Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 868: Deep into the grassland

Mo Sang did not speak. He stared at Li Mo for a long time with powerful eyes, trying to see through Li Mo. But after watching it for a long time, I didn't see anything. So Mosang nodded and said

"Tomorrow's hunting, Li Mo went with us to hunt in the grassland."

Returning to his thatched house, the eyes of other people looked at Li Mo differently. These people used to look at Li Mo's eyes with contempt, disdain, and even some disgust. After all, Li Mo has made everyone troublesome these days. If Mosang was on them, these people would have already started with Li Mo.

But now, they look at Li Mo's eyes, cautiously, and even in awe. In this world, the strongest is respected. Although Li Mo's current strength is only five layers of quenching the physical environment, but he can defeat the six layers of quenching the physical environment.

Li Mo spread the fur coat on the ground and then sat on it. Looking at the wound on the chest where the blood stains had just dried up, Li Mo grinned. No way, their identity is too important, and there is no cure for injury. There was an injury and it could only be stiff.

Li Mo lay down after wiping the wound, this time Li Mo did not intentionally snore. But those conscientious young people did not dare to catch their breath, until everyone confirmed that Li Mo was asleep, and they dared not sleep soundly.

Until now, can they not know that Li Mo was pretending to be asleep and deliberately snoring? But as long as it is, now Li Mo is good enough not to look for their troubles, and how dare they say more.

The next day, just after the sun rose, Mo Sang organized everyone to come to the grassland to hunt.

As before, the tribes from the third floor to the fifth floor of the quenching body are hunting outside the grassland. Mosang led Li Mo to hunt dozens of miles deep in the grassland. Dozens of miles deep into the grassland still belong to the periphery of the grassland, so it is still relatively safe.

The road of dozens of miles is just an hour's journey for them, who are more than five layers hardened. Everyone did not disperse after coming here. After all, the spirit beasts here are stronger, and dispersing may be in danger.

Mosang and several people in their thirties are good hunting hunters. Therefore, according to the smell left on the grassland and the traces on the ground, Mosang can determine whether the spirit beast has moved. If there is a spirit beast that has moved here, they will also determine the location and chase them up.

Not long after, more than thirty people, led by Mosang and other tribes with many hunting experiences, caught up with a head beast. This spirit beast is a Dalmatian, but the body of this Dalmatian is not small, that is, a male lion is not as diverse as it is. Nourished by Reiki, the size of the spirit beast is not small.

"It seems to be a spirit beast with strength in the eighth layer of quenching body."

Looking at the bumpy muscles on Dalmatians, Mo Sang said. Then Mo Sang waved to the people behind him and said

"Do it!"

As Mosang's voice fell, more than thirty people attacked the Dalmatian together, and Mosang himself didn't mean to do anything. Although this Dalmatian has the strength to quench the eighth level of the body, even if the fighting power of the spirit beast is better than that of humans, there are so many people, and it is not necessary to use Mosang. Mo Sang also deliberately wanted to hone everyone.

I have to say that these thirty-odd people are indeed tough, besieging them together. Li Mo only felt that he had just hit a Dalmatian, and the Dalmatian died in the pool of blood. More than 30 people per person, the Dalmatians who quenched the eight layers of the body had not yet used their skills, and died tragically.

In half a day, everyone followed Mo Sang and others to find a lot of spirit beasts, and the harvest was not small. In the afternoon, Mo Sang changed the plan, in pairs. Li Mo and a group of seven-layer quenching body, called Batu's Dahan group.

Li Mo doesn't know what Mosang means, but Batu has followed Mosang for so long and certainly understands Mosang's meaning. I saw more than a dozen teams scattered around the grassland, covered by thick grass. Even Batu cut a lot of weeds and covered them and Li Mo.

Then Batu kept a large piece of carrion on the ground in the distance, and a rope woven with grass was tied to the carrion. These ropes are woven by women in the tribe, and men's farming and women's weaving are well reflected in this society.

Not long afterwards, several vultures from Skyrim hovered over Li Mo. In the grasslands, vultures are of course very common, but like in the sky, it is not common to have a vulture with a person coming high in the open body. Obviously, such a huge vulture belongs to the spirit beast level.

Now Li Mo knows why Batu covered the weeds on them. If there is no such weeds on the body, Li Mo and Batu hidden in the jungle will surely be seen by vultures at a glance. These vultures are born with a pair of sharp eyes, they are the clairvoyance of this grassland.


The vulture hovered above the carrion, and his sharp eyes kept staring at the carrion on the ground. After circling a few times and discovering that there was no abnormality, the vulture leaned forward and rushed, and his sharp claws grabbed the carrion on the ground. Everyone knows that although the carrion is stinky, for these vultures, it is indeed a fatal temptation.

But when the vulture's claws were about to catch the carrion, Batu, who was hiding aside, dragged the grass rope in his hand. Carrion followed the grass rope in the direction of Batu, and the vulture spread an empty space.


The carrion suddenly became alert as the carrion moved. Hearing the vulture's roar, he flew up to the sky, and a pair of godly eyes looked down at the earth. The vulture circled again in the air a few times, but Li Mo and Batu were so well hidden. After hunting for such a long time, Li Mo also had long been able to practice his ability to stay sore.

Although the mental state of the quenching body spirit beast is higher than that of ordinary fierce beasts, it is still far inferior to humans. So after checking for a long time, after finding no anomalies, the vulture was finally unable to bear the temptation of food and rushed down.

Just when the claws of the vultures had just touched the vultures, Batu jumped up on the ground and the weeds flew away.

But vultures are also spirit beasts, and the response is naturally not slow. So when he noticed the changes around him, and before he could even see the people clearly, the vultures spread their wings and flew up.


Batu's voice I saw Batu jumped up and jumped three or four meters high. With the blessing of spiritual power, even if the strong man in the eighth layer of the quenched body can't fly, it is normal to jump three or four meters high.

Although the vulture was discovered in time, but after cutting his wings, he did not wait for how high to fly, Batu rushed over, stepped on the vulture's back, and stepped down the vulture.

At the same time, Li Mo also moved. Li Mo, who was holding the spear, pointed the spear at the vulture, and then stabbed it. The vulture's body was originally stepped on by Batu, so he could just meet Li Mo's spear.


The vulture roared, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes. Immediately, I saw a blue aura on the claws of the vulture, with aura blessing claws, which became sharper.


The spear shattered as soon as it touched the claw. Even the spear head made of iron was broken into several sections, which shows that this claw is powerful.

(End of this chapter)