Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 10: First experience of the mirror

  Chapter 10 The first experience of the mirror

  Stalls selling mushrooms are not like potatoes and tofu in whole rows, but scattered here and there, scattered in many corners of the vegetable market.

  Xu Guangling was not in a hurry, and since this was the last thing he wanted to buy today, he patiently walked around the whole vegetable market and inspected all the mushroom-selling stalls. And the result, if it is as he expected.

   Not too optimistic!

  These mushrooms are mostly grown in greenhouses.

Things planted in greenhouses are not bad. It excludes the biggest advantages of high yield, high efficiency, easy management and low cost considered by merchants. From the buyer's point of view, things planted in greenhouses also have many advantages, such as cleanliness, hygiene, Eye-catching, even delicious.

   But mushrooms are different.

  Mushrooms are mainly eaten fresh, and "greenhouse production", as long as these three words are hung, the so-called freshness has been lost. In addition, for the sake of cost, the culture materials of those mushrooms are basically the cheapest things.

   So after turning around the mushroom stall, Xu Guangling shook his head.

   When visiting a potato stand before, there was an evaluation of a certain potato's "smelly smell", but at this time, Xu Guangling even omitted this evaluation. "It's not targeting anyone, I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish." This sentence on the Internet unexpectedly appeared in Xu Guangling's mind.

   There is another joint that must be mentioned here, that is, Xu Guangling used to buy mushrooms and eat them often, not so often, but basically at least once a week. And what did he buy then? These are the mushrooms I just saw.

  Thinking about it at this time, I suddenly felt a sense of unbearable.


   is ruined, ruined, mushrooms will probably not be eaten in the future!

  The mushrooms in my dream yesterday, the kind of mushrooms called chicken leg mushrooms, are also sold at the stalls, but the appearance is completely different, with big mushroom stems, even single stems, and basically no hats. This even made Xu Guangling a little suspicious, are these two kinds of chicken leg mushrooms the same thing?

  Although one is wild and the other is artificially cultivated, shouldn’t the difference be so big? This is simply that the kitten has developed a giant panda. Although there is a cat, the two are completely different, okay?

   Fortunately, there are still some wild mushrooms.

   That should be sporadic picking from a farmhouse in the suburbs.

But wild doesn't mean it's good. Xu Guangling just looked at it casually before, and found that picking too late, picking too early, growing in a mess, and poor quality, etc. In addition, there are many mushrooms Xu Guangling do not know.

   It is said that many wild mushrooms are poisonous, but you shouldn’t need to consider this problem when you buy them in the vegetable market, so although he didn’t know them, Xu Guangling still found one that seemed to have a good quality, and planned to bring some back.

   "How much is a pound?" Xu Guangling asked.

   "How much do you want, little brother?" the stall owner asked. This stall owner is the so-called second-class typical seller image, the first-class model is the kind of shrewd and shrewd, the second-class model looks simple and honest, but in fact, this type of person is more sophisticated than the first-class person. , Thief essence, can be regarded as a typical evolutionary version.

   "I don't want more, just half a catty."

   "One hundred and eighty-one catties, if you want half a catty, brother, you will be counted as eighty." The stall owner said.

How many?

  Xu Guangling thought he heard it wrong, but this face-to-face, of course, is not wrong. Is it because wild mushrooms are so expensive, or is this stall owner killing him? But even if the stall dominates him, the price won't be too outrageous, right?

  The fact may be that wild mushrooms are indeed more expensive.

Oyster mushrooms are 2 to 3 yuan per pound. When they are expensive, they may be 4 yuan and 5 yuan. When they are cheap, they can also lose slag. Blocks; mushrooms are six yuan, eight yuan, ten yuan, twelve, sixteen, and twenty-one pounds, depending on the season and region, and other enoki mushrooms, chicken leg mushrooms, etc. are probably at this price.

  The mushrooms or edible mushrooms in the vegetable market are basically the same, and the whole country is almost the same. And the price, ten yuan per catty is a threshold, it is rarely exceeded, and it is a bit expensive if it exceeds.

   And this, one hundred and eighty-one pounds.

   Xu Guangling must say, he opened his eyes, or in other words, opened up a new world.

   Weighed half a catty and paid eighty.

With the bag in his hand, Xu Guangling smiled. He didn't even need to weigh it, a very familiar feeling told him, four taels, no more, no less! With the previous experience at the potato stand, Xu Guangling already believed this feeling without further verification.

   said nothing, turned and left.

  180 for one catty, half catty, 180÷2,=90, four taels, 180÷10×4,=72.

   The stall owner kindly asked him for 80 just now.

   Well, the math of this stall owner is indeed not taught by a physical education teacher, which can be confirmed.

   In addition, Xu Guangling also suspects that the stall owner has taken a certain degree of psychology as an elective. Of course, it is more likely that he is not self-taught in life, which makes people a little entangled even if they discover the truth. -Although the weighing is a little short, a few kilograms less, but didn't I save you ten yuan? (Innocent face.)

   Bought mushrooms once and opened them twice.

   Well, the 80 yuan is worth it.

  The things you want to buy have been bought, you can go back.

   On the way back, Xu Guangling was still immersed in a wonderful experience.

   Expert-level understanding and identification of potatoes, tofu, and mushrooms is a wonderful thing, and an extremely sensitive grasp of jins is a wonderful thing. On the basis of knowing what to buy, it is wonderful to watch the performance of the stall owner.

  The aunt who sells tofu is very enthusiastic.

  The things are authentic, the weight is full, the greeting is warm, it is a full five-point evaluation, a conscience seller, it is worth recommending.

  The stall owner who sells mushrooms is honest and honest, so, he can only use "hehe" as an evaluation, and there is nothing else. As for the initial asking price, whether it was directly from one hundred two hundred five to one hundred and eight, is another interesting thing.

   This feeling of seeing through everything brings the wonder and joy to Xu Guangling, which is difficult to describe in words.

   Or, is this the so-called "belly of poetry and literature"? Of course, what I want to talk about here is not about poetry and books, nor is it about arrogance, but indeed, there is a feeling of holding a wisdom pearl and watching the situation with a smile.

   Although these two words are used in the occasion of the vegetable market just now, it is a bit too big to use.

   But in nature, it is.

   "If you don't go out, you will know the world; if you don't peek into the sky, you will see the way of heaven."

   "In strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away."

   At this moment, Xu Guangling unexpectedly remembered these two sentences. That magical dream last night really brought a new feeling and a new atmosphere to life, just like a breeze blowing, making people feel refreshed throughout their body and mind.

   Of course, it would be nice if this breeze didn’t turn into a bad wind.

  For the time being, Xu Guangling did not dare to be too optimistic, or, if he was not too optimistic, he just did not dare to be optimistic.

   But for this matter, he could only just let it go. It's going to be a good and pretty good day, at least for today alone, isn't it?

   (end of this chapter)