Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1189: A voiceless song to cross the fairy tale

   Chapter 1189 A voiceless song to cross the fairy road

  Ye Xiaoye lowered his eyes slightly, the whole world seemed to shrink to a very limited area around him, and the outside did not exist at all.

  Sky Eye 1.0, start...

   Startup completed.

  Start scanning…

  The target is limited, and the surrounding ten meters are empty.

  Scan complete.

   Void Purity, 82%.

  82% purity, means 18% "impurities".

   This is the anchor parameter set by Xu Guangling in his first life, and in his first life, the purity of the void was only 47%.

  60% is the starting and ending line suitable for practice.

   It is indeed a world of great prosperity, 82%, the purity of the void, can be called excellent.

   How did this anchor parameter come from?

Xu Guangling set the "perfect" realm to 100%, that is, in such an environment, everything between the sky and the void is absolutely pure, which means that the creatures in it do not need any so-called cultivation things, directly. It's the perfect body.

   If you don’t practice, you are born in the Dao.

After practicing, there is no obstacle, no bottlenecks, all the way up, without any support from the "heart", just relying on the perfect body of the Tao, you can easily climb to the highest level that the world can support and accommodate .

  Because of the perfect body of the Tao, it can take off with "heart" all the way.

   And any drag on the body by the mind will be resolved by the perfect Dao body. Even if the perfect Dao body cannot be resolved for a while, there will be an absolutely pure void outside to resolve it.

The    upper limit is 100% of the perfect practice.

The middle limit of    is 60% of the practice.

   has these two points as the coordinates, and then the entire measuring scale from 0% to 100% comes out.

  The scan is complete, do you want to start purification?


   In purification, 82%, 83%, 84%, 85%... 91%, 91.1%...

   Reached 91.7% of current capacity max, stop?


   The target is limited, the Shinichi woman opposite me.

  Start scanning…

  Scan complete.

  Completion of opening the eye orifice in the distance of qi and blood, surplus, 94%, clear, 71%.

  Whether to execute the Yingqing parallel upgrade program?


  Sorry, Tianyan Baby does not provide this function, please load other modules by yourself to apply this function.

  You weak chicken, look away, let me come!

  Ok bro.


   Well, not really such a question and answer.

   If you insist that there is, it is just Ye Xiaoye entering the drama mode.

   Well, it was Ye Xiaoye who did it, not Xu Guangling!

  Ye Xiaoye took the cup in his hand, and clicked lightly from the far left among the five cups lined up on the table.


   From the point of view of the great master of sound, everything in this world is penetrated by rhythm.

  The wind blows on the earth, blows through the void, blows through the mountains and seas, blows through the jungle, blows through the buildings, it is the rhythm.

  The lake and sea are rhythm because of the wind, the sun, the movement of people, and the movement of the earth.

   The sun rises and the moon sets in a day, and the different growth of plants and trees is the rhythm.

  The ups and downs of the city, the density and density, and even the decoration and decoration of a room, the arrangement of furniture, are rhythms.

   Practice is rhythm.

  The qi and blood in the body of the practitioners run in the same rhythm.

  Everything is rhythm!

   In terms of the cultivator's qi and blood, this rhythm changes from time to time, but in general, it is fixed.

   On the other hand, although the whole is fixed, it changes at every moment!

   This change is where the cardinals who control and exert influence are located.

   This positive and negative relationship is the hiding place of creation!


   "Creation doesn't know where to hide, is it morning or night?"

the answer is:

   "The good fortune is hidden in the good fortune, and I know it."

  I know where it is!

   At this moment, Ye Xiaoye is no longer Ye Xiaoye, but Xu Guangling.

   Or, at this moment, Xu Guangling is not Xu Guangling either.

Who is that?

   is the great master.

   is the major of sound.

   is the one who has attained the divine eye.

   is the person who caresses the good fortune.

   Of course, there are no strings, but what is the difference between vibrating with strings and hitting with a cup?

The   string leads to the rhythm.

   When the cup is tapped, isn't it rhythm?

   With the first tap, an indescribable ethereal spirit slowly spread out, filling the surrounding space, especially the void within ten meters.

   In Guangqing's feelings, as soon as this voice sounded, her mind entered an inexplicable state.

   is inexplicable, I don’t know how to describe it.

   But this state is familiar to her.

very familiar!

   Two years ago, when she was in Lingxiao Courtyard, she had experienced this situation several times, all of which were related to Ye Xiaoye.

