Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 100: Congratulations within the family

   "Four nephews Li Shiyong, congratulations, pure gold birthday!"

   "Niece Li Min, He, 108 pieces of silver tableware."

   "Seven nephews Li Shiming, He, ebony tea table!"

  Different from the guest gifts, the gifts in the Li family are all personally sent to the birthday star Li Xuanyu.

   Guest congratulations are foreign scenes. Congratulations within the Li family show the majesty of their children and grandchildren.

  Li Shili always paid attention to the Mo family when he started the congratulatory ceremony within the family. The Mo family had arrived at the scene long ago, and in their identity, the seat was on the left of Li Xuanyu, and the position was very conspicuous.

This Mo family has a blank face, which is different from the festive atmosphere around them. Of course, this is not the most important thing. What makes Li Shili worry is that the Mo family came here yesterday, but even a gift Not prepared.

  The Mo family did not send a gift.

The four big families Lin, Bai, Yang, Su, Shengjing, as well as the Qin family and the Ning family, all presented gifts, but their gifts were ordinary, not very outstanding, but not bad. I want to pick out nothing wrong.

  The group of official figures who came with Zheng Guanjia also brought gifts, or calligraphy and painting, or ink treasure. Although they are not expensive, they definitely supported Li Xuanyu.

Among the guests who arrived, only the Mo family did not congratulate them.

  Li Shili was very worried about the troubles of the Mo family, so he kept watching them.

   But it looks okay. For so long, the Mo family just didn't speak with a straight face, and acted as a visitor.

  Li Shili was a little relieved, looked around, and soon saw Li Mo.

  Li Mo's hands are still empty, standing with the ugly **** named'Wang Huan', chatting one sentence at a time.

  Li Shili looked disgusted and turned his attention to the valuable guests, and immediately turned into a smiling face.

  Li Shili leaned in front of Qin Zhen: "Qin Lao, your present is really too expensive, and I am really flattered."

   "I only blamed the time this time for being too hasty, and I can only offer this small gift. I just hope that my little friend will not blame the old man for the last time.

  Li Shili was startled: "Little friend? What little friend?"

  Qin Zhen smiled and said, "You wouldn't you not know?"

   "What do I know?" Li Shili was stunned.

   Qin Zhen glanced at Li Mo, then at Li Shili, who seemed to know nothing, and he stunned and smiled, without explaining to him.

   Qin Zhen came this time, of course, was directed at Li Mo, but it was not Li Mo's invitation. He learned the news, so he did not invite him.

  Yu Boyan smiled to Li Shili and said: "Shili, I have to congratulate you on having a good son. I see, the day when your Li family regained its glory and was promoted to Shengjing's first family, I'm afraid it's not far away."

  Li Shili was startled again.

Secretary Wang came over and patted Li Shili's shoulder: "Shili, didn't you tell me last time that you want to take the land in the southern suburbs? After our meeting and discussion, we agreed that your Li family is the most suitable. Candidates."

   "Secretary Wang Wang, do you mean that the land in the southern suburbs was developed for our Li family?" Li Shili was all excited and stuttered.

  The land in the southern suburbs of Shengjing is more valuable than Yulong Bay, except that the land has been contracted by the Sus. The Lis wanted to share a piece of soup before the secretary said this.

   "Do you want to give you a contract now?"

   "Don't use it, Secretary Wang, what did you say, can you believe it?"

   "Hahaha, when the birthday is done, I will call you to talk about the contract in detail."

   "Okay, okay."

   "Shili, your son has made a terrific friend. After that, I have to see your Li family's support."

  Secretary Wang patted Li Shili's shoulder meaningfully and left.

  My son made an incredible friend?


  Li Shili was confused, he saw Secretary Wang and Zheng Butler standing together, and chatted.

   Looking aside, Su Mingyuan, the head of Su's family, was somber and unhappy.

   Su Ming didn't have such a complexion when he came from afar.

   Is Secretary Wang forcibly telling him to give up the land in the southern suburbs?

   Is there anyone in Shengjing Province who can make big people like Secretary Wang do this kind of thing?

   No, none.

   Kyoto Zheng family!

  Li Shili was shocked.

  The Mo family is in control, the Zheng family is in power, the Bai family is in charge of money, and the three major families in Kyoto each have their victories. However, the family that can affect the career of others is none other than the Zheng family.

  When did Li Yan meet the Zheng family?

   "Long Sun Liyan, congratulations, a pair of gold and silver jade chessboard!"

   The next man shouted loudly, and it was the grandchildren's turn to congratulate.

  Li Yan stood in front of Li Xuanyu, holding the gold, silver and emerald chessboard.

  Long Sun Liyan?

  Qin Zhen looked to Li Mo.

  Mo family head Mo Zhen looked east to Li Mo.

   Yu Boyan, Zhang Jingsheng, Lin Jing, but all the big people who did not appear on the invitation list of Li Shili and Li Shizhong turned their heads and looked at Li Mo.

  Li Mo looked indifferent.

   "Wait a minute!"

   Just when Li Yan wanted to put down the gold, silver and jade chessboard, Li Xuanyu stood up and looked around.

   The living room was quiet.

   "Everyone came from afar, it was an honor for to take this good opportunity, this good day, I want to announce something."

  Li Shili interrupted Li Xuanyu's words and said, "Dad, it's your granddaughter's turn to congratulate you."

  Li Weiwei combed with two ponytails and stood aside with a violin. Her congratulatory gift was a violin solo. If it was not for Li Xuanyu to stand up and speak, Li Yan's congratulatory gift was her turn.

  Li Xuanyu glared: "You step back to me."

  Li Shili honestly retired.

   "One thing I want to announce is that my eldest grandson, not this grandson, is another, Li Mo!"

  Li Xuanyu reached out a finger.

  Li Shili's face sank.

  Li Mo walked to Li Xuanyu and fought side by side with Li Yan.

   "My grandson Li Mo is my eldest grandson, his father is my evil son Li Shili."

Ning Lily stood up: "Dad, what are you talking about? I am the wife that Shili Mingmedia is marrying. Before me, Shili did not marry at all. Where did this grandson Li Mo come from? Are you always confused? ?"

  Li Shili tweeted: "Lily, pay attention!"

  Li Shili has the heaviest face. There are so many dignitaries coming today. Noisy, he can't hold his face.

Li Xuanyu was not angry, greeted Li Mo in the past, and took Li Mo's hand: "Ladies, this child's mother and my son Li Shili are high school classmates. Later they fell in love and joined together. They lived together for six years, just Because my mistress felt that his mother had a bad background, there was no Minghu who was marrying."

   "His mother's background is not good? You Li family is just fine? What a special thing!"

   Mo Ziyang, who kept his face on his face and didn't speak, was furious, flipping his hands upside down and overturning the table in front of him.