Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 299: Mrs. Zhou

  East of China, a deserted island on the sea.

   Akita Sakura stood side by side with the old man in a kimono, looking in one direction.




  The small island suddenly broke a strong earthquake, the center of the island collapsed, and a charming woman flew out of it.

   The woman's face looks very young, like a 16-year-old girl, but she does not have the innocence of a girl in her eyes, but is full of enchanting charm.

   Old man in kimono stepped forward and said: "Congratulations to my sister!"

   The woman's eyes circulate, seeming to be a smile: "Akita Yuichi, if you are my grandchildren by age, I am afraid they are not qualified?"

  Old man in kimono smiled and said, "I look at my appearance, not my true age."

   "Akita Yuichi, I haven't seen you for many years, and your divination technique has improved a lot, not only when I arrived at the place where I closed, but even when I got out of the customs."

   The woman smiled slightly, but gently touched the charming hair with her hand, which made it difficult for the kimono old man to make himself.

   This woman is naturally charming.

  Akita took a deep breath and lowered his head before he stopped the urge to feel.

  Akita was shocked and inexplicable, you know, he was too old to have any interest in men and women, but the woman just gently stroked her hair, and a desire rose in his heart.

   Akita Xiong bowed: "Mrs. Zhou, just Xiong Yi offended, I hope it is strange."

   "Forget it, you are also kind enough to please my old lady, what's wrong?" Mrs. Zhou chuckled happily, seeing Akita Xiong's heart shake again.

   At this moment, a cloud of blood appeared in the sky. The blood cloud was flying very fast and landed on the island in a blink of an eye.

  Blood cloud became illusory, and in a blink of an eye became a young boy in white clothes-Zhou Mengxian.

   Zhou Meng first saw Akio Yuichi and Akita Sakura, and he was slightly startled.

   Akita Yuichi arched his hand: "Xian Zhou arrived, Xiong Yi was reasonable."

   "This is my granddaughter, Akita Sakurako."

  Ms. Zhou said: "Yuichi Akita is my old friend. As for his grandson, this is my first time to see."

   Zhou Meng first nodded his head and bowed his hand: "Congratulations to my mother for her great accomplishment, she came out early."

   "Your cultivation behavior seems to have been refined, why do you have such a strong smell of blood?" Mrs. Zhou frowned, the beauty is a beauty, even frowning, it makes people heart-wrenching.

   Akita Yuichi didn't dare to look at her at all, and kept his head down.

   Zhou Mengxian smiled bitterly: "I have cultivated the complete skill of the zombie emperor, and now it is already a living zombie."

  Ms. Zhou moved slightly: "Complete exercises? Are you saying that Changchun is not old? Show me!"

   Zhou Meng first took out the complete exercises and gave them to her mother.

"It really is……"

  Ms. Zhou looked at it and sighed a little: "But this technique has too many defects. Although it can temporarily increase mana and prolong lifespan, the troubles are endless."

  Zhou Mengxian sighed: "Yes, I have experienced it recently, and I have become more and more unable to restrain the desire for bloodthirsty. If this continues, it won't take long for me to become a living zombie who is irrational and only understands bloodthirsty."

  Ms. Zhou sighed: "Boy, your talent is rare for thousands of years, but how can you not calm down like your heart?"

   Zhou Meng didn't say a word first, to talk about his heart, his heart was more forgiving than Yao Changsheng, but in Mrs. Zhou's eyes, it was far from enough.

"I told you a long time ago, before I leave the border, you have to understand tolerance, no matter how strong or weak your opponent is, you have to be forbearing. Only with extra care can you live better, don't despise you. Any opponents of will not make a feud."

   "Mother said yes."

   "Before I retired, I was really impressed by this Changchun aging feat, but now, this practice is completely useless to me."

  Ms. Zhou waved her hand, and the ‘Changchun is not old merit’ turned into ashes and dissipated.

   "I have been in retreat for three hundred years, and I have learned about Changchun Gong to the state where the imperial emperor had never arrived."

  Ms. Zhou extended her finger to flick, and the "Changchun Fu Lao Gong" that had just been destroyed by her was restored to a volume.

  Mrs. Zhou extended her fingers and played again, and the'Changchun is not old merit' turned into ashes again.

   "In this world, what is eternity? In this world, nothing is eternal."

   "Mother, what kind of exercise is this?"

   Zhou Meng first glanced at the grandfather and grandson of Akita, and Mrs. Zhou's hand closed the six consciousnesses of grandfather and grandson of Akita, so that even if face to face, their grandson and grandson could not hear anything.

   "This is the ten seconds of power that I spent 300 years to realize when I was dying."

   "Ah? Ten seconds?" Zhou Mengxian realized.

   "Yes, ten seconds, I can now reverse the time for ten seconds and reverse for ten seconds."

   Zhou Meng was shocked.

"Don’t underestimate these ten seconds of power. It is precisely because of these ten seconds of power that I truly regained my youth. My body is no different from a girl of 16 or seven years old. Listening to the truth, there is no difference. To be precise, I am still a virgin."

  Mrs. Zhou giggled.

   Zhou Mengxian shocked: "Mother, according to your statement, ten seconds of power can only work for ten seconds. How do you... How did you restore your body to sixteen or seven years, but still retain an amazing mana?"

   "I tell you that you have been closed for three hundred years on the earth. In fact, my body is not on this earth. I would like to thank this Akio Yuichi for his help."

   "He? What did he do?"

"He is the real body of the He can open the domain door at will, I told him to send me to a place where the zombie had been to a time chaos. It was there that I realized the ten Seconds work."

  Ms. Zhou was able to practice Changchun Gong to surpass the zombie emperor, because the zombie once mentioned the idea of ​​practicing Changchun Gong in a place of time chaos. As long as the posture is sufficient, you can certainly learn useful things. "

  Unfortunately, the idea of ​​the zombie emperor is only an assumption, because in this world, only the Void Beast family, or the person with the Void True Body, can open the domain door to the place of time chaos.

  The Emperor Zombie hasn't found the real body of Void for a lifetime, so he never tried this idea at all.

Mrs. Zhou did it. He practiced in a place where time is chaotic. On the earth, time has only passed for three hundred years, but there, one second is thousands of years, and her body can be restored to a girl for precisely this reason. .

"The things I enlighten will definitely cause a sensation if placed in this universe. Dreaming first, you are too anxious. If you wait for me to come back and practice ten seconds of practice directly, your body will not become what it is today. Vice looks."

   "Baby knows wrong."

   "Just know the mistakes, it's time to remedy, and it's still time."

   "I haven't been in this world for too long. Tell me about the current situation."

   "Good mother."


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