   In fact, earlier or later, she herself experienced such a state.

   But getting into such a state is not easy.

   According to the Master, this state actually has a proper noun in the sect Taoist book, called "entering the Tao".

   A practitioner can "enter the Tao" in any realm.

   It’s just that the higher the realm, the easier it is to “enter the Dao”.

   But the so-called easy is only relative, even in the supernatural power realm, in a hundred years, it is rare to have several opportunities to "enter the Dao".

   "I haven't read the Purity Sutra yet."

   "Could it be that Junior Brother's supernatural powers have also been promoted along with his cultivation realm?"

   This thought flashed through Guangqing's heart, but it was only a flash, and the next moment, her whole body and mind immediately immersed in that state.

   In this state, the spiritual energy outside the body is like wind and water.

  Especially the spiritual eye in the courtyard outside. At this moment, Guang Qing could clearly feel that the spiritual eye seemed to have become a real spring, and the spring water was flowing on the ground and in the air.

   The Huicheng Stream running on the ground murmured under her feet.

  The forming wind flowing in mid-air gently brushed her body, making her whole body fluttering.

   At this moment, in the mind and consciousness, all the floating dust and thoughts that are not there, all slowly, like the melting of ice and snow, go with the wind and with the water.

   It is noon now, and the sun was originally warm.

   But because of the reason of being in the study, the sunlight that has been worn and folded several times is not warm, but it is as bright and clean as the moonlight.

   And at this time, the bright and pure, just like the wind and the water, wrapped her up and penetrated her.

  Everything is gentle.

  Everything is intricate.

  Everything is peaceful.

  Everything is safe.

   At this moment, the chanting of the Purity Sutra sounded.

   And the knocking sound started to keep going.

   The words of the Qingjingjing Sutra, which were so familiar, were accompanied by the sound of the cup knocking, which seemed to be uneven at all, but it made her feel as if she was in the waves of the ocean.

   Gentleness, tenderness, serenity, and comfort are still there.

   But suddenly, the wave stumbled her.

  Although his body and mind are immersed in a certain state, even in this state, Guangqing still has a trace of leisure in his instinct, and raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Xiaoye as if resentful.

   Ye Xiaoye kept his eyes down.

   Then Guangqing's eyes fell, and he continued to listen and feel quietly.

   Gentleness, tenderness, tranquility, comfort, come back again.

   But the next moment, suddenly, another wave hit her and stumbled.

   This time Guangqing no longer looked up.

   She seems to have discovered it too, is this staggering fun?

  Just like that, time passed without knowing it.

   Once recited, it is called pure, and a voiceless song is called nameless.

  Completion of the distance between Qi and blood to open the eye orifice, surplus, 100%, clear, 81%.

   Partial purification of Qi and blood can be performed temporarily to complete the flushing procedure, is it performed?


   81%, 82%, 83%, … 99%…

  Completion of opening the eye orifice from the distance of qi and blood, surplus, 100%, clear, 100% (temporary, partial), you can perform punching, do you want to execute it immediately?


   The program is being executed.



The    procedure is complete.

  Sky Eye can be closed, it is recommended to close it.

   Is it closed?


  Sky Eye has been closed, and the owner of Sky Eye Baby has entered the on-hook mode.


  In the Hall of Light, on the water mirror, the shimmering light in the brain of the lobule slowly dimmed.

   On the contrary, there is a little light in the center of Guangqing’s two eyes, from nothing, condensed bit by bit, and “lit up” in a relatively short period of time.

   "This... what is this?"

   Jiu Miaozi, Mu Xinyuan, An Shoudao, the three bosses were listening to Ye Xiaoye's recitation with ease and comfort, um, and the so-called cup tapping, but at this time, they were suddenly stunned!

   As if everything was fine the last moment, the clouds were light and the wind was light.

   In the next moment, the sky suddenly collapsed!

   "This... what is this?"

   In a certain mansion, Yangze Boss stretched out his hand and pressed his heart like a palpitating heart.

  If he didn't hold it, he was afraid his heart would burst.

Do not!

   Most likely it's cracked by now!

  Otherwise, why would he feel a sudden surge of blood that he didn't know whether it was warm or cold, rushing up to the top of his head, causing the stars to rise in front of his eyes?

   That is a breakthrough, a promotion?

Do not!

   That is dizzy and extremely dizzy!

   (end of this chapter)