Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1019: Louguan Canghai Day

   Chapter 1019 Louguan Canghai Sun

  The story continues down, and it comes to the teacher's teaching to Leng Qingyun, "Place your heart, and go down."

   and Leng Qingyun's answer, "Ambition should be lofty, between heaven and earth, don't be the second person to think. The industry should be sent to the moment, step by step, and not let one step fail."

   Gan Congshi doesn't want to feel emotional.

   He really didn't want to.

   But really can't help it!

   Leng Qingyun's answer suddenly pulled him back to the past, back to the past.

   Once, before.

   When you were a child, even when you were young and middle-aged.

Who doesn't have high ambitions? Gan Congshi didn't have "between heaven and earth, don't be the second person", he only thought about the second half, "don't be the second person", while the first half, "between heaven and earth" Room" needs to be changed to "within the family" and "in the middle of Annan County".

  Time goes by, and it never returns.

  Suddenly means ten years, one hundred years, one hundred and fifty years...

   The child of that year did achieve "not being the second person in the family", but as for "Annan County", hehe.

   There is only one left.

Not to mention compared with Xu Yishan, a heaven-rank disciple who fell from the sky, even compared with the splendid show of other sects in the county, he can only say that if he can barely hang in that queue, he will not be too backward, not too shameful .

   That's all!

  The so-called growth is to realize the insignificance of oneself.

   See the boundaries.

   See the pattern.

  Child, I hope you never grow up.

   is always growing!

  You are a practitioner, child, you will know in the future that you cannot meditate in cultivation, and meditation cannot meditate. As long as you can keep walking, even if you are arrogant all the time, your heart is still and stable.

   is quieter than the mountains in the morning and at night.

   is more stable than the earth under our feet.

   That is the greatest peace of mind and satisfaction!

   For Leng Qingyun, the first time, to be honest, Gan Congshi didn't have much sense of identity, except that one was an old man and the other was a child, Leng Qingyun's life experience and experience were not similar to him at all.

   But at this moment, with Leng Qingyun's words, I agree.

  Children, you don’t know the opportunities you have. You don’t know how many thousands of practitioners in this world can’t even dream. No matter how much you ask for them, you can’t get them.

   So, by all means.


do not waste time!

  Don't waste your time!

   wholeheartedly, seize this opportunity and move forward!

  Put the booklet in his hand on the table, and close his eyes willingly.

   Flat heart.


   But in the process, he clenched the fists of both hands firmly several times.

   After a while, he really calmed down, and he could continue to look down with a calm mind again.

Is   Condensing Qi Powder made like this?

   is also right, with the existence of that gentleman, to make a medicine, is it still like this old man, collecting medicine, cleaning, processing, drying, grinding, ...

  What did Xiaolingzi say?

   Avenue is simple!

Yes, exactly!

   Gan Congshi murmured, his gaze continued downward.

   But immediately, suddenly, his eyes widened.

   "There are fish in the north."

   A mysterious text that I don't know how to describe entered Gan Cong's line of sight like this, and it crashed into his heart like this.

   hit him all at once, making him dizzy and trembling.

   Don’t say that there is no expectation, no preparation.

   It is impossible to have any expectations and preparations!

   What kind of text is this?

   Looking at it, Gan Congshi felt as if he had become a fish, roaming in the boundless sea like Leng Qingyun.

   He even closed his eyes again.


   And this kind of imagination is not difficult.

  The sea is gloomy, the earth is gloomy, and the whole world is gloomy.

  The gloomy sky, in the long gloomy gloom, the overflowing strange light strips are the only special existence and color, and also...

  The only guide!

  To swim, swim forward!

   Keep going, going, going!

  It seems like this, you can swim to the far place, the end of the front, where the water and the sky meet.

   It seems like this, you can go from earth to heaven.


Can not be done.

   It’s not enough to just swim like this, no matter how big you grow, no matter how you “don’t know how many thousand miles it is”, it’s not enough!

   No matter how much you swim, you will still be in this boundless sea.

   In this sea, you can swim freely, and you can do whatever you want.


   Behind this wanton, there are restrictions and patterns.

   is also imprisonment.

   Being in the imagination of turning into a fish, Gan Congshi felt this, and thus, he felt the darkness between heaven and earth as if he was there.

  Yes, under such a confinement, how could it not be dark.

   is like the world of Annan County.

   This Annan County is actually "Northern Ming".

   There is a fish in Beiming, and that fish is the countless cultivators in this world!

  Any cultivator, sooner or later, will feel that dark, long and heavy, permeating the whole world, everywhere.

   Fortunately, there are strange light bands and colors in the sky.

   But you can only see the splendor of the sky when you jump out of the sea, right?

   At this moment, Gan Congshi suddenly enlightened.

to him.

  Xiaolingzi is the strange light belt, the sacred tree behind him is the strange light belt, and the road of blue clouds in his hand is also the strange light belt.

  What I saw that day in Juxinglou was that strange light belt.

  Lan Shui Zong Nanpingxiu's promotion was also due to that strange light belt.

   opened his eyes and withdrawn from his imagination, Gan Congshi put his eyes on the booklet in his hand again.

   But this time, instead of continuing to look down, he moved up.

   "There are fish in the north."

   "Become a bird."

   is here!

  This is the most important and critical place!

How did    change?

   It is not mentioned in the book.

   directly means that the fish turns into a bird.

   may also be mentioned, that is, keep growing, keep growing, and then reach a certain limit, and then break through.

   is like a cultivator going from a human level to an earth level.

   Or, is this from a fish into a bird, more like from the earth to the sky?

  From the ground to the sky!

   Gancong's gaze wandered up and down this bizarre text in the storybook.

   In fact, there is no need to look back and forth. Any word in it has been imprinted in my mind and heart just now. Don't say a sentence or a sentence, even every word is unforgettable.

   And in this text, after all, there is nothing he wants to see.

   So, his mind was temporarily immersed for a while, although this text was too magical and too gorgeous, but he still let it go, and left it to taste slowly in the future, and at this moment, let's go on.

   A condensed Qi dissipated, and Leng Qingyun directly broke through the Qi Condensation Realm and entered the Tongmai Realm.

   In the face of this kind of magic, this seems unbelievable, but Gan Congshi only slightly showed his face, and then smiled lightly.

   Don’t be too surprised.

  Because I was already amazed.

   Not to mention the slightest doubt.

  Because of personal experience, he and them, many people witnessed such a thing together!

  Although it is only "small condensed gas scattered".

  Although you only came to the sixth floor of Qi Condensation, let alone the Tongmai, you can’t even talk about the large amount of Qi Condensation.

   But in essence, what is the difference between the two?


   Gan Cong's style was strange but normal and indifferent, and his eyes continued to downward.

   But suddenly, he froze again.

   "Condensing Qi Powder is a fortune-telling medicine, so it can be equivalent to good fortune, allowing you to pass the stage of condensing gas and go straight to Tongmai."

   Creation-grade drugs?

   (end of this chapter)