Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 332: Real eye


   The venom erupted, and the exaggerated damage directly killed more than twenty murlocs.

  Li Mo held a short knife in his hands and slaughtered among the fish crowd. After the fish people reacted, they began to run away.

   Their combined attack didn't work for Li Mo, they couldn't beat it at all, and it was a fool not to run.

   "It's really horrible..."

  Li Mo held a short blade, looked at the corpse of the murloc, and gave an admiration.

   Of course, he was not admiring himself, but admiring the 0-level talent. When he just slaughtered the Murloc, he absorbed nearly a hundred attributes.

   This battle is more than the attribute points absorbed after playing a monster for a day.

   There is no upper limit, the attribute points have been increasing, which is too scary...


   A venomous snake rushed towards Li Mo and opened his mouth violently.

   The blood streaks on Li Mo's head were immobile, and despite the bite of the viper, he was not poisoned.


   Li Mo froze for a moment, and walked to a nearby venomous snake gathering place. He stood among a dozen venomous snakes, letting the venomous snakes attack. After more than a minute passed, he was still unharmed.

   Without using Ji's talent skills, can I also be immune to snake venom?

  Li Mo was shocked.

   He thinks about it, he can happen with this kind of thing, there are a lot of talents with level 0 and level 0 can't get rid of the relationship.

   Ye Li and Ji came out of the mine and picked up the fishman's items.

  A dozen pieces of golden suits, a dozen pieces of loose pieces, and a dozen pieces of blue suits...

  In addition to the equipment, the duo also received more than 000 star coins in this group of murlocs.

  Star coin is the main currency in the world. The value of 000 star coins, placed on the earth, is approximately equal to 100,000 RB.

   Ji said: "Although the strength of this group of murlocs is not very good, but they are players of the Big Dipper system, this incident spread, we go to the Holy City, but we must be more careful."

  Li Mo nodded his head and waved a few knives to kill all ten poisonous snakes.


  Li Mo's head glowed with white light, and his rank was upgraded again.

   He is now level 30!


  Talent storage experience reaches the upper limit, does it unlock new talent skills?

  As the level increased, Li Mo heard a voice in his mind.


   Li Mo didn't hesitate at all.

  Talent skills were successfully activated, "Real Eye" and "Weak Click Break".

  The real eye can see all the attributes of the target. Weak click can find the target weak point. Launching an attack on the target weak point can trigger double to five times the damage.

please choose!

pick one of two?

  Li Mo thought for a moment, and chose ‘eye of truth’.

   Although the effect of weak click-breaking is perverted, Li Mo is not lacking in damage now, so he can see the true eye of everything and help him more.

  Congratulations on learning the real eye!

  Li Mo's eyes gleamed with colorful light. The whole process lasted for three seconds and returned to normal.

  When Li Mo was watching Ji and Ye Li, the situation was different.

  Although Ji and Ye Li did not display text messages, under the eyes of reality, their levels, attributes, equipment, and skills all appeared in Li Mo's eyes.

   Name: Ye Li, level 27, incomplete character attributes, professional warrior, talent skill ‘Recovery’, equipment...

   Name: Ji, level 39, character attributes are severely crippled, professional light priest. Talent skill "Immunity", equipment...

  As long as Li Mo thinks of any information, he can see any information.

   What a magical real eye!

  Unfortunately, the real eye can not be used on yourself, otherwise Li Mo must take a good look at his 0-level talents, what is the specific role.

   Ji Zhen regrets: "In the past few days, your level has not been upgraded..."

  Ye Liqi said: "Under normal circumstances, isn't the upgrade like this?"

"Of course not!" Ji shook his head: "Although I am very poor, but my three hundred years of hard work, time can make up for my talent, I have reached the highest level forty-five, but that is I spent nearly two It took only a hundred years to increase."

   "You have only been here for a few days, so fast to level 30, you haven't seen it!"

   Ye Li suddenly said: "Yes, tell you to say so, I also feel that when I upgraded before, the level was not so fast..."

   "Don't hide from you, not only you, even I'm almost at level 40, this experience value has increased, and it is more than ten times faster than I used to fight myself..."

   "Everything is related to my talent."

  Although Li Mo doesn't quite understand the specific situation, it is definitely not a coincidence that this can happen. After thinking about it, only level 0 talent can do it.

  Li Mo said: "We will not go back for the time being and stay here to continue to upgrade."

   The group of murlocs escaped a lot. If they go back to the holy city now, I am afraid that there will be troubles. Li Mo wants to stay in the Venom Ridge and continue to increase his strength until he has the strength just front of the Beidou galaxy.

   Level 0 talent can greatly shorten the upgrade experience of yourself and your companions, which means that as long as you try to kill monsters, you will inevitably catch up with those high-level aliens.

   Ji said: "If we continue to upgrade, I think it should not be here."

Although Ji’s strength is poor and pitiful, he has three hundred years of survival experience. To say that he understands this world, Li Mo and Ye Li are through the poisonous snake mountain, in front Soon after the trip, there was a huge labyrinth called the ancient battlefield. There is no need to worry about encountering any enemies when entering it, because the huge labyrinth entered by each team is a completely independent space. "

   "A copy." Li Mo and Ye Li said at the same time.

   Ji asked: "What is the copy?"

   "Nothing, you continue."

   "It is said that as long as the huge maze is conquered, you can get a hero certificate. With the hero certificate, you can go to the hero city Ravdel to recruit a hero."

   Ji Dao: "Heroes are the most powerful force in this world, there is no one."

   "Why are the five major galaxies known as the five major overlords? In addition to their strongest talent, there is another reason that they all have at least one hero!"

"I'm not sure if we can conquer the huge maze, but there is the best place to upgrade the level, because the monsters in the huge maze will increase with the level of the entrant. The monsters encountered at level 20 are up to three Level 10, level 30 is level 40, and so on, there seems to be no upper limit."

   "If we are lucky, if we get a hero, can we also become the hegemons of the galaxy?" Ye Li was a little bit obsessed.

   "Heroes are not so easy to get..."

   Ji said: "This world does not know how long it has existed, but it has successfully conquered the huge labyrinth team, not even more than ten teams."

  Li Mo said: "Let's go there!"

  The three men picked up the spoils of the Murloc, and led him by Ji, heading towards the ancient battlefield.