Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 738: Blacksmith

After two days, Li Mo and Zi Lingwei finally rushed back to Luoye Town.

Knowing the news of their return, Han Tianyu and Ling Xiyu came to the gate of the guild. When their eyes fell on Li Mo, they were all surprised!

"Level 40! God! How did you do it, Xiaomo?"

Han Tianyu's eyes glowed with gold, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to stretch out, and he looked a lot younger.

"Yeah! Xiao Mo, what did you experience in three months? It turned out... that it reached the level of 40, you... I have never seen the speed of your upgrade!"

Ling Xiyu is also incredible.

"Uh... that... The president and mentor Ling have a long story about it, let's go in and talk!"

Li Mo didn't expect that the two would see such an expression when they saw themselves. He didn't take it as one thing to upgrade himself to the eighteenth level in three months! He is still disgusting with his slow practice.

"Haha...Look, I'm so happy! Let's go, let's talk back to the Guild!"

Han Tianyu said that he looked at Zi Lingwei, who bowed his head and said nothing.

"You child, quietly going out privately to see how I will punish you later. But seeing that you have also improved to the 28th level of strength in more than a month, I can consider punishing you lightly. "

Having said that Han Tianyu took the lead in entering the door of the guild, Li Mo patted Zi Lingwei's shoulder and followed him.

"You child, can you do this again next time? Do you know how worried we are this month? We all know your affection for Li Mo. Fortunately, you all come back intact. If it appears What should you do if we have something unexpected?"

Ling Xiyu looked at Zi Lingwei indulgently, but the words were still full of rebuke.

"Sorry! Teacher Ling, let everyone worry about me."

Zi Ling lowered her head slightly and whispered that she knew in her heart that the president and the mentor were worried about her safety. But because of her fears for Li Mo, she made a last resort.

"Well! Good boy, let's go in too."


In Han Tianyu's large room, Li Mo is telling them what happened in these three months. However, nothing was said about killing the students of the Liulicheng Guild and entering the dangerous area.

"Hey! I didn't expect that the present misty forest and death plains are so dangerous. The Level 6 monsters have all gone to the edge. I really don't know what is going on in this monster's world. But fortunately you are finally safe. Is back."

After listening to Li Mo's remarks, Han Tianyu knew that he must have suffered a lot to achieve his present achievement. But it is so thrilling that I don't think about it, and I appreciate Li Mo's amazing strength and talents.

"Okay, you must be very tired these days. Hurry back to the room and rest! When Ye Fan, Han Zhe and Lan Xin come back from the trial, we will leave the emperor to participate in the contest!"

Li Mo and Zi Ling heard the words, and only then did they know that their three partners had gone out for trial. After He Lingwei withdrew from Han Tianyu's room, Li Mo and the two returned to their dormitory building.

"Zi Lingwei, this is for you!"

Just as Zi Lingwei was about to return to his room, Li Mo stopped her at the back.

"Ah...this...this is a purple quality weapon? Li Mo, how did you get it?"

Looking at the short sword with purple light in Li Mo's hands, Zi Ling said slightly surprised.

"This is a killing of a level 6 monster, and I think it is also a short sword just for you."

Speaking of Li Mo, he handed the dagger to Zi Lingwei.

"Thank you, Li Mo!"

Zi Ling looked at the dagger in his hand with excitement, but soon his expression became serious again.

"Li Mo, you can no longer risk your life next time, to find and kill high-level monsters. In case of any accidents, what if you get the god-level equipment?"

"Well! You can rest assured, not later."

Li Mo smiled slightly, obviously knowing the meaning of Zi Ling Wei's words.

"Okay, you have to rest early!"

Zi Lingwei walked into the room, and smiled at Li Mojiao quickly, closing the door quickly.


Li Mo didn't return to his room, but returned to Han Tianyu's residence. He still had many questions to ask Han Tianyu.

"Huh? Why didn't Xiaomo go to rest? Is there anything to come back to find me?"

When Li Mo came to the door of Han Tianyu's room, the door was not closed. Han Tianyu looked at Li Mo with a smile. Obviously he had not yet walked out of the joy of Li Mo's breakthrough to level 40.

"It's like this, President. I want to ask you how to use the strengthening stone!"

Li Mo took out several fortified stones with red light from the storage belt and came to Han Tianyu.

"Haha... It seems that your kid's experience in the field is really not small, and he actually got a few strengthening stones. Well, now that you have broken through to level 40, it is also time for you to understand the role of strengthening stones Yes, you follow me."

Han Tianyu said that he took Li Mo out of his room and walked towards the center of the guild.

This is an unassuming three-storey building. Li Mo has passed through many times, but he has never been in it and has no idea what it is for. He also asked Ye Fan about them, but they were not clear.


Han Tianyu retreated the guarded soldiers and pushed open the door of the building. Li Mo immediately felt a rush of heat on his face. When he walked in with Han Tianyu, Li Mo could only see clearly the scene inside. Although the building looks three stories high from the outside, it is actually only one story inside. In the spacious and empty space of the building, only this central furnace is placed in the most central position and there is no other decoration. The hot air just now should have been emitted from the furnace.

"Adult President, this is..."

Li Mo asked Han Tianyu doubtfully.

"This is where I forged and strengthened Don't you want to know how to use strengthening stones? I will tell you now."

Li Mo couldn't help but be surprised. He heard in Wang Zixuan that the fortified weapons can only be completed by the forge master, and the number of forge masters is extremely rare. He didn't expect his president to be a forge!

"Master President, are you a blacksmith? Is your occupation a warlock from time to time?"

"Hehe... It seems that you still have some superficial understanding of the techniques of strengthening and forging. Yes, I am indeed a warlock, but at the same time a forge. Because my physical attributes are fire attributes, this is to become One of the most basic conditions for a forge. You and I have the same attributes. If you are interested in forging and strengthening, you can become a forge in the future! As for what you can achieve, it depends on your own fortune!"

Han Tianyu's words made Li Mo completely blinded. He really couldn't figure out what the relationship between his own fire attributes and the blacksmith was.

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