Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1258: Dr. Xu

   Chapter 1258 Doctor Xu

  The rivers and lakes are peerless.

  The rivers and lakes have no age.

   Strength is always the only sort.

   is gold, silver, copper or iron. Sometimes it may not be so clear for various reasons, but sometimes it is clear.

   Just like the moment.

   Even if he is much older than the other side, even if he is a local snake and the other side is a junior from a small foreign place, the old man with the surname Xiang quickly set his proper posture right away.


  's smile to the old man became brighter.

   They chatted a few words without any content, but the exchange between the two ended here for the time being.

  Xu Guangling just like a small stream from outside, merging into this big mountain stream in Baiyaotang.

The Ten Medicine Hall where it was before is more similar to Wen Donghua's personal hall, which is half public and half private, but the current Hundred Medicine Hall is very formal in terms of regulation, and truly reflects a little "Wan Yaozong" weather and pattern.

In the   Hundred Medicine Hall, medicine and practice are combined.

   In terms of medicine, the cultivation, excavation, preparation, etc. of medicines are self-contained systems, and then externally, there are medicine halls and medical halls, each of which is manned.

In terms of cultivation, there are dozens of large and small cultivation sites in the hall. From day to night, there are circles for cultivation, discussion, and learning. Moreover, the atmosphere among the people is quite harmonious, and it is said that they are like a The big family may be a bit too much, but the overall aura is indeed calm, and then the direction is "study hard and make progress every day".

   In view of the cultivation performance in the hall, Xu Guangling gave Shi Jiuyang a good evaluation for the time being.

   As the host of this hall, he should be qualified.

   For Shi Jiuyang, Xu Guangling, a newcomer, although he is also called "amazing" in practice, but no matter how amazing he is, he is currently only a junior in the Primordial Condensation Realm, and he is too far away from his True Realm.

   Therefore, except for Xu Guangling who invited him to have a quick meal on the day he arrived, Shi Jiuyang did not pay any attention to him.

   Xu Guangling's purpose of walking horizontally with the cultivation of the Condensing Origin Realm is also here.

   It's not that he doesn't want to "make friends widely", but at the current stage, his goal of making friends is still at the lower level, and it is enough to condensate the Yuanjing and the cultivation level in the middle and late stages of the Condensation Realm.

   As for Shi Jiuyang, for now, it can only be let go strategically.

   As a newcomer, Xu Guangling's first task when he entered the Baiyaotang was to study.

  Look at how people make medicine.

   But in fact, there is nothing to learn.

For a great pharmacist, everything about medicine in this Baiyaotangkou, whether it is cultivation, excavation, or preparation, all aspects are new to Xu Guangling, but not surprising, and therefore, only two or three In a matter of days, he knew everything like the back of his hand.

   Even the "Hundred Medicines" that Baiyaotang is developing on a daily basis, he completely masters it.

   There is no way, a great cultivator who has crossed the realm of life and death and has entered the realm of spiritual platform (pseudo) and has the eyes of the sky, is so arrogant.

  In a sense, unreasonable!

   Then Xu Guangling tentatively entered the "medicine" department outside Baiyaotang.

Inside the entrance of the    hall, there is a place similar to a large natural park, such as a health center, a sanatorium, and an elderly activity center, where many elderly people gather.

   Many of these old people are ordinary people, not involved in cultivation, but they are obviously not so ordinary, the kind that is either rich or expensive.

   Well, more of being rich.

  In this world, ordinary people who are not involved in spiritual practice are not expensive.

   And the others are the old people who are involved in the practice. Their practice level is generally not high, and then they gradually get older, and their cultivation level drops again and again.

  Old, although only one word, is a comprehensive judgment or indicator about life.

  Life itself is also comprehensive.

  Although each living individual is "a person" from a conventional point of view, from the perspective of creation or nature, it has never been "a" person, but a large-scale life activity interaction and reproduction platform with people as the main body.

