Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 682: Pros and cons

"Xiao Mo, do you know the purpose of my call?

"Yes, President, I think you should come to me or choose a career for me. Do you still want to persuade me to give up the profession of assassin?"

Looking at the kind Han Tianyu, Li Mo asked quietly.

"Hehe... I did come to you for choosing your career, but I didn't want to persuade you to give up. I have discussed with several other mentors just now, and we all respect your choice now. However, I still want to know the pros and cons of the assassin profession and you will be clear, and I will call you to take care of it yourself."

"Master President, please say it!"

Li Mo heard that Han Tianyu was not what he thought, and he was relieved. Otherwise, he was really afraid that he could not bear to see him disappointed and give up his choice.

"Assassins, compared to the other two professions in our Tianfeng Empire, are considered upset. The people who choose this profession are basically people with loneliness, but the more they practice, the more they will become more arrogant. Believe You should be able to see it on Zi Lingwei and Leng Yihan!"

Li Mo was puzzled.

"Mr. President, why is this so? Is there any disadvantages of the assassin profession? Otherwise, how could a good person become so lonely?"

"Hey! There is no way for me to make this clear. I have God's will in my life. In the history of the empire for thousands of years, all the people who have emerged in the profession of assassins are like this. It may be that Their talents have a great relationship, as long as everyone upgrades to the tenth level and chooses their profession, they will produce a talent skill. The talent skill of the assassin profession is lonely! This is why I don’t want you to choose this. One of the reasons for the profession."

"Ah! Is there such a thing? What kind of talented skills will other adults grow up in?"

After listening to Han Tianyu, Li Mo was greatly surprised. He never thought that choosing a profession would affect his character.

"Warrior's talent skills are manic, and Warlock's talent skills are cunning!"

Han Tianyu said that he stood up here, pacing back and forth in the room showed a helpless look.

"This... this is also a talented skill? But... But, I haven't seen the effect of this talented skill on you and the Land Rover instructor? Especially if you are a warlock and I don't see..."

"I don't see my cunning? Is it? Haha... This is because the talents of all professions are released autonomously in battle, which is not at our control. Especially when encountering opponents with higher strength than yourself , The higher the chance of release. And our talent skills have a far less impact on us than your assassin career, so choose the assassin career, destined to fight alone. If you regret it now, there is still time.

Looking at Han Tianyu's extremely serious expression, Li Mo seemed to be somewhat uncertain. He has always said that he can do it, but he was so hesitant for the first time in the face of this so-called talent skill. He was really afraid that after having the ability to resurrect Liu Yan and Ao Ying in the future, he became lonely and alienated from them.

Looking at Li Mo sitting blankly and wondering what he was thinking, Han Tianyu was eager to force him to make his final choice. Instead, give him plenty of time to think.

Li Mo took a sit in the morning, and quickly analyzed the shortcomings of these three occupations.

"Warriors charge ahead, strong and strong with the talent skill of violent is undoubtedly even more powerful. Warlock long-range attack, attacking it is unpreparable, can not be protected against this cunning talent skill is well-deserved. But why this assassin has the talent skill of loneliness What? Is it because the assassin’s stealth and aggression are too powerful? Was this kind of talent deliberately used to weaken the characteristics of this profession?"

Li Mo's head was about to explode at this time, but he couldn't bear to give up the profession of assassin. If you want to get the answer, you can only cultivate this profession to the top, then you have the opportunity to solve this mystery!

"Adult President, I have considered it carefully. I still decided to choose the profession of Assassin, and I will not regret it at any cost!"

"Well, since there is still such a choice, I have nothing to say. Work hard, I hope you can surprise me in the assassin profession. Now that you have the strength of fifteen, here is yours Equipment and storage belts."


Leaving Han Tianyu's room, Li Mo lost his soul and looked at the newly-acquired equipment in his hand, but he didn't show any excitement. He really didn't know if his choice was right or wrong, but he was relieved after a while.

I came to this world by myself, which was a life I picked up, and God sent my favorite person to his side. He has felt very contented. Choosing an assassin's career is undoubtedly a huge challenge to himself, and his character is just like welcoming.

"Xiao Mo, you're back! Is the president looking for you or is it because of choosing a career?"

Just walked to the door of his room, he opened the door opposite the room, Ye Fan's voice came from leisurely Yeah! Still because of this matter, but I still insisted on my choice. "

Li Mo replied indifferently, pushed the door into the room, and Ye Fan followed him!

"Hey! It's the same result as I thought. The first time I see you, I know you are a stubborn person. Presumably, the grown-ups have already told you about talents and skills?"

"Um! Said."

"Now that you know it all, being a brother can only wish you smooth sailing on the career path of the assassin. In fact, when I first came to the guild, my choice was the same, but it was not as persevering as you. Knowing that I chose the profession of warlock. Although the name of the talented skill is difficult to accept, it is in line with the characteristics of this profession."

Listening to Ye Fan's words, Li Mo couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Ye Fan, you don't need to comfort me. Since I chose this path myself, I will stick to it. With my perseverance, a talented skill can't change my character!"

"Well! I believe you!"

Looking at Li Mo's determined eyes, Ye Fan actually felt like he would believe what he said.

"Once the meal arrives, let's go eat. Han Zhe, the kid, has gone away long ago. If we go late, I guess the soup will not be left!"


Boom Boom...

After the meal, Li Mo sent Ye Fan and Han Zhe away, put on new equipment, and came to Leng Yihan's residence alone and knocked on the door of his room.


There was a cold voice in the room, and there was no emotion. Fortunately, Li Mo already knew the cold temperament of Han Yiyu in Han Tianyu, otherwise he would really startle him.

"Leng Yihan Tutor, this is Li Mo!"

(End of this chapter)