Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1387: Ancestor

"Three heads and six arms!"

The ancestral ancestor no longer kept his hand, and once again showed his magical power of three heads and six arms.

For a time, the speed and power of the Guzu skyrocketed, which was comparable to that of Li Mo.

"Let's come too!"

"it is good!"

Take down the Guzu, and the outcome of this war will be clear. So the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe shouted and went straight to the ancestors of the ancestor.

They also know that the difference between the early cultivation of their **** king realm and the ancestral ancestors is too great. Therefore, neither the Snow King of the Tianshan Mountains nor the Dragon Eagle ancestors had face steel with the Guzu, and handed the task of face steel to Li Mo. The two were only on the side, and grabbing the ancestors of the Guzu was an assault.

With the help of the blood sea dragon and the dragon ancestors and Li Mo who recovered to the realm of the gods, the battle was very difficult, plus the Tianshan Snow King and the Dragon Eagle ancestor. Gu Zu suddenly felt a rush of confusion, and he gradually showed signs of defeat.

This is not, the extremely fast Dragon Eagle tribe ancestor grabbed a weakness of Guzu. While the Zongzu and Li Mo were fighting, the Dragonhawk tribe ancestors swooped in very quickly.

The sharp claws directly grabbed the ancestors of Guzu.


The blood splashed for three feet, and the ancestral ancestors and ancestors suddenly sweated in pain.

This severe pain made the ancestral ancestors move slowly, and Li Mo took advantage of the ancestor's mistake.

In a hurry, the shrunken magical power, the figure pulls the ancestral ancestor, and the stick of origin in his hand is sent forward.

The ancestral ancestor with a slow movement looked at Li Mo's movements when he wanted to defend again. Even if he now has six arms, it is too late.


A thick voice like muffled sound came, accompanied by a clicking sound.

Li Mo's rod of origin did not know how many sternums had been broken up, and the ancestors slammed and fell down.


The ground trembled for a while, and the Emperor's Palace built by the Zuzu was suddenly shattered by the Zuzu.


Ancestral ancestors, their battle here touched everyone's minds, and the ancestors of the ancestors lost defeat. The world seemed to be quiet, everyone was stupid, and even the battle in their hands was forgotten.

"It's over... defeated?"

Looking at the Heavenly Emperor's Hall that had been turned into ruins, the ancestors of the Clan and Horse clan scared for a while, murmured. "Go to hell!"

Taking advantage of the loss of the Clan Ancestor, the Blue Whale Clan clapped to the Clan Ancestor.

The Ancestor of the Centaur Clan didn't have time to react, and took the Blue Whale Ancestor directly.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the chest of the Clan Ancestor was torn apart.

The body of the half man and half horse fell down weakly.

Cultivation of the Ancestor of the Clan and Horse is not enough. Just a little defense has not been done just now, and he directly took the full palm of the Blue Whale.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Clan and the Ma people who fell to the ground saw that they were out of gas and had less air intake, and their lives were lost by nine tenths. "Ancestor!" "Ancestor, you can't die!" "..."

The ancestors of the Centaurs are the first ancestors to die in the battle for so long. So the powerful men of the other parties were so terrified that they shook their hearts again.

As for the people of the horse race, they were even more alarmed. This makes the combination of their formation also messed up. Block by block method, suddenly defeated. "Brothers! Kill these gangs of false heaven!"

The combination formation is not self-defeating, and the eggs lead the strong morale to pursue and kill all the way into the formation.

Suddenly, the sky was full of shouts and screams. The ground is full of broken limbs and broken arms, and blood is flowing into the river.

The combined powers of the two sides are as much as two million.

Two million strong men fought together, the severity of which can be imagined.

However, morale plummeted on one side, and morale on the other side was greatly boosted. Therefore, one side of the Pseudo Heavenly Court is losing ground.

Li Mo, standing in midair, frowned as he looked at the Heavenly Emperor's Hall with no movement below.

Then Li Mo flew down carefully and said, "Gu Zu, come out! I know you are not dead, don't pretend to be dead!" "Hahaha..."

There was a crazy laughter, and a strong wind blew through. The heavenly palace was dusty, and a figure appeared in midair.

Who can it be

It's just that the Guzu at the moment is pale. The wrinkles on his face were like the trunk of an old tree, and the bright emperor's robe had faded its gorgeous luster, and his clothes were ragged.

The most important thing is the recessed injury in the ancestor's chest. You can clearly see the bones of Sensen, and you can see how serious the ancestral injury is at this moment.

Seeing that the ancestors were all like this, they dared to laugh arrogantly. Tianshan Snow King immediately yelled unpleasantly, "Dare to die, dare to hide mad?"

With that said, the Snow King of Tianshan took a big step to get ready to end the Guzu.

But Li Mo stretched out his palm and motioned for Tianshan Snow King to stop.

The cunning ancestral ancestor was uncharacteristically, Li Mo had to be a little cautious. Only Li Mo asked lightly

"What else do you have? Make it out."

"Do you want to kill me?"

Did not respond to Li Mo's questions, but the Guzu first asked Li Mo proudly.

"We not only want to kill you, but also want to cramp you!"

The ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe screamed with strong killing intent, and thought of the bodies of the Dragon Eagle tribe people in Binzhou. The ancestors of the Longying tribe can't wait to stab this ancestor.

"In my life, I counted the world and killed countless people. But I have never thought that one day, I will be killed by others, and it is still the same now."

The ancestral ancestor standing on the ground said triumphantly, and he now looked embarrassed. It seemed crazy.

"Do you think you can't die today?"

Li Mo was full of doubts and asked.

"Hahaha, old friend, show up."

Guzu raised his head and looked at the sky, roaring proudly.

How can he be a dead ancestor without playing a role?

"Guzu, don't forget that you promised us the benefits of the silver clan."

There was a metallic sound in the sky, and then a man with silver armor appeared in the air in a week.

Seeing this man, Li Mo suddenly widened his said with some surprise, "Silver Armor!"

Li Mo is no stranger to the silver armor.

Although the silver armor can not be ranked in the top ten of all races in the universe, the gold armor behind the silver armor is the real top ten race in the universe.

Therefore, the rank of this silver A group in the universe is not low.

Listening to the voice of the powerful silver armor in the sky, the ancestral face of Guzu suddenly appeared a painful color. Obviously, in order to let the silver armor clan strong shot, Guzu promised him a lot of benefits.

However, Guzu is also a character who has lived for so many years, so the pain in his eyes flashed through.

Just listen to the ancestral ancestors laughing at the silver armor strongman, "That is, promise the benefits of the daytime buddy. There will be no less."

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