Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 617: Turn danger into danger

   heard the roar of his companion, and the senior Wudi holding the tower magic weapon immediately rushed towards Li Mo. And sacrificed his own defensive enchantment to resist Li Mo's finger. The spiritual power of the whole body is gathered in his right fist, which is bound to give Li Mo a fatal blow.

   "Good to come!"

   Li Mo screamed and used the dragon walking method again. Dragging the long phantom for a moment, he escaped the attack of the senior Wudi.

   "This... this is impossible!"

   The eyes of the senior martial artist who couldn't believe it, didn't even see how Li Mo disappeared in front of his eyes.


   While he was stunned, there was a strong pain in his back. The whole body flew out uncontrollably, and it barely stabilized his body until a distance of more than ten feet.


   A sweet throat and a spit of blood spurted out, apparently having suffered an internal injury!

   "Compete with me, you are still a little bit younger!"

  Looking again, Li Mo was waving his fist, looking at himself with a smile.


   The senior Wudi scolded, and his face was iron blue. As a senior Emperor Wu, he had never suffered such a loss, and immediately gave him an urge to step forward and tear Li Mo apart.

   After Li Mo looked at him contemptuously, he set his sights on the two people who were still struggling under the sky.

   "After so long, it's time to take a break!"

   Talk about a white man who shoots directly at the chest to the strong man of intermediate Wudi strength.

   The middle-aged Wu Emperor immediately felt a feeling of exhaustion in his body, and the little spiritual power left in his body was also a little lost.


   The same senior martial emperor who was struggling to support him under Fan Tianyin after seeing such a situation secretly said badly. With all his strength, Fan Tianyin was forced to support it, and then he was put out like an arrow, leaving him alone.

   only left the poor middle-level martial emperor, under the restraint of the Xuanyuan mirror, it was even more difficult to withstand the force of a thousand pounds above his head.


  Fan Tianyin directly fell, and the middle-ranking Wudi strongman turned into a mess of meat without a word.

The senior Emperor Wu of the rest of his life after the disaster was shocked with cold sweat and came to the injured companion. Facing such a terrible opponent in front of him, a retreat sprung up in my heart. If he had just withdrawn decisively just now, maybe now he is the same as the intermediate martial emperor.

   And under the attack of Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling, another intermediate Wudi was exhausted and struggling to die.

   "Li Mo, don't do it anymore! Let's leave now and let us go!"

  The two senior martial emperors who had no advantage at this time had no intention of fighting. I don't want to fix myself as a funeral here, I can only ask Li Mo for mercy.

   "Begging for mercy now, don't you feel it's too late?"

  Honestly go on the road with your companions.

  Li Mo has killed his red eyes, and even if the two are now kneeling and begging for mercy, he cannot let them go. Dare to violate the Xianyang Sect, this is their end.

"Wait... wait... Li Mo, we don't have any hatred. Don't you have to kill like this so hard? Both of us are the strength of a senior martial emperor. If you can fight against death, even if you can defeat us, You won't be too happy. Why don't you let me go, and we guarantee that we will never step into the strength of Xianyangzong in the future!"

   "Huh! If it is me who is at the disadvantage now, I am afraid you will not say so, or save some spit!"

  After talking, Li Mo ignored the two of them, with dragon scales and red swords in his hands. Swept directly towards the two.


   A red-golden flame mixed with the power of blue lightning instantly sprayed towards the two senior martial emperors. Like a fire dragon, it swallowed this lightning, and all the plants it passed by withered and died under the hot temperature!

   "Since you are so hard, then we will all die together!"

   talked about the two senior invincible glances at the same time, while carrying the huge spiritual power in the body. A huge energy sphere appeared in front of them, and it was gradually getting bigger. A breath of terror emanated, and Li Mo was shocked.

   "Go die!"


  After a drink, the huge energy sphere collided head-on with Li Mo's fire dragon to produce a loud sound of landslide. Li Mo was directly overthrown by a powerful impact and flew out.

   And Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling were also affected, and they were forced to retreat a few tens of feet before they escaped the disaster. The middle-level martial emperor had no such good luck. He was already on the verge of surviving. Where can he withstand such a violent attack? His body was instantly torn into pieces by huge impact, and the broken arm and the remaining limbs were scattered to the ground. .

   "Little Desert!"

  Xuanyuan Invincible and Wanling stabilized their bodies, and immediately hurried in the direction of Li Mo.

   "Cough... Grandpa, I'm fine! Are these two guys going to die with me!"

   Li Mo patted the dust on his body, and sighed. The power of the two people's full blow just now is too great, if they had the body protection martial arts like the undead golden body. I'm afraid I'm seriously injured if I don't die now.

   "Grandpa and grandma are waiting for me here!"

  Li Mobu didn't wait for the two to reply, and jumped back to the two senior martial emperors.

   "'re fine!"

   The two Emperors of the Emperor saw Li Mo appearing intact in front of them again, both of them widened their eyes with incredible expressions on their clothes.

   Just their full blow, I am afraid that even Wu Zun might not dare to follow. But Li Mo was still in the most central position just now, and the power is quite conceivable.

   "Thanks to your blessing, I'm fine!"

  Li Mo's understatement, but let the two fall into despair.

   originally thought that with the strongest attack, Li Mo would be injured even if he didn't die, and then the two of them could leave here. But I did not expect that Li Mo was so changed. Now the spiritual power of the two of them is completely exhausted, and their end can be imagined.


   The dragon scales and red swords in Li Mo's hands kept making sounds, making the two shudder!


   A red golden flash of light flashed over, and the wounded senior Wu Emperor fell to the ground, only a moment later, there was blood on his neck, his head also detached from his body, and he rolled to the side!


  The only remaining senior Emperor Wu took a breath of I didn't expect Li Mo's killing to be so decisive.


  Kneeled to the ground with a soft knee.

   "Li Mo, please don't kill me, give me a way of life. Even if you let me be a bull or a horse!"


  Li Mo kicked him to the ground with a disdainful look in his eyes.

   "I don't look down on you as greedy as life and fear of death. When I returned to the imperial court to attack my Xianyangzong, did you think you would end like this! Is it a little late for you to beg for mercy now?"

   "I was wrong! I was really wrong! I..."

  The senior Wu Emperor at this time was already in tears. Before he finished speaking, he felt a cold in his throat, and he wanted to say nothing more. His eyes widened and he slowly fell back!

  At this time, a colorful glow suddenly appeared above the sky. Bai Yichen appeared in the air with Wu Daoling, who had lost half his life.

   Up to this point, seven powerful men of the court died six and were seriously injured. Xianyangzong didn't lose much here, only Wanling received some minor injuries, but it didn't hurt.

  The face of Liu Jing in the distant army could not be described at this time. His Taishi was captured and all six strong men were killed in battle. There are no other people beside him besides some generals and martial soul monks.


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