Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1205: I ride the rainbow

   Chapter 1205 I drive the rainbow in the world

  The five Tibetans, the bearer of the Dao, the four gods, the wonderful use of creation.

   After opening the Four Spiritual Apertures, listening to the wind, the rain, and the sound of vegetation growing, as Ye Xiaoye has done these two days, is certainly a "magical effect", but the magical effect of the Four Spiritual Apertures is not limited to these!

  What An Shoudao passed on to Ye Xiaoye this time was a big gift package, about the application of the Four Spiritual Apertures.

   And the most important content is spells.

   or more precisely, "skill".

As Mr. An said, he was accepted as a disciple by Ling Xiaozong. The first step he came into contact with was "Dao", the second step he came into contact with was "Fa", and now he has finally reached the third step. Contact "surgery".

The    Tao is the core and the carrier of the law.

The    method is the foundation and the bearing of the arts.

The    technique is an application, which is not only an extension of Taoism and Dharma, but also plays a role in elucidating Taoism and Dharma.

   Dao, law, technique.

   These three run through the entire spiritual civilization.

   It can also be said, what is the practice of civilization?

   It is the total collection of Tao spells!

  Cultivation civilization is essentially Reiki civilization, and everything is based on Reiki as the core and foundation.

   Then, what is Reiki?

   First of all, it comes from the sun, no doubt about it.

   Secondly, there is no doubt that it is a subtle, subtle energy or substance in sunlight.

   And to go to the next step, Xu Guangling is uncertain.

   That is, is all sunlight composed of Reiki or other forms of Reiki? Or is the aura and its transformations just one part of the many, many components of sunlight?

   Even after three lifetimes, he didn't understand this issue.

  Perhaps, once you fully understand these things, you can basically understand what "indestructible truth" is.

   But things in the world, many things, many times, have always been applied first, and the principles come later, and even with applications, people only know the principles after a long, long time.

   In a big way, like fire.

  From small aspects, like tofu.

Xu Guangling still doesn’t know whether the cultivation and civilization system of this world, or the great power of this world, has figured out the essence of spiritual energy, but he has sorted out a whole set of spell systems taught to him by Mr. An. Xu Guangling All I felt was shock.

   Compared with this spell system, his last life and last life were really a "loose cultivator".

   In general, he's the kind of **** who doesn't know anything.

  Cultivation civilization on earth can basically be said to have only "Tao", and it is still a very primitive and basic Tao.

   In the cultivation civilization of the previous life, there were "dao" and "law", but those "laws" were also at a rather primitive and crude level.

   came to this life.

   Facing the "Tao" of this life, Xu Guangling was not surprised.

   is just a like at most.

   Facing the "law" of this life, Xu Guangling was not surprised.

   is also just a like.

   However, when faced with the "art" of this life, Xu Guangling was surprised.

   so shocked.

   It was early evening, and Ye Xiaoye was standing in the courtyard.

  The sun has already set, and there is only a residual red in the western sky, and some stars are gradually lit up in the sky.

  There is no moon, and it is not yet the time when the moon rises.

  There is no wind either.

  In the small courtyard, it was quiet.

   But this is only the "outside world".

   closed his eyes slightly, Ye Xiaoye's mind was immersed in the induction of the endless spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

   In the feeling, he seems to be in a lake.

  This lake is generally relatively calm, but not far from his side is a huge whirlpool, which is the spiritual eye or spiritual spring in the center of the courtyard.

   But he was already used to the existence of this vortex.

   In fact, it is like an ordinary person's room with an air conditioner or an electric fan, electric heating fan or something.

  It's been a long time, and the open thing has not changed from day to night, so it is naturally ignored.

   Leaflet is in this calm.

  The overall aura, like a stream of water, slowly flows around.

   For a long time, Ye Xiaoye didn't make any movement, so that people wondered if he fell asleep standing up.

   But at some point, suddenly, a small flame appeared three feet in front of him out of thin air!

   The flame was so small that it was not even as good as the flame of a match.


   Here and now, no matches.

   That flame appeared out of thin air!

   "Unsurprisingly fast."

  In the Hall of Hanguang, seeing this scene, Mu Xinyuan said in a light tone, not even showing any excitement.

   "Learning water and fire spells will always be more convenient if you live in the wild in the future."

  An Shoudao also said lightly without surprise.

