Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1409: fishing for the moon in water

   Chapter 1409 Fishing for the Moon in the Water

   That night, the three of Xu Guangling inhabited the house they built through the "house building technique", inexplicably, they felt a little "home".

   In fact, for monks above the true level, dew, cold and the like will not cause any trouble.

  However, how should one put it, when inhabiting, people's needs for housing are not only material needs, but also psychological needs.

   That is a kind of crouching, returning, mooring, and leaning on.

   Perched in a house for one night, and perched in an open field for one night, the feeling is completely different.

   A similar situation is also reflected in sleep and diet.

  Similarly, for practitioners above the realm of the realm, sleep and diet are no longer a necessity for the living body, but gradually degenerated into a residual, a hobby.

   But the vast majority of cultivators still have this kind of residue.

In terms of diet, although it is not like ordinary people like two meals a day or three meals four meals a day, but after a period of time, or ten days, or one month, or half a year and a year, it is always The way to enjoy, take a good diet.

   For sleep, as for diet.

   Just like this night, the three of them were no longer sitting on the low stool in their own way as they had the previous two days.

   There is a bed in this room.


   is almost scattered, forming a triangle inside the house.

  The bed is mud, but the whole bed is covered with soft green grass.

   Tai Cang Yue was lying on the bed.

   Ji Feiyan was lying on the bed.

   Xu Guangling was lying on the bed.

The smell of   grass is very good, as is the smell of the vines outside the house, including those tangled in the windows and doorways.

Although Xu Guangling said that he used local materials, everything was from the point of view of convenience, but as a pharmacist, he would naturally not make those low-level mistakes in the arrangement of plants and trees in this kind of home and a real "home", such as letting people with difficult conditions. The smell of grass and trees mixed in here.

   That is absolutely impossible.

   The several types of grass and trees that are equipped for this hut today, both inside and outside, all smell good, or at least not bad.

   But that's about it.

   This is not the level of a pharmacist, nor the level of a so-called great pharmacist.

   But as Xu Guangling said to the two women, what was completed today is just the most primitive version, or in other words, it is just to build a basic framework for that spell group.

   And to perfect this framework step by step, it has to be a later thing.

   This night, the three of them did not discuss any cultivation practices, but simply discussed the house. Based on their personal experience and feelings, the three of them talked about what else could be improved.

   Then it was time to rest.

   For the next few days, the three of them never went down or said anything about the Royal Court Mountain.

  Tai Cangyue and Ji Feiyan practiced in their own way, and apart from their practice, their greatest hobby and passion was to continuously improve the "house-building technique".

  Ji Feiyan's words are true, it's really a new style of house every day.

  Xu Guangling, the pharmacist, was also in charge of his own part. For example, the next day, he replaced yesterday's mattress with a brand new grass.

   On the third day, one kind of grass became two kinds of grass.

   On the fourth day, the two types of grass were expanded into three types of grass.

   Lying on this straw bed, the experience has finally reached the level of "quite comfortable".

   And the soil bed, which is the basic part, finally said goodbye to the square and square shape of the first day, without even a pillow.

   Now, the bed has become a streamlined shape, and the pillow positions are also integrated according to the preferences of the three people.

  Ji Feiyan not only wanted a pillow, but also a footrest.

   As a result, not only was the head position higher than that of her bed, but the foot position was also higher and higher.

   Then, when lying on the bed at night, the man had his feet up high, where he kept stretching and curling his toes to play.

   Above the house, there is a large circular position that has no roof, but of course it is not just blank, but is covered with dense vines.

However, it is densely covered as a whole. When lying on the bed and looking up, you can see that there are some relatively hidden gaps between the vines. For the arrangement of such gaps, the two women let Xu Guangling adjusted it many times.

   But in fact, this function is useless here, because at night, there is neither the moon nor the stars in the sky, and it is really pitch black.

   is even more brocade-clothed at night than the brocade-clothed night walk.

   That is, when the dawn comes, seeing the changes of the morning light through the gap is better than nothing.

   But Tai Cangyue is even more persistent than Ji Feiyan in this regard.

   What can Xu Guangling say?

   is of course satisfaction.

   He adjusts how he or she says to adjust.

   This is a common activity for the three of them during this period of time, and Xu Guangling is mainly responsible for his own part, that is, the selection of vines and plants and further directional cultivation.

   Qixiu completely left this Wangting Mountain to the three of them, not to mention one or two visits or the like, even the black lacquer, who was a junior, did not show up again.

   In addition to building a house, which is a leisure time with the two girls, Xu Guangling's practice during this period was to perform the Su-Nu-Neu Heart Technique on the seventh-rank Sanyang Cloud Pattern Tree once a day.

   One is to experiment and constantly adjust the Concentricity Technique.

   This special spiritual tree gives Xu Guangling a lot of room for improvement in his Concentric Art.

  Secondly, Xu Guangling used that kind of induction to let his mind sink into the experience of the first day again and again.

   This is also the main purpose of Xu Guangling.

is that useful?

it works!

   Very obvious and huge effect!

  The mind is immersed in the ancient, vast and incredible, Xu Guangling's entire mind is being purified and refined in an indescribable way.

   Obviously it is not the unity of man and nature, but every time his mind is immersed in it, Xu Guangling has a feeling and experience of the unity of man and nature.

   Outside, he is a cultivator of prosperity and decline.

And in that world that is completely communicated and dominated by spiritual sense, Xu Guangling has completely recovered his "real body" in a sense, so that his mind has no restraint in that world, and he is integrated with the great sun, and also with the Incredible spirit wood touch.

   However, even so, he still couldn't parse the spirit wood.

   Not at all!

   In his mind, the big sun was real, but the spirit wood seemed to be just a projection. All his analysis of the spirit wood was like fishing for the moon in water.

  I thought I had caught it, but I actually got it, but when I put my hand out of the water, it was just empty.

  Is this because of the too big gap in the rank, or is there some other reason?

   Xu Guangling did not know.

   He also couldn't find answers from other people.

   Don't talk about taking this issue out and discussing it with the two little girls. Even if he returns to the sect in the future, he will not be able to take this issue out and discuss it with the three big brothers.

   This is not a question that can be brought up for discussion!

   Moreover, there is another reason, that is, the level of the three big bosses is really too low.

  No matter how to use the means, Xu Guangling had no choice but to use the Sanyang cloud pattern tree in front of him to practice.

   Heaven's eyes wide open.




  Unfortunately, this is a normal rank seven spirit wood.

  Yes, compared to the incredible spirit tree in the Tongxinjue induction, this Sanyang cloud pattern tree is perfectly normal.

  Even if it contains the existence of one in billions of billions of creations.

   "After all, the level is still too shallow. Therefore, although there is a great fortune on the side, it is still visible and intangible."

   In this case, Xu Guangling had a little sigh and regret in his heart, but not much. This time, his harvest is actually huge, so big that it is almost indescribable.

  Comprehensive, many harvests!

   (end of this chapter)