Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 789: Yingxue Town Guild

"Let you go? If you were the one who fell to the ground now, would you let me go? I Li Mo didn't offend your guild person, you even struggled for a dead Qian Peng. That's good Since you want to take revenge for Qian Peng, I will take it from Li Mo. From today on, your Moyuan City Guild will be my second enemy of Li Mo, and I will try my best to keep your guild in the Tianfeng Empire Disappeared."

Hearing Li Mo's words, Dahan showed a desperate look. He didn't think Li Mo was talking big words, judging from the strength he showed today. As long as he is given some time, he is fully capable of doing everything he says. A huge beast like the Liulicheng Guild was destroyed by him, not to mention their little-known guild like Moyuan City. At the same time, I also knew how to beg for Li Mo no matter how hard he is.

Looking at the desperate expression of the big man, Li Mo did not have the slightest pity. He knew that benevolence to the enemy was cruelty to himself, and he walked step by step toward the man who had no power to fight back.


Dragonscale Chijian directly submerged into the heart of the Han.

After solving the Han, Li Mo buried all the corpses of the Moyuan City guilds on the spot. Since the vegetation and trees here have been damaged in the eyes, it is obviously impossible for Li Mo to cover up the fighting. In the end, Li Mo had no choice but to continue, running toward the edge of the misty forest.

When he came to the familiar edge, the color was already dark, and from time to time there were piles of fire.

"It seems that the monsters in this marginal area are really almost hunted, and this group of people even lit a campfire here without any care!"

Li Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then leaned on a large tree. He plans to spend the night here today, and enter the interior of the forest tomorrow morning.


Do not know how much time has passed, Li Mo was suddenly awakened by a scream.

He immediately looked in the direction of the sound, where the campfire was lit. Although not close, Li Mo can still see what is happening there with his keen eyes.

I saw a group of black monsters, who were attacking. Li Mo has even seen several people lying on the ground and becoming a monster's dinner. A middle-aged man who looked like a mentor confronted the monsters. The call just now came from a female student behind him.

"Hey! I really don't know how you mentor is. I dare to light a campfire to sleep in the misty forest. Isn't this just asking for bitter food!"

Although Li Mo was very dissatisfied with the guild's mentor's practice, he couldn't die. While whispering, the figure began to move towards the place where the incident occurred.


"Shuang'er, you will soon leave here with Mu Qing, and I can stay here for a while!"

Facing the siege of the monster, the middle-aged mentor shouted to a man and a woman behind him.

"No! Tutor Liu is going to die, and we are going to die with you. Let's not go!"

The girl named Shuang Er burst into tears.

"Mr. Liu, blame me. If it weren't for your persuasion to start a bonfire, we wouldn't have suffered so many companions, so let me confess to death today!"

The young man did not obey the middle-aged mentor, still holding this weapon to continue confrontation with the monster.

"Don't be fooling around now, it's not time to be a hero. If you still recognize me as a mentor, leave quickly!"


While the three were still in dispute, the group of monster beasts finally launched a crazy attack on them.

The size of the monster is not large, which is the size of a normal leopard. But the attack of these monsters is extremely powerful, and the speed is extremely fast!

Swish swish...

A series of black shadows showed cold fangs and claws against the background of the fire.

"Go away!"

The tutor with the surname Liu pushed the two behind him away. Immediately raised the scepter high in his hand, a white light temporarily blocked the attack of the group of monster monsters. But under the nibbling and tearing of the monster, the white awn has gradually darkened and disappeared immediately.

"Do not……"

Shuang Er and Mu Qing still refused to leave, and raised their scepters together to help the tutor resist the monster's attack. However, their level is low, and did not delay the disappearance of Baimang.


Just as the trio was unable to support it, a tragic howling came from the monsters outside Bai Mang.

The head is the largest, and the body of these monster beasts seems to be torn apart immediately.

Seeing the other monsters, they stopped the attack on the three. You Green's eyes were fixed on the figure standing between them. This person was none other than Li Mo who arrived in time.


Seeing that his leader was killed, there was another howl among the monsters, and a dozen or so monsters immediately dispersed and disappeared into the darkness.

After the crisis was lifted, the three people's faces were filled with the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster, and they hurried to Li Mo.

"I met the benefactor in Liu Changshan, the guild of Xiayingxue Town! These are my two students, Shaner and Muqing!"

Li Mo looked at the three of them, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart. According to the regulations of the empire, only talents with a level of 50 or above are eligible to be guild mentors, but the person named Liu Changshan is only at the level of 45. The strength of the two men and women is only 20-level strength.

"Sakura Snow Town Guild? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"The benefactor does not know. Our Yingxue Town Guild is only a guild that was registered a few days ago. So the benefactor is naturally not familiar with our guild."

"The guild just established? Are you their mentor?"

Li Mo asked the question in his heart.

"Under the strength of only forty-fifth, how can they be qualified as their mentors. It is only because our guild has just been established and its strength is too weak. No one wants to come to us as a mentor, so I will bear it for the time being. This mentor took them to practice. But... I didn't expect that we would be in great trouble when we first entered this misty forest. If it weren't for the benefactor's help, I am afraid we..."

"Oh! It turned out to be the case, then even then you can't make fun of your life. Take a bonfire and rest here at night! Don't you know that it's dangerous to do it?"

Hearing Li Mo's reprimand, Liu Changshan looked at the astonished students who had been devoured by monsters over there with tears.

"This can’t be blamed on Teacher Liu, it’s me... I’m determined to light the bonfire. It’s my Mu Qing behind me stood up and hurriedly explained to Li Mo and explained his responsibility Take it all in yourself.

Seeing such a scene, Li Mo became more annoyed.

"You are just a student, how could your tutor listen to you?"

"Our guild was established by my father, and it was only after I insisted on mentoring that I compromised. It was all my fault, it was my fault!"

Li Mo heard this only to understand the reason. The young man in front of him was the grandfather of Yingxue Town Guild. No wonder Liu Changshan would listen to him.

"Forget it, I'm not here to blame any of you. The monster that attacked you just now is the fifth-level monster Beast Demon Wolf, and their revenge is very strong. I think you still leave here earlier, otherwise I will I can’t protect you.”

Li Mo said leisurely, then turned and walked towards the dark place.

(End of this chapter)