   To put it bluntly, in addition to people, there are a large number of various microorganisms that use people as the environment and attachment.

   So people are not just people, it is more like a platform, or a kingdom.

  When people get old, this environment, this platform, and this country gradually tend to decline, and various microorganisms inside and outside this environment also begin to change.

   Entering this gathering place for the elderly, what Xu Guangling smelled in his nose was the smell of decay.

  The elderly have a smell.

   This has nothing to do with cleanliness.

   Even if you take a bath three times a day, the smell will not be reduced a little bit.

   It's not so much the smell of people as it is the smell of microorganisms, and this smell is completely different from that of young people, and it is even more different from that of babies.

   does not require any professional knowledge, nor does it require any professional identification, just rely on the life or the body itself, one smell, it can be very clearly judged, that is the smell of life declining!

   Of course, if you have an ordinary nose, you won't be able to smell much.

   And if you open the nose aperture of the "Four Spiritual Apertures", you can basically make a more in-depth judgment on this.

Xu Guangling entered here as a doctor, and he didn't need to find Shi Jiuyang, the hall master. He just talked to Shi Jiuyang's eldest disciple, Yan Shanhe, about his intentions. Lao Yan didn't even use the assessment, so he directly gave him a hall doctor. Identity sign.

   Of course, this has something to do with his coming from the Ten Medicine Hall below, with the middle and late stage of the Condensation Origin Realm he showed, and with Shi Jiuyang deliberately recruiting him for a light meal that day.

   In short, it doesn't matter what it has to do with it. What is so-called is that in this Hundred Medicine Hall, he is "Doctor Xu".

   Physician Xu entered the elderly activity center for the first time and did nothing.

one day.

  Two days.

   three days.

   For three whole days, he just wandered and watched.

   Then he knew why this elderly activity center existed.

  Ganqing is also a medical training center. These elderly people include ordinary people and practitioners, and many are directly from Baiyaotang’s own family, and many aspects of medicine and medicine will be tested here.

   Xu Guangling is still very conspicuous.

   His age, his cultivation, especially, he is a newcomer.

   This newcomer does nothing, just nods when he sees people, and then just wanders around here for several days.

   On the fourth day, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore.

   It is like a new seedling has grown in his own land, and he must observe it carefully no matter what.

   "Young man, new here?"

   When he took the initiative to nod to the other side, on the garden path, one of the four old men on the opposite side asked.

   "Yes, hello buddy."

   Xu Guangling nodded.

   When you see someone, you are called brother. This title is actually very condescending.

It's obviously a little unpleasant to call him this name. You boy, who are you, you don't even look like your hair is growing together. When you meet the old senior, you still have an equal attitude. This is not equality, but the eyes are on the top of the head. On, very arrogant!

   A young man, even if he looks a little cultivated, hasn't your grown-up taught him not to be so arrogant when he walks outside?

   Are you a monk?

   Coincidentally, so are some of our old guys!

   Among the four old men, another thin old man spoke: "Little brother, where did you come from?"

   The title of "little brother" is not very kind, and the tone is vague but with some thorns.

   "From all the time." Xu Guangling chuckled lightly.

   This is a bit annoying.

  No, it is very annoying.

  Especially under the premise that the opposite party itself has an inventory and is not very cool.

   He didn't blow his beard and stare, but another old man said, "What are you doing here, doing chores?"

  Xu Guangling took out the sign in his pocket and held it in his hand to show the other side, "It's not a chorus, I'm a doctor."

   After a pause, he added, "My surname is Xu, brothers, you can call me Doctor Xu."


   The opposite side is suddenly refreshed!

   See you for a long time, why do you think a little doctor is shaking like this?

  Do you know that among the four seniors standing opposite you, three were also doctors here before?

   Don’t say that the seniors don’t talk about medical morality and martial arts, but today I have to weigh your junior, how capable you are, so that you will not be dragged around like this in the future.

  Your kid looks like a very bad guy, you know?

   (end of this chapter)