Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 39: trust

  Yang Jianchuan smiled and said: "In this world, only money can solve all problems, Ma Changhe, do you say that?"

  Yang Jianchuan spoke very loudly, his purpose was to call Li Mo, An Yuxin heard.

  Ma Changhe cooperated with him very much. After glancing at An Yuxin, he said: "That is natural. Now in this society, we can't do anything without money."

  An Yuxin slightly moved.

   "Heroes save the beauty, in ancient times, should this behavior be called a hero?"

   "A hero can't do without money."

   The two sang together and cooperated with each other. Li Mo felt that An Yuxin was struggling.

   "Sit in peace, your business, I will help you."

  Li Mo saw An Yuxin's shaking heart and gently squeezed her hand.

  An Yuxin was quiet.

  Yang Jianchuan saw this, and snorted again with anger.

   "11 million!"

  Someone increased the price.

  Yang Jianchuan didn't even think about it, and raised the sign again.

   "Twenty million!"

   Doubled once, and it can be seen that Yang Jianchuan is determined to get this baby.

   "What I want from Hu Dezhi, I still can't get it, 21 million!"

  The man who raised the price before shouted again.

  Yang Jianchuan's face sank: "25 million!"

   "26 million." It was the former Hu Dezhi who increased the price.

   "30 million!" Yang Jianchuan bid again.

   "It's a good boy, I don't want to rob you."

  Hu Dezhi no longer disputed, and no one else wanted to fight. After the auctioneer shouted three times, the hammer transaction was successful.

  Yang Jianchuan took the stage to collect the jade rune. When he came back, he was playing with the jade rune in his hand and his eyes kept looking at An Yuxin.

"Five million is not worth mentioning in my eyes, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a huge sum of money that is impossible to have for a lifetime. Some things, think carefully, otherwise the opportunity will be missed, and you will not come again. ."

  When Yang Jianchuan was proud, he heard Li Mo say to An Yuxin: "The person whose brain is broken, no matter what he says, don't care."

  Yang Jianchuan's complexion changed: "Boy, who said that your brain is broken?"

  Li Mo smiled: "Thirty million yuan bought a worthless broken thing, not because the brain is broken, what is that?"

"You said this jade is not worth a piece? Simple and ridiculous, do you know that this is a clean rune made by Master Zhou Mengxian Zhou, Master Zhou is not a swindler, he is a second-class true Chinese country Master, the wonder that the smoke just couldn't get close, didn't you see it?"

  Ma Chang said: "Mr. Yang, you are angry with a child who knows nothing, just ignore him."

  Li Mo said: "I don't know who Master Zhou is. I only know that the cleansing effect on this piece of jade will gradually weaken over time and eventually become a useless broken jade."

   "Nonsense." Yang Jianchuan was very angry, he did not want to ignore Li Mo.

  An Yuxin blinked.

   "To say the master, in my opinion, the first master in China is my master, Master Huang."

   "Cough, uh."

  Huang Lixing was drinking water and choked, but he responded quickly and sat down straight. The windbreaker and sunglasses looked at the whole audience only, and the demeanor was absolutely full.

   Yang Jianchuan said ironically, "What is Master Huang? "He turned around and asked Ma Changhe: "Have you heard of it?" "

   "Master Zhou, Master Bai, Master Lin I have all heard about what Master Huang is, I really don't know."

   "Hahaha, that may not be a thing at all."

   "It is possible, it is possible."

Just as the two sang the ridiculous ridicule of Huang Lixing, Li Mohe said: "My Master said, the piece of jade in your hand can be used for up to three days. If you don't believe it, put it on It’s clear at first sight."


  Yang Jianchuan said this on his mouth, but couldn't help doing what Li Mo said. He put the jade symbol in front of his eyes, and after only a glance, his face changed greatly.

   The surface of this jade symbol looks very smooth, but there are many cracks inside.

  Yang Jianchuan took out the cigarette, clicked, and spit at the mouth of Yufu. He clearly saw that every time he spit out a cigarette, the crack in Yufu increased a bit.

Li Mo said to An Yuxin: "Things worth nothing are worth 30 million to buy, and I think they are very proud. This kind of broken brain is simply not saved, so no matter what he says, do not believe."

  An Yuxin nodded vigorously.

  The establishment of trust starts from bit by bit.


  Yang Fu in Yang Jianchuan's hands broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

   Yang Jianchuan's pretense on his face was relaxed: "Thirty million yuan, for me, it's nothing at all, I should get a touch of Master Zhou's fairy spirit."

   At this time, he had scolded the Su family **** head.

   If it is not the Su family, how could he lose this face?

  Ma Changhe saw that Yang Jianchuan was angry early, so he pretended to look at the booth seriously and ignored Yang Jianchuan's words.

   took more than twenty minutes, and the third exhibit finally came on stage. This time it was not a collection of the Su family, but a gray stone tripod with cracks on its surface. UU reading

   This treasure was mentioned in the advertising slogan issued by the Bizarre Treasure Auction, which was for the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

   Many people were very interested in Shang Zhou Guding when they heard it, but they were extremely disappointed in this view.

   A tripod made of stone is not complete yet, and there are no more than a hundred cracks. I am afraid that if you move it a little, you will be crushed.

Yu Boyan pointed to Shi Dingdao: "This ancient Ding was not the earliest. When it was first sent to the exhibition, there weren't even ten cracks on it. I don't know whether it was due to the weather or any shock. There was yesterday. Cracks suddenly increased to this point."

  The audience sighed for a while, and there were still many secretly fortunate. Fortunately, the cracks suddenly increased yesterday. If you buy more, it would be really a loss.

   "Because Shi Ding was severely damaged, the starting price also became lower, which was originally three million, but now it is three thousand."

   When he said 3,000, Yu Boyan couldn't help but blush. Everyone can see this Shi Ding, I am afraid that it will crush the bones after moving.

   "Now I announce that the third auction has officially started."

   The audience was silent, no one bid.

   It’s not that three thousand dollars is too expensive, but that no one wants to just buy it, and it cracks and breaks.

   is not a matter of money. The guests present are all people with identity, and no one wants to lose face.

  Jiang Xiaoyan asked three times, and still no one bid.

   "Three thousand!"

  Jiang Xiaoyan thought that Shang Zhou Shiding was going to shoot, someone asked for a price.

  Li Mo stood up and raised the sign in his hand.

"five million!"

  Yang Jianchuan stood up and held a sign.


  The whole audience made a cry.