Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 119: Magic lamp

  All the strangers in the Xuanwu Great Formation exhausted and collapsed to the ground.

It’s not that Li Mo can’t suck, but it’s useless to **** again. The strength of these people is in Lingtai Realm. You can use their mana to advance to Lingtai Realm. However, even if you **** them all, it is absolutely impossible to break through. Condensation atmosphere.

   Another thing is that Li Mo did not hurt their mana origin. He let everyone retain a little spirit, and they only need to spend some time to recuperate and they will be intact.

   Li Mo walked into the crack of time and space.

   is a big world with a complete world view. Looking far away, there is an antique building. Looking further away, it is a desert, and in the desert, you can vaguely see several castles.

  As Li Mo looked into the world with his eyes, nearly a hundred bugs fell from the sky, confusing Li Mo.

  Li Mo covered his mouth and nose and ran out of the woods, but the unbearable pungent odor on his body made him repeatedly retching.


   There was a soft feeling under my feet. I looked down and stepped on the yellow and yellow tuo...

  Li Mo ran violently.

  He was completely convinced now, so he made up his mind, and the divination asked him whether he could do it or not, absolutely not.

   came to the quaint town, seeing the costumes of the residents in the town, Li Mo was stunned again.

   The residents of this town, regardless of their gender, are covered with headscarves, and their clothes are also significantly different from those of the ancient Chinese state.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha--"

  Ji Li was shocked, he saw a man sitting on the flying carpet in the sky.

   Flying carpet?

   whizzing ——

   There was more than one flying carpet, and soon Li Mo looked at the second flying carpet and the third flying carpet in the sky. Looking at the reaction of the residents in the town, it seems that they have become accustomed to the flying carpet.

   "Aladdin, you idiot, give me my things back."

   "Come and grab me if you want, a bunch of fools!"

   On the street, a child ran in front, and behind him dozens of children scolded and chased.


   Li Mo suddenly.

   The celebrity named ‘Aladdin’ is the only protagonist in the ‘Aladdin’s lamp’ story.

   Could this origin fragment become Aladdin's magic lamp?

  Original fragments are the core to maintain the operation of the space-time world, and in the world of "Aladdin's Lamp", the strongest is undoubtedly the ``magic lamp'' that can help people do what they want.

   "Who are you? Why is it so weird?"

  Several soldiers approached Li Mo.

   Li Mo originally wanted to use the ‘shrinking the ground’ magical power to leave. How could one step be taken, the magical power could not be produced, just the distance of ordinary walking.

  In this world, can't mana be used?

  Li Mo tried to perceive mana, and the result confirmed his judgment. In this world, he could not feel any mana in his body.

  Li Mo said: "I am Aladdin's friend, I am playing the devil in the story."

   "You said you were playing the legendary demon? Ha ha ha ha, really laughed to death."

   "The devil is 100 meters tall, and the devil is not wearing clothes, hahahaha..."

   Several soldiers laughed away.

  Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief. In this world where mana cannot be used, just a few ordinary human soldiers are enough for him to eat a pot.

   Li Mo quickly left the street and got a suit in a remote farmhouse.

   Changed well, and my heart was set.

   Survival of the fittest, if you want to survive in this world, you must abide by the rules of this world.

   Worlds that cannot use mana, this time it's really not difficult.

  After changing clothes, Li Mo immediately went to look for'Aladdin'.

   Fortunately, there is no need to worry about language exchange in this world, because the residents in this town are all Chinese people. Note: The story of Aladdin’s magic lamp originates from a foreign novel, but the protagonist Aladdin is an authentic Chinese.

  When Li Mo saw Aladdin again, Aladdin leaned lazily against a soil wall and fell asleep.

   "Hello Aladdin." Li Mo walked over.

   "Who are you?" Aladdin looked at Li Mo in surprise.

   "My name is Ala Bu Ding, your brother who has been separated since childhood."

   Aladdin stood up angrily and waved his fist at Li Mo: "Dare you take advantage of me, believe me or not!"

   "I said it is true, do you believe it or not."

   "I believe you are strange."

   Aladdin rushed up to beat Li Mo, and was beaten by Li Mo. In this world, although unable to use his power, Li Mo’s physical strength is not comparable to that of Aladdin's street gangsters.

  Li Mo was unkind and knocked Aladdin over, then he changed into Aladdin's clothes.

   Li Mo dragged Aladdin to a remote place and tied it up, returned to the earth wall, learning to sleep like Aladdin.

   "Boy, what is your name?"

  Not much, a man wearing a pointed wizard hat came to Li Mo.

   "Alla Budin."

   "Aha, it turns out that you are Alabhudin, I can find you, I am your uncle."

"I am your father."

   "Cough, I am really your uncle. I have been looking for you for a long time. I went to Maghreb to learn magic when you were very young, and now I am back..."

   is similar to the plot in the story of Aladdin. The magician flickered for a while, and succeeded in deceiving Li Mo, who changed his name to ‘Ara Buding’, out of the town.

  The magician brought Alabhudin to a nearby mountain, where he lit a fire and read a few spells. Only a rumbling sound was heard, and a stone door appeared on the ground.

   "Alabhudin, an oil lamp, you go and take it up, we will get rich!"

Li Mo walked to the stone gate and drilled in without The magician chose the person to enter the stone gate, only valued the body, the passage of the stone gate was too narrow, the adults could not pass at all, only children Only, and this is why he chose Aladdin.

  Li Mo walked to the end and saw the magic lamp as expected.

   "Alabhudin, did you see that god... oil lamp?" the magician shouted outside.


   "Get it out!"

  Li Mo picked up the magic lamp and rubbed it with his hands.


  The huge magic lamp demon emerged from the magic lamp,

   "I am a magic lamp and a demon. Whoever gets me, I will follow whoever's command, and I can satisfy any wish you have."

   "Destroy the magician at the door."

   "Okay, master!"

  The magician at the stone gate disappeared.

   Li Mo walked out of the stone cave and saw that the magician who had disappeared from the ground left a relic, a ring.

  Li Mo picked up the ring. This ring is not an ordinary ring. There is also a demon in it, but the magic power is not as good as that in the magic lamp.

   "I thought it would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so easy."

  Li Mo rubbed the magic lamp, and the magic lamp of the magic lamp appeared again.

   "Take me to the woods outside the town."

   The woods on the outskirts are the entrance to the cracks in time and space.

   "Okay, master."


  Li Mo immediately returned to the entrance of the crack in time and space.

  Li Mo walked into the crack of time and space while holding the ‘magic lamp’ and ‘magic ring’.

   Puff Puff——

  At the moment when Li Mo returned to the real world, the magic lamp and the magic ring disappeared at the same time...

  What's the matter, neither of these two artifacts are the incarnations of the original fragments?

  Li Mo stunned.