Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1357: Bading water, bean juice

   Chapter 1357 Bading water, bean juice

  After the initial opening of the medicine garden, Xu Guangling lived in peace for a few days. Every morning and evening, he just walked around in and out of the medicine garden.

   For a Taoist achiever, a great master, a great pharmacist, and a great supernatural power who can communicate delicately with plants and trees, every plant and tree is actually an independent world.

   Walking around like a walk, Xu Guangling observed these independent worlds through the eyes of the sky, and also observed the mutual affinity, confrontation and struggle between these independent worlds.

  Whether it is affinity or confrontation or even struggle, as time goes by, slowly, a new balance will be reached.

   The ecology between the grass and trees is generally the same as the ecology in the human world.

   Xu Guangling has a general grasp of the medicinal properties of each herb here, but only in general.

At the same time, when all these plants and trees are brought together and influenced by each other, their medicinal properties are also undergoing subtle or obvious changes, which is the focus of Xu Guangling's observation and analysis. It is the light of creation.

   In simpler words, these plants and trees, at the microscopic level, are carrying out self-hybridization day and night.

   The same plant will look different every other day.

   does not mean that it grows more lush, but that it has been influenced by too much from other surrounding vegetation at the micro level.

Of course, this kind of contamination or interbreeding is only at the microscopic level. Only the celestial eye and the celestial eye of Xu Guangling's current level can carefully observe it. In the first and second life, if Xu Guangling watched this, he would only see a lonely.

   It doesn’t mean that you can’t see anything, it’s just like seeing flowers in the fog.

   And now, things are in great detail and clear.

   All the reproduction and evolution of these herbs is shrouded in his realm.

  So, after detouring for a few days, Xu Guangling has decided to detour this small medicine garden as one of his long-term homework in the future at this stage.

   At the same time, Xu Guangling began to make pharmaceuticals.

   can also be said to be a combination of medicines.

   is one thing.

   In the form of drinks.

   To develop some drinks for oneself is a combination of "public and private".

   Anyway, standing at the height of the great pharmacist, whether it is drink or food, medicine or incense, is actually the same thing, the packaging is different, the core is the same core.

On earth, in Buddhist records, there is a thing called "eight merit water", also known as eight calm water, eight taste water, etc., which means that these eight kinds of water have eight special functions, or Purify", or "moisturize", or "remove hunger and thirst", or "grow the roots", etc.

   At this moment, Xu Guangling intends to follow this approach and develop various "water" or drinks suitable for practice, focusing on the real state, but it is also possible to take into account the top and bottom.

   Let’s first talk about what is the real one.

After a monk enters the Kaizen Realm, by opening the outer orifice, he can enter into a deeper level of communication with the world outside. The field causes various transmutations of the body.

   simply means evolution.

  The main direction of this evolution can be summed up in the simplest way, that is, to replace air (oxygen) with aura, so as to free the monk's body from the support of oxygen and simultaneous damage, and enter a new level.

When the enlightenment water (reiki) project is completed, it announces that the cultivator has come from the enlightenment realm to the real one. When this project continues to play a role, after the cultivator's body has completely entered a new level, it declares the real one. At the end of the realm, the monks entered the realm of prosperity and decline from the realm.

   At this time, Xu Guangling's drug combination plan is to customize the auxiliary items for this project.

  The first medicine he formulated was "acid water".

   There is nothing to say, just sour. After drinking it, the sourness in the mouth will soon fade away. Instead, the body starts to sour up and down, inside and out.

Here, Xu Guangling felt a series of changes in his body when he was in Tianchi in the first world. At that time, the itching all over his body made him uncomfortable. Now it is not itchy but sour, but the same It's uncomfortable, or, because it's more targeted, it's even more uncomfortable!

  From drafting to production, that is, one day, and then three days of fine-tuning.

   Xu Guangling drank it by himself, and he didn't feel much, just refreshing.

After all, his body is a body that has entered the Taoist level. It can be said that it is exempt from all influences from the material level. Therefore, what kind of drinking water is the same for him, only good drinking and bad drinking. points, and there is no longer any distinction between benefits and benefits.

  This water is undoubtedly delicious.

  Xu Guangling's three-day fine-tuning is to make it from good to better.

  However its specific effect, it still needs to be experienced by practitioners of the real one.

   The tool worker and senior sister just came.

After making the   , Xu Guangling visited Guangqing with a wooden tube of sour water that he named "Bean Juice".

There are also all kinds of beans in this world, but it is not the word "bean" on the earth, and other places on the earth except Huaxia or Pan-Chinese cultural circles are not called "beans", so it has no effect. The reason why Xu Guangling It's just a little bit of fun to name it that way.

   Of course, this bean juice has nothing to do with all kinds of beans in this world.

   is just like the "Danji" in the Chinese herbal medicines on the earth, which is neither "Orange" or "Stalk".

   "Senior sister, I recently developed a drinking water, which can be regarded as a potion. Please taste it."

   Xu Guangling and Guangqing are very familiar with each other, and there are few courtesy between the two now, so Xu Guangling is almost straight to the point.

Xu Guangling was a member of the Wanyao Sect outside a few years ago. This Guangqing already knew about it, so it's not surprising to hear him say that he made this thing. Similarly, she didn't talk nonsense, she picked it up and dumped it in a small bowl. The light cyan potion of , after only a brief look at it, he took a big sip.

   After taking this big mouthful, her eyebrows immediately wrinkled!

   Not only the eyebrows are wrinkled, but the whole face is deformed!

   The small face that used to be pretty, suddenly became oddly shaped.

   "Junior Brother, what is this thing you developed!"

   After a while, Guangqing's face stretched out again, and he said to Xu Guangling in a tone of suspicion and anger.

   But her face stretched too early.

   In other words, her face can be stretched, but the inside of her body now starts to "wrinkle" again.

  Guangqing began to feel uncomfortable sitting there, and she endured a dozen or so breaths, then she stood up directly, and went from the hall to the outside yard. Without saying a word, she put on her posture and began to perform martial arts.

  Xu Guangling walked out with a smile.

  How dare you laugh!

  Guangqing's fists and feet came towards Xu Guangling.

  Xu Guangling fought in a big way and was beaten in a small way, and was beaten a lot by Guang Qing back and forth.

   However, beating and beating, Guang Qing's movements gradually slowed down and gradually faded, until his fists and feet retracted, the whole person stood there motionless, and even his eyes were slowly closed.

   This time, it is a hundred and ten breaths past.

After a long time, Guangqing opened her eyes again, and the first time she opened her eyes, she took big steps back to the hall, and said to Xu Guangling who was already sitting there: "Junior brother, what exactly is this that you developed? what is this?"

   is almost the same as the previous inquiry.

   But it was a question before.

   Now it's all curiosity, mixed with a little more, pain and joy.

   "Senior sister, why don't we sit down and chat while drinking?" Xu Guangling said with a smile.

  Guangqing sat down, but gave him an angry look, "Are you sure, you can chat while drinking?"

   "Why not?"

   Having said this, Xu Guangling poured himself a small bowl and drank it all.




   Then Guang Qing didn't wait for what she wanted to see.

   Is there any doorway here?

   So, in doubt, Guangqing poured a small bowl by himself, and then imitated Xu Guangling's actions just now, and also drank it.




   Then Xu Guangling was beaten violently by Guangqing again.

   Yes, after thinking about it again, 311 should be posted too.

   Tomorrow, you will laugh at the second watch, one watch or no change, please don't scold me.



   (end of this chapter)