Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 965: The people here are really unfriendly

Li Mo's appearance as a profiteer was discussed with the eggs.

"The spirit beasts in Jindan Realm are already scarce, and the spirit beasts are stronger than people. I am afraid that it is the harshness of Yuanying Realm that it is not easy to find a spirit beast in Jindan Realm and kill it? Let Li Yan know that Neidan, who he used to heal his son, was "borrowed" by you. Do you say he will be angry? We are half in one, and if something goes wrong, we will bear it together."

Silently listening to Li Mo's words, he looked at Li Mo with a look of contempt. The eyes seem to be saying, it’s strange that you don’t run if something goes wrong, and you can still bear with me?

"It will be a few days before we go to see what good things there are in Li Zitian and Li Yan, and I will "borrow" to pay you back."

Seeing that the egg was regressing, Li Mo continued. The ‘borrow’ was naturally stolen. If you let Li Zitian and Li Yan know that Li Mo and Dandan have used them as warehouses and are ready to'borrow' something at any time, I am afraid they will be mad.

"Fuck, anyway, I feel that we will be separated soon. If you are not strong enough, I have to let you die."

Egg egg waved and said, and then egg egg's sharp fingertips, Neidan was divided into two halves. Egg egg handed half of it to Li Mo and said

"You use it to improve your strength. You are still weak. You can eat less at a time and don't eat too much."

Li Mo took Neidan and asked

"What did you just mean? Are you going?"

The eggs shut their mouths, and when they saw the eggs, they swallowed half of Neidan. As Neidan entered the egg's abdomen, the egg's body suddenly showed a piece of black light. And the pressure of the aura on the egg is becoming more and more unstable, which is the rhythm to break through.

How strong is the spiritual power of the inner pill of the golden beast realm? If you change to a strong human clan in the Dandan Realm, you might eat this half of Neidan in one bite, and you will be boosted directly.

However, as an egg demon, the egg's physical strength is certainly arrogant and scary. So don't talk about half of the inner pill, even a complete inner pill, and it can't support the body of the young demon.

And Li Mo can't dare to eat Nei Dan like a egg, after all, Li Mo eats a spiritual realm, even Nei Dan of the spirit beast in the Dan Dan Realm. However, the inner pill of the Golden Pill Realm Beast, as the egg said, has too much energy.

After eating less than a quarter of Neidan, Li Mo slept in a dream. In the dream, Li Mo's body is unrestricted. Tiandi Quan's one-style Tianquan and three-style ground-fist are repeatedly performed by Li Mo. Unconsciously, Li Mo's comprehension of the dream of great dreams has also deepened a lot.

This time, Li Mo slept for a month. Fortunately, Li Mo ate the inner pill of Jindan Realm Beast before practicing the Great Dream, or else, Li Mo might be starved to death this month.

But even in this case, Li Mo woke up and was hungry and uncomfortable. He was too late to be happy because Xiu stepped into the spiritual realm, so he hurriedly found some dried meat at the egg to eat.

Seeing the egg, stepping into the mid-stage of Dandan Realm unexpectedly. The dried meat in the egg storage bag has extremely thick blood gas. Li Mo took a bite of this kind of dried meat, and got a lot more blood than a meal of other spirit beast meat.

Needless to say, these dried meat must be eggs and don't know where to borrow them. However, the targets of the eggs are all Li and Wu surnames, so Li Mo has no deep meaning. On the contrary, Li Mo thinks that the meat may be harsh, and Li Zitian eats them.

"Then Nedan is estimated to be enough to eat twice. When Nedan is eaten up, he will need Xueqi Dan to practice the dream of the Great Dream. It seems that he must start to prepare Xueqi Dan."

Li Mo murmured to himself while eating dried meat.

After eating, Li Mo borrowed an alchemy pill from Menglin and went out to hunt with the eggs. After all, Xueqidan does not need too precious medicinal herbs, but the most indispensable medicinal herbs are spirit blood of spirit beasts. As for the surrounding hills, Li Mo certainly didn't know anything.

Li Mo found that Eggs and Eggs were like the plagued gods in their downhill cottage. A lot of people along the way saw Eggs and turned and ran away. Even Li Mo heard that some women educated their disobedient children. Keep talking

"You are not obedient! Let the little devil brought back by the patriarch eat it for you!"

Sure enough, as soon as they heard their mother's words. The children suddenly became well-behaved, and even many timid children cried directly.

Seeing this scene, Li Mo looked at the eggs around him with a black line and said

"What did you do in Miluo Shanzhai?"

"What can I do with such kindness? The people here are really wronging me, really unfriendly..."

It seems that the egg is wronged by Tianda, said. If it weren’t for someone who knew the nature of the egg, maybe it would be considered wrong. But Li Mo, who knows the egg, only gave the egg a big glance.

Li Mo used to think that the mountains around the Miluo Village were attributed to the Hunting of the Miluo But Li Mo didn't know until he came out. I couldn't see the head at a glance. I didn't know that hundreds of towering mountains, canyons, water sources, and plains were all owned by Miluo Cottage.

No wonder the eighty-one cottages of the Jiuli tribe living in the 100,000 mountains have lived so well-dressed. There is no shortage of food and land here.

However, the area under the jurisdiction of the Miluo Shanzhai is also dangerous. The people of the Miluo Shanzhai who lived here since childhood have also fallen perennially. Like Chiyou's parents, both died early because of hunting. Of course, the dangers of the mountains around the Miluo cottage have been cleared away by the elders of the Miluo cottage. Therefore, the surrounding mountains are relatively safe.

Li Mo and Egg Egg found a mountain around them to go hunting, because they had spent some time in the hunting team of the Yingbao tribe. So Li Mo understands the life habits of spirit beasts and how to track them, and he can even infer the type, volume and general behavior of spirit beasts based on footprints.

When it comes to such cultivation practices as Li Mo, of course, he will not hunt ordinary spirit beasts. Therefore, the trails of several activities of the spirit beasts found before made Li Mo give up.

At the moment, a piece of plum-like footprints was printed on the wet ground in front of Li Mo. This is typically the footprint of a wolf, but the size of this footprint is larger than that of a typical male lion. Li Mo bent down, reached out and dipped some mud in the muddy footprints, and smelled it in front of his nose.

"Timber wolves, wood wolves. The size of this footprint should be between the Great Perfection of the Lingling Realm and the early stage of the Dandan Realm. However, the wood wolves are generally fighting, and the most prominent are their vitality and physical resilience... …"


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