Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1411: Early stage



The dragon roar is still continuing, and the number of Jiaolong rushing to Li Mo through the clouds is also increasing.

Gradually, Li Mo's mouth could not help but shed red blood. And in that arm, the fissures grew bigger and longer. There was more and more blood flowing from the arm.

But those Thunder Dragons that are pressed against Skyrim will still not make Li Mo take a step back!

At the moment, Li Mo is like a **** of war! It seems that he will never feel his injury, and he has no pain. When Li Mo punches him, he has to solve a dragon!

After the figure of the dragon disappeared, the power of the thunder turned into the sky of Li Mo, forging Li Mo's body!


Two steps.

Three steps.


Finally, Li Mo finally stepped into the robbery that day.



Tian Jie burst into a pan, Li Mo seemed to offend Tian Jie. It made a lot of anger when the sky was looted, and the roar of the dragon and the sound of lightning rolled in Li Mo's ear.

The wandering Jiaolong in the cloud suddenly rushed in all directions and slammed into Li Mo's direction!

"Five Qi Chao Yuan!"

Just when those dragons were about to rush to Li Mo, they only heard Li Mo growl.

Suddenly, a white light flashed through the sky. The five figures of Li Mo appear in the Sky Tribulation!


Five Li Mo roared together, and the five roars gradually became one in the air.

Then, five Li Mo rushed to the dragon in front of them like five tigers, shattering the dragon!

What a fight!

The fierce battle has made the aquatic demon under the water already speechless.

In such a catastrophe, does anyone dare to break into the catastrophe?

Can Heaven Tribulation cross this way?

This scene of Li Modu's robbery made these aquatic monsters immortal.

"Roar! Rumble..."


In the sky, the sounds of vast waves kept coming. I saw five Li Mo punching, punching, and even crushing a dragon!

I don't know when it will start, the dragon in the sky is finally shot by Li Mo.

The five Li Mo figures gradually dispersed into four.

And Li Mo's body has long been ragged, his body is full of cracks.

Wiping the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, Li Mo looked at the resurrected silence and grinned.

Then, Li Mo crossed his knees in mid-air. The whole body showed the power of thunder, which was the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

It was also them that turned into a dragon siege of Li Mo. When Li Mo kills Jiaolong, these thunder powers then take over Li Mo's body.

Said it was the power of Thunder, but now Li Mo has wiped out those dragons. These thundering powers are dispersed in Li Mo's body, but they are to nourish Li Mo's physical strength.

After Li Mo absorbs the power of these flesh, Li Mo's flesh will be improved to a higher level.

At that time, I am afraid that the ten great beasts, except for the races ranked in the top few, otherwise the physical strength is not necessarily Li Mo's opponent.


The fierce momentum on the bottom of the sea caused the sea to explode, killing and injuring countless sea demon along the way.

The scene was quite magnificent when the water was light.

The tortoise king and the dragon king are the strongest in the Great Realm of God King Realm, so the battle generated by the strongmen. Even if it is weakened too much by the sea water along the way, it is still not what these ordinary aquatic demon can compete with.

The fierce noise caused Li Mo to wake up. At this moment, Li Mo has already absorbed all the power of the Thunder.

The thundering light around him disappeared long ago, and the cracks in his arms disappeared.

Looked at the breath of Li Mo again, thick and powerful!

Li Mo standing in the air, even if he didn't do anything, let the little demon underwater feel. Li Mo is like the towering mountain, and an insurmountable feeling is born in the hearts of the little demon.

Li Mo showed a white light around him, blocking Li Mo's body.

Then Li Mo took out a white shirt from the storage bag and put it on. The white mist dispersed, Li Mo came down and asked the little demon shivering on the water

"Where was it just now?"

Obviously, Li Mo also noticed the sea water that had exploded on the sea before.

"That...that is the range of the Dragon Palace of His Majesty the Dragon King..."

Don't look at them. There are many underwater palaces, but only their king. The palace of the dragon king can be called the dragon palace.

"What happened just now? You know."

Li Mo frowned and asked.

Li Mo could feel that on the exploding sea, there were two breaths of the great consummation of the King Realm.

Of course, when this breath spread to the sea, it was not known how much it was weakened.

So even though Li Mo was so conscious, he found some clues. For a moment, Li Mo did not find out who the two breaths belonged to.

"do not know."

"We are not qualified to enter the area near the Dragon Palace."


A group of aquatic demon you introduced to Li Mo in one word.

Their aquarium is also of a strict hierarchy, and these ordinary little demon are the least capable of speaking. Not even the qualification to get close to the territories of those big men.


Li Mo nodded, then took out some low-level spirit stones in the storage bag, and scattered them to the aquatic demon below.

These Shui little demon were hindered by Li Mo's cultivation behavior before they knew everything. Where do you think there are still unexpected gains?

So looking at the falling spirit stones, all the aquatic monsters rushed to try. Scramble to **** low-level spirit stones, and thank Li Mo

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you Master..."

Li Mo said no more, but slowly approached the exploding sea.

Let's talk about the battle between the King of Dragons and the Prime Minister of Guicheng, both of which fought for hundreds of rounds over the Dragon Palace.

The momentum is huge, even if the Dragon Palace below has the blessing of the guardian formation. I was beaten down a lot.

This is still the reason why the dragon kings of the ancient dragon kings of the Jiaolong tribe have blessed the dragon palace formation method, otherwise the formation method can not hold the breath of the two great king kings of the great perfection battle That magnificent dragon palace Bound to be destroyed.

Those high-ranking members of the aquarium and the soldiers of the Dragon Palace can only be protected from damage if they are protected by the Dragon Palace and the formation within the Dragon Palace.

But the aquatic monsters outside the Dragon Palace are miserable. All the monsters who encountered the battle between the dragon king and the tortoise were crushed to death!

"Tianwai meteorite!"

At this time, only listen to the tortoise screaming. The tortoise shell on the tortoise prince suddenly brightened, and the formation showed great power.

I don't know which power, this layer of defensive superpower formation under the flesh of the tortoise.

At this moment, the tortoise, the flesh still shrinks in the turtle shell. The thick tortoise shell is really like the outer meteorites pressing the dragon king! Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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