  The spells are high and low, but the two series of spells, water and fire, are tied for the first place.

  The spell system that An Shoudao passed on to Ye Xiaoye also used the basic spells of these two series as the main content, and it was in the order of fire first and water second.

   It's not that fire takes precedence over water.

   In fact, the water system is much more important. The simplest example is that many times, you can live without fire, but you cannot live without water.

   However, in terms of spell construction, fire is the easiest.

   Using fire spells as an introductory exercise for spells is the inheritance method of Lingxiao Sect since ancient times, and it is also the inheritance method of almost all sects in this world.

   The three bosses understood and performed the most basic fire spells for Ye Xiaoye in half a day or even a short time. None of them showed any surprise, and they all seemed to be commonplace.

   But this time, Ye Xiaoye himself, um, or Xu Guangling, was actually not very calm.

   Demonstrates the ability of "fire" through aura, will he?


   I don't know how many times more powerful than this, he will!

   In the first world, when he was still on earth, since he knew that the aura came from sunlight, after he was promoted to the great master, Xu Guangling tried to see if he could gather the aura like the sunlight, so that it would have some aggregation effect.

   As it turns out, yes.

   And, it's so easy!

  So, from the most basic quiet burning fire, to the fireball with explosive phenomena, to...laser.

  Almost all the effects of fire and light can be produced by the gathering of aura.

   Later, Xu Guangling mainly conducted directional research on one of the effects and applied it to acupuncture, because it can easily pierce the seal or protection of the human aura of life.

   But at that time, his various manipulations of Reiki were based on a powerful mind.

   For a simple example, it's like doing 1+2+3...and then adding it all the way.

   At that time, he honestly added one by one.

   There is no other way.

   But in this life, what An Shoudao taught him was a one-step calculation method.

   The result is the same.


The    process has been simplified a lot!

   At that time, the means that can only be used in the realm of the great master. In this life, through the perfect "spell", he was a small monk in the enlightenment realm, and he easily displayed it.

   "This is civilization."

   "This is the power of inheritance."

  Xu Guangling sighed slightly in his heart.

  After learning the first fire spell "Little Flame", Ye Xiaoye did not dig deep, but turned to the practice of water spells.

   When the night was getting dark, he learned the first water spell "Little Water Drop".

  Hanguang Hall.

   On the display of the water mirror, a young boy stood quietly.

   One step in front of him, the position in front of his chest is also a position that can be easily reached by reaching out. On the left side, a small flame is quietly burning, and on the right side, a small drop of water is quietly suspended.

   The next moment, the little flame didn't change.

   And that little water droplet was as light as nothing and dropped to the ground quietly and silently.

   But at the same time, in the original position, another drop of water was born out of thin air.





   This process has continued. At the beginning, it can be seen that the operation is obviously unfamiliar.

   However, getting more and more proficient.

  I don't know how long it will be.

   The small water droplets hanging there seemed to have infinite avatars, and they began to continuously fall toward the ground at a stable speed and frequency.

   no matter how much it falls.

   The little water droplets hanging there seem to have not changed at all.

   "This son, this son..."

   Jiu Miaozi said, but only for a long while without making any comments.

  This child is so scary?

   Forget it, it’s just a small spell, there’s nothing terrifying that’s not terrifying, compared to the eyesight of the sky, it’s nothing.



   Jiu Miaozi is like this.

  Mu Xin was like this.

  An Shoudao is probably the same.

   It is estimated that the three big bosses all have such a psychological construction, so even though they know that they can continuously learn and skillfully control the spells of fire and water in one day, it is really terrifying.

   But the three of them were very calm.

   Just like in that small courtyard, at this moment, the quietly suspended flames, or the quietly dripping water droplets, are as calm as ever.


   at some point.

   A small water droplet becomes an "arch bridge" composed of water droplets.

   And that small flame also became a lot bigger.


  Under the reflection of the flames, the arch bridge composed of water droplets showed a faint but colorful color in the night.

   "Fuck, can you still play like this?"

   Jiu Miaozi finally couldn't bear it any longer and regained his natural language.


   The last chapter of this month, successfully concluded.

   has completed another small goal, and it will be updated continuously for a month, and it will be updated twice.


   Reward yourself with a bottle of mineral water.

  We have always drank the core magma, and seldom drank water.

   (end of this chapter)