Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 621: Liu Wuren

   "Yan'er, you are so kind. Do you want me to marry all the women who like me?"

   "Bah! Don't be so **** beautiful! Who would like you so much like me and the crescent moon, it must be blind!"

   "Oh! You dare to say your husband like this, did you want to fight?"

  Li Mo pretended to be angry, and rushed towards Liu Yan. Frightened, Liu firework ran out to the stone table in the courtyard, and the two chased each other around the stone table, temporarily forgetting the unpleasantness that had just happened.


  Everyone, it is an honor for our ancestors to be here today. But please bring back all the gifts you brought! As for these children, the elders of our sect will be evaluated. As long as you pass, you can become our disciples.

  Xuanyuan Invincible and Liu Changhe sat at the master's position in the parlor, and said very politely to the guests.

   "Oh! Sect Master Liu is so bad. The name of Xianyang Sect is now on the mainland. Who knows who is not known, don't you look down upon us if you don't accept my gift!"

   "Yeah! How about the gift we gave from Sect Master Liu!"


   A very unfriendly voice sounded among the guests. Suddenly resonated with everyone, and whispered in silence!

   "This Daoist, I don't know which family you are from!"

  Xuanyuan's invincible and sharp eyes immediately found the very unfriendly monk in the crowd. It was an old man about fifty years old, with gray hair under his face that looked extremely uncomfortable. Brows, small eyes, and a large mouth with a collapsed nose bridge simply couldn't close under the support of a bite. Xiuwei is already the level of an intermediate martial emperor, and is already the strongest among all the guests.

   Hearing Xuanyuan's invincible words, the old man didn't move much, just swept him with a pair of small eyes.

   "It's easy to say! Under Liu Liuren, it's not a family member. I was practicing alone in Qingfeng Mountain. I heard that your Xianyang Sect had a high reputation on the mainland recently, so I came to visit!"

   "Liu Wuren?"

  Xuanyuan invincible efforts to recall the name in his mind, but in the end no results, presumably a hidden master!

   "Hehe... Liu Daoyou everyone came to my Xianyangzong, I don’t know what it is!"

   Although the other party's tone is not very friendly, but Xuanyuan invincible still treats him with courtesy, and does not want to talk about it.

   "I have nothing to come here. I have been in the mountains for a long time. So I want to come and join our elders as dangdang!"

  Liu Wuren said this, and many guests will be surprised. Because their strength is not as high as Liu Wuren, I don't know what kind of state he is.

   "This Liu Daoyou, we want to join our Xianyang Sect. We are naturally welcome. But we must also pass the examination of the elder of my sect to join."

   "Assessment? Hey...Okay! Which one will assess me, come out and show me now."

  Liu Wuren looked around arrogantly for a week and clamored. And release the momentum of his own intermediate Wudi!


   immediately caused a lot of uproar among the guests, and opened the distance with him one after another.

   "Is Liu Daoyou just my Xianyangzong unreasonable?"

  Looking at Liu Wuren's move, Xuanyuan's invincible complexion gloomed down. In front of this many people, such actions are clearly provoking.

   "Hey... I don't object if you say that. Either give me the position of an elder today, or give me tens of millions of silver, and I will never come to Xianyangzong again!"

   "Wow! Why is this man like this, he came here to blackmail."

   "Yeah! I think he is alive and impatient. I am afraid that he has been in the mountains for a long time and his head is out of order. I don't know the strength of Xianyangzong!"

   "I think he is a lunatic!"


Seeing Liu Wuren being so arrogant, everyone began to whisper. It was all unpleasant words, but he didn't seem to hear it, still leaning back in his chair, tilting his legs and waiting for Xuanyuan's invincible answer!

   "Liu Wuren, my Xianyangzong has already given you the face. If you make unreasonable troubles, don't blame me!"

  Xuanyuan's invincible face has become very ugly. He couldn't think of anyone who even dared to come to Xianyangzong alone to blackmail.

   "Hey... Xuanyuan is invincible! You don't have to scare me, anyway, if you don't agree with me today, I won't leave."

   "Liu Wuren, I have endured you for a long time, and I am kind to you. I don't know what is the case, so I will leave without blame."

   If there are not so many guests now, Xuanyuan invincible has already shot, how can he still be angry with him here.

   "Are you deaf, I said that I will not leave without accepting my terms! Hugh is going to talk nonsense again, disturbing Lao Tzu!"



   Xuanyuan invincible screamed and smashed the palm around the table. He has never seen such an arrogant person, toasting without eating fines!

   "Liu Wuren, come out with me. If you can overcome me today, I will promise your terms!"

   talked directly out of the parlor.

   "Hey... Say early, why waste so much time."

  Liu Wuren stood up lazily, also out of the parlor.

   The contest between two powerful martial artists is rare for ordinary people. Suddenly the other people in the drawing room boiled, scrambling to run out and want to witness this grand event!

  Liu Wuren's lazy appearance followed Xuanyuan invincible to Xianyangzong's square. Zuo Guyoupan was quite satisfied with the environment here.

   "Good! If I become the elder of Xianyangzong, I don't have to go back to the mountains to suffer, and enjoy myself!"

   "Humph! Liu Are you so confident that you can beat me?"

  Xuanyuan invincible came to the square and stood hand in hand.

   "Hey... Xuanyuan is invincible. You and I are both intermediate Wudi's strength. Why am I not sure of winning you."

   Liu Wuren's face still maintains that arrogant look.

   When he was young, his qualifications and strength were quite low, but he had this perseverance. But no family wants to keep him, he can only wander around. However, God still cares for him very much, so that he found a cave house in a barren mountain that no one knows who left, and even left a copy of the exercises in it.

   He has had enough days to despise, so he practiced according to this skill without hesitation. A year later, something unexpected happened to him. He actually practiced directly from the level of the warrior to the level of the general, which brought him great confidence. Leng is relying on his perseverance and perseverance. After twenty years of hard work, he finally entered the realm of intermediate Wudi not long ago.

   But his original intention of cultivation at this time has changed. He wanted to find a powerful force with his own arrogance and enjoy a life he had never enjoyed before. Hearing what happened to Xianyangzong, he rushed over the first time!

   "Okay! Since that's the case, let's go!"


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