Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1022: Fragrant Clouds Float Outside

   Chapter 1022 Heavenly Fragrant Clouds Float Outside

   In this life, Xu Guangling began to analyze the language and characters very early, and it was the kind of word-by-word analysis.

   Anyway, as a child, he has nothing to do, just a lot of time.

After the analysis of    was completed, Xu Guangling found that these words were still not as good as the Chinese in the previous life in terms of ideology, or even a lot worse, only about 70%.

   In fact, even the Chinese of the previous life, whether it is Simplified or Traditional or even more ancient forms, are far from perfect. Especially when applied to practice, many images cannot be explained and expressed.

   This is not surprising.

   Strictly speaking, spiritual practice should be accompanied by a set of special "language for practice".

   Just like the Book of Changes in the previous life, the eight symbols representing gossip are actually a set of independent languages.

   It is not impossible to use Chinese to describe the eight symbols, but it is also a kind of "Tao Ke Dao is very Tao", which is a forced rubbing. Many subtleties and subtleties cannot be rubbed off.

   To describe it simply, it is like taking a picture of a person with a camera.

  Camera, from the initial black and white to the later color, and then to the so-called true color, from the initial low pixel to the later higher and higher pixels...

   But no matter how advanced the technology is, the rubbed portrait is still far from the real "person".

   In other words, this kind of photography itself can only achieve one "image" at most.

   just like.


   As if.

  Even with the advancement of technology, photos have changed from flat to three-dimensional, and then from three-dimensional to holographic.

   is still only likeness and resemblance.

The    text is like a camera, and this camera is quite primitive and clumsy.

   Standing at the current height, Xu Guangling can completely create a set of characters that is exclusive to him, but he is still in the process of high-speed learning and growth, and it is far from the time for this kind of "summary".

   One day, if one really attains the status of a god, then all the practice before becoming a **** will be solidified into an exclusive text, which is not a bad idea.

   So at this time, he was teaching Xiaoxiuer Chinese honestly.

   Teaching materials, starting from the Three Character Classic.

   Of course, it is not the Tongmeng textbook in the old Huaxia period, but the name and form of the Three Character Classic.

The content of    is the practice that Xu Guangling understands.

   Gan Congshi sees the two people lying on the two stone beds for one day. About one third of the time, Xu Guangling is teaching Xiao Xiuer these things.

   The remaining two-thirds of the time is just playing.

   No matter how he is a "celestial cultivator", Xiao Xiu'er is a little baby who is only four or five years old.

   Xu Guangling has never forgotten this.

So in addition to teaching her practice, he also taught Xiao Xiuer a lot of things to play, teaching her chess, teaching her Go, teaching her two-player mahjong, teaching her to sculpt, teach her to paint, teach her calligraphy, teach her to compose music and write lyrics ...

   Pieces and clutter.

  Xiao Xiuer's learning ability need not be doubted, no matter how old she is four or five years old, this is also a real rank, and it is an insult to describe it with a memory that she never forgets.

   So soon, in all kinds of gadgets, she began to be quite accomplished.

   After attaining attainments, it is not only study, but also research.

   Whenever the word "research" is involved, it is a black hole of time, and no amount of time is too much.

   But he only has nine years. It's hard to say how much Xiao Xiuer can learn from him in these nine years.

The main reason is not to learn fast or slow, but many things. In terms of comprehension conditions, some require height, some require breadth, and some require the complexity of blending various people and things. These three aspects , all of which are quite lacking in Xiaoxiuer.

   But don't worry.

   A four or five year old cultivator, what's the hurry?

   In the past nine years, even if it was just used to lay the foundation for her, it would not be a loss.

   A great master teaches a celestial rank, such a foundation, huh, Xu Guangling wanted to see what kind of flower this kind of foundation could breed in the end, but he probably couldn't see it.

   At this point, the two of them couldn't talk about each other.

   But in the future, it must be forgotten in the rivers and lakes.

   Or, it's not forgetting each other, but this "jianghu" is too big and too boundless. In the case of different places, it makes no difference whether it is forgotten or not.

   Just like this life, he still remembers the two old people and Shen Xinjun Changan.

   wonder if they are safe in the new world.

   I wondered if they were enlightened and successfully entered the path of cultivation.

  Thinking about...

   There are many, many, and it is difficult to feel at ease without seeing the last one.

   But what about the next life?

   What about the next life?


  The future cannot be arranged, there are too many changes and possibilities.

   So in the past life, very early, when Xu Guangling was still an ordinary person, he knew the phrase "chicken soup for the soul", "grasp the present".

   Now, for him, it is to concentrate on consolidating the cultivation theories below the great master and establish a complete cultivation system, preferably equivalent to the level of good fortune, and then concentrate on teaching Xiaoxiuer.

  Xiao Xiuer was completely accidental.

   But since this accident has already occurred, then don’t waste this creation, just follow the sky and respond to people.

   Make her up!

   In addition, other things are mostly idle.

   Intentionally making moves, not thinking about winning or losing.

   There is no winning or losing either.

   For a practitioner or speaker, as long as he keeps walking on his own path, he neither loses nor wins.

  Some are just, the sky is not my fault, I am not my fault.

   In the evening, Xiao Xiu'er was kicked back by Xu Guangling, and when she saw Nan Pingxiu, Xiao Xiu'er also threw herself into her arms.

After waking up that day, Xiao Xiu'er has changed a lot, and Nan Pingxiu is overwhelmed, but Xiao Xiu'er is more affectionate to her than before, which is what Nan Pingxiu is very happy about, and because of this , nothing else matters.

   However, Nan Pingxiu still has a lot of difficulties hidden in her heart.

  Some time ago, Xu Yishan got a message that she went to Nanzhou Mansion to meet the Tianjun Mo Tiankui.

  Nan Pingxiu originally thought that Mo Tianjun would ask her some questions, such as the biggest question, how did she get promoted to the refining realm.

After    but didn't want to meet, Mo Tianjun just invited her to drink a cup of tea and chatted some gossip.

  It was really gossip. He talked about the streets of Annan County, and he also said that he had been to the county before. Has the county changed much now? Is his county accent standard?

   and so on.

   Then let her come back.

  Nan Pingxiu was puzzled, but after a while, she seemed to understand a little.

Because the Lanshui Sect of Nanzhou came, and the Sect Master came in person, this person's cultivation base is obviously higher than her current one, of course, not to mention her identity, but she didn't mention her promotion at all, just expressed Congrats, then gave her a suggestion.

   suggested to her that she could go to Nanzhou for development, and even Nanzhou could introduce it to the imperial capital on her behalf.

   is just a suggestion.

   In addition, there is no "shangzong" style.

  Nan Pingxiu vaguely understood that, dared to feel, that day's trip to the state office was the one who sheltered her under his influence for some unknown reason.


   Xu Yishan's relationship?

   is not very similar.

   Actually, Nan Pingxiu knew how she got promoted. What she didn't know was how Xiao Xiuer got promoted, and what does it have to do with that Tianjun.

   She asked Xiaoxiuer, but Xiaoxiuer just giggled.

   (end of this chapter)