil has no fear, sneer at the leaf drop. Only the elf can live forever in this world. Unless Ye Hang controls [Eternal Rule], his magic of time can never hurt himself. What worry can he have?

Suddenly, the face of the evil Lill changed, because he suddenly thought that someone around Ye Hang was faintly touching the edge of the [Nice Mark Rule], that is, the little girl with a giant sword...

The person that Ye Li said that can resist the corrosion of time is the little girl?

He said in amazement: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Ding did not answer Illidan. He suddenly thought of something. He waved his hand and gently tweeted the song. With the exclamation in the mouth of Gloria, her body was immediately wrapped in white light and disappeared. The next moment she appeared outside the absolute field. She was sent out of the absolute field by the leaves, because the next thing to try is likely to be very dangerous, he does not want to let Gloria take risks together.

Then, the leaves closed their eyes, and the evil Lill looked at the leaves with a little worry. After a while, the corners of the corners of his mouth suddenly hooked up, and then he saw a sudden victory in his right hand. There is a vague image of a giant sword in the light.

Look at that shape, it is the golden sword of Debbie.

Open your eyes and see the golden giant sword in your hand, and the leaves are showing a surprise smile: "Sure enough!"

To become a versatile magician, you need to be thoroughly versed in the seven elements of magic, in addition to the need to coordinate the dark magic elements of these seven magic elements.

The dark magic element is a very special magic element, it is not dark in itself, it varies from person to person, because the devil is the first to understand the dark magic elements, and he borrows seven original sins to comprehend the dark magic, so let this The magical element gives the feeling of evil, which is called the dark magic element, and the dark element of the leaf drop is [Pok Oi].

Because of his [fraternity], every girl around Ye Hang will condense his guardian angel.

The guardian angel has a magical power that responds to the expectations of the girl around the leaf.

However, the dark elements of the leaves are just like this? Of course not, the dark elements are two-way, and the dark elements of the leaves respond to the girls' expectations. Similarly, the dark elements also build a bridge between the leaves and the girls, making the relationship between them very intimate.

So... Ye Hang can borrow their strength.

The golden sword summoned by Ye Long’s right hand is certainly not the real golden sword, but the power of the golden giant sword. It is the eternal rule power that Debbie gives to it. This power is now Debbie, so Leaf drop can be borrowed through dark magic.

"In that prophecy, I said that I would wear dazzling armor, the so-called armor, which actually represents the power of Debbie." Ye Lixin thought secretly, this moment he understood that the prophecy did not understand. One thing, he looked at the shadow of the giant sword in his right hand, and his mouth smiled. "This is the [eternal rule] power."

Seeing that Ye Ding actually borrowed Debbie’s [Eternal Rule] in some inexplicable way, the evil Lil’s face was shocked. He shouted, his hands together, and a strong root in the open space in front of him. The vines immediately rose up, like a giant snake plunging into the leaves.

However, Ye looked at the attacking methods of these elf magic, but his face was only a faint smile, his left hand stretched out, and a huge arm phantom suddenly condensed on his arm, as if it were leafy. Super curse [Titan's Strike], but in fact it is far stronger than that, this is the real Titan power, [power rules].

Ye Ding borrowed the power of Gloria.

The huge palms of those vines are in their hands, as if they were pulling out the weeds, and the horrible vines are shredded into pieces.

Then the silhouette of the leaf hangs in an instant, appearing in front of the evil Lil.

In the mouth of the evil Lier, the body quickly becomes a translucent texture, [Eternal Nihility], in this state, the body he controls will be completely isolated from the world, and no attack can damage the body that he controls. He immediately wanted to escape the absolute field of leaf drop.

But how easy is it?

The "eternal rule" of the right hand of Ye Ding is precisely the only force that can break through the eternal emptiness. Only when the right hand of the leaf hangs, the virtual shadow of the golden giant sword suddenly shines brightly, and the evil Lil body in the translucent state follows. materialization.

Evil Lill turned his head and his face was full of horror.

Ye Hang has extended his left hand again, his index finger sticking out, aiming at Lier’s head.

[No me killing, forgetting]!

A moment of light ignited from the fingers of the leaves, and fell into the head of the evil Lil.

Now Lill, the body has some wonderful connection with Illidan after 8500 years, and the power of [No Rule] is just the nemesis of this connection. Its [forgotten power] can be forced. Erase Illidan's manipulation of Lil!

Rilna's purple skin quickly returned to white and tender, and the small horn on the head disappeared. The long black hair turned back to pale green, her body fell softly to the ground, and the leaf hang appeared on his side. She is in her arms.

Then the golden giant sword of the right hand of the leaf is instantly turned into a golden yellow light shrouded in the body of Ye Ding and Lier. This is the control of the leaf hanging control [Eternal Rule] as a barrier to guard him and Lil. Then the leaf sag controls the absolute field and the time begins to accelerate.

As early as in the Magic Emperor's Secret, Ye Chou developed a cheat, and he already had some understanding of how to control the time. After mastering the absolute field, he was more comfortable in controlling the time flow.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the existences around Yeh and Lill’s body began to change. They are now in the palace of the Asakusa Elf, and the absolute field of the former leaflet has already been the throne of the Elf King. And the wall next to it shrouded in a part, I saw that under the corrosion of time, the throne that was built with the cold was quickly filled with rust and became ruined, and was shrouded into the wall of the absolute field by one side. Also quickly collapsed...

Ye Li can still perceive a glimpse of Illidan's breath through Lil. With this scent as a clue, he let the time in the absolute field come quickly after 8500 years. This time is the age of Legolas plus The age of Lill, but compared to the age of Legolas, Lil was born less than a year, even a fraction of it is not.

Under the protection of the Eternal Rule, Yeh and Lier were not eroded by time.

Then suddenly, a seemingly unreal evil figure appeared in front of the leaf sag, deep purple skin, huge double horns, black hair, elf ear, and smashed eyes, it is the fallen elf Illidan!

At the moment, it is not the entity but a kind of mindset. After devouring Legolas's "life rules," the superimposed life trajectory forcibly separates Illidan's body and mind. His body was left in the past, and his thoughts were sent eight thousand five hundred years later, and his "eternal rules" allowed him to survive in this way.

He has already perceived the appearance of the leaf sag, his face showing a shocking expression, and the rough and hoarse voice shouted in the elf language: "No, impossible... you... you actually came to 8.5 years." Rear!"

"The devil can do it, then I can do it, although I don't know how the emperor reached the realm of omnipotence..."

Ye Hang’s right hand clasped Lil, his left hand extended, and a milky white lightsaber extended from his hand. He pointed it to Illidan in front of him. This is the rule of destruction from Hippo.

"This is my omnipotence!"

I’m going to write about it, really... I’ll upload it around 9:00 in the next chapter~ I’ll ask for a ticket and a monthly pass (to be continued.)