Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1413: glowing tree

   Chapter 1413 Glowing Spirit Tree

   After handing over Wang Tingshan to the three human beings, Qixiu never paid any attention to Wang Tingshan.

   already know that the other party is a major repair, so naturally we must maintain due respect.

  Knowing that the other party is a major repair, and the other party also knows that this side knows that the other party is a major repair. If they still don't face the major repair at all, then it is not called ignorance, but not knowing whether to live or die.

  People have given them enough respect here.

  In the beginning, when they first contacted each other, the other party called this side "the Venerable". Is this called respect?

   Later, the other party clearly showed that he was stronger than this side, but his behavior was still "trading", and he still let them take a lot of advantage here. Is this called respect?

   After comprehending this, Qixiu naturally reciprocated and handed over the biggest trump card in his hand.

   Don't you want to observe the spiritual veins here?

   The most central spiritual vein of Qixiu Mountain Court is Wangting Mountain.

   Don’t you want to study that seventh-grade cloud pattern tree?

   Even better, the moiré tree is on the Wangting Mountain!

  In this way, at present, Wangting Mountain, including everything on Wangting Mountain, belongs to the three human fellow Taoists.

   Even if the three of them destroyed the cloud pattern tree, the Seventh Cultivator would have nothing to do. In fact, even if they are in front of them, there is nothing to do.

   Because of this, when Wang Tingshan was handed over, Qi Xiuzhen didn't care much.

   belongs to lie flat.

   As for how long the three human daoists will stay in the Qixiu Mountain Court, it is naturally not something Qixiu can say.

   In fact, to be honest, Qixiu wished that the three would stay in Wangting Mountain and not leave, and even if the Qixiu collectively bowed down and became each other's younger brothers, they would be willing to do so.

   The problem is that if they are willing, the other party may not be willing.

   People can see that they have a great background at a glance, and it is obvious that they are out to travel, how can they nest here and be a king of the mountain!

   Time suddenly passed ten days.

   In the past ten days, Qixiu has not been idle. Apart from paying no attention to Wang Tingshan, he has done some things in private.

   For example, try the "questioning needle".

If that Ye Yaoshi didn't want Wu Shanting to see the means he was using, there were some ways. But since Wu Shanting could see it without hiding, Wu Shanting tried it with a few old buddies during this time. It's no offense, of course, to experiment with what it saw at the time.

   Similarly, there are boiled fish and roasted wild beasts.

  Which things were added when Pharmacist Ye was cooking, the black lacquer can be seen clearly on the side, not to mention, some things were even ordered by Pharmacist Ye to pick!

   These are all the seven cultivation ways to try.

   Try every day!

   It doesn't cost anything anyway.

   Ask the Heavenly Needle Seven Repairs to try it on yourself.

   As for cooking food, whether cooking fish or roasting wild beasts, is it the normal recipe of their Qixiu Shanting!

   But, the result is not an unreasonable problem.

   is a completely unrecognizable question!

   Over and over again in vain, and over and over again without even touching the edge, and then, Qixiu likes to smile more and more.

   "I thought it was too simple!" As the boss, Wu Shanting admitted his naivety to several old friends.

   Several old pals consoled him in turn.

   It's not that the boss thinks it's simple, but they all think it's a little simple. And after these days of experiments, they felt even more how incredible Ye Yaoshi's methods were!

  I won’t talk about asking about the celestial needle, it involves practice or esoteric traditions, and it’s normal for them to be incomprehensible.

   But why is it that the same ingredients are used to cook food, and what Ye Yaposhi cooks can be so fragrant?

   Can't figure it out!

   Really can't figure it out at all!

   I wonder what the three adults are doing recently?

   Although he didn't pay attention to that at all, Qixiu often looked there subconsciously.

   In the evening of this day, the seven repairs each prepared to rest.

  When the night falls, the completely dark environment has another very important factor, which makes the night unsuitable for the activities of any creature, whether human or non-human, and regardless of whether it is a cultivator or a non-cultivator.

   Amidst the luxuriant branches of an eighth-grade spiritual tree, before entering the meditation of tranquility, Wu Shanting subconsciously looked at Wangting Mountain again.

   is just a random movement of thoughts.

   instead of really looking over there by any means.

   But, eh?

   How can there be aura fluctuations over there?

   It is not uncommon to have aura fluctuations. Where the cultivator is, it is normal for the aura to fluctuate. Whether it is cultivation, or casting or exercising spells, or just doing some things through spells, there may be fluctuations in aura.

   But on the other side of Wangting Mountain, these days, at night, it is very quiet!

  What's going on tonight?

   Could it be that they are baking something to eat over there?

   Wu Shanting suddenly thought of this possibility.

   And just thinking about this question, Wu Shanting's body reacted before its consciousness.

  It has saliva in its mouth!

   One or two, irresistible scents appear in his heart, and then it seems that a very real scent spreads to the nose.

   No prospects!

   cursed himself secretly, and Wu Shanting closed his eyes.

   After half an hour.

   Wu Shanting opened his eyes again!

  What's going on, the aura fluctuations over there are still going on? Moreover, it seems that the fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger?

   This time, Wu Shanting couldn't sit still, and with a slight spread of his wings, he flew high into the sky.

When    came to the sky, it found that its wife and several old buddies had come out to inquire.

"what's the situation?"

   Wu Shanting connected several others through his innate supernatural powers.

"Boss, I don't know. We also just noticed a little movement over there, so we came out to take a look." Lao Xiong Shan Youku said, "The three fellow Daoists don't know if they are baking something to eat. "

   Hearing this, Wu Shanting instantly forgave himself.

  Look, it's not that you are greedy and unpromising, but the food cooked by Yap Yap is amazing!

   Not only can't it resist its temptation, its old guys can't resist either!

Consider the riot that happened in the northwest earlier. Obviously, it is not only the seven cultivators. In this Anqiu Forest, all cultivators and spirit beasts who smell that fragrance, including the beasts with little spirituality, are all unable to resist. That temptation!

   "If it's baking, let's see if Yakushi Ye will summon us later." Wu Shanting said.

   Then it heard more than one gulping sound.


   Yakushi Ye doesn't need to use any deterrence at all. He can buy me Qixiu Mountain Court from top to bottom just by baking something.

   It even includes myself!

   Wu Shanting sighed.

   Then it sadly found that it didn't even have a little bit of resistance in its heart, on the contrary, it was looking forward to such a thing happening!

   This is true, this is true...

   With an extremely complicated emotion, Wushanting stopped above a tall treetop.

   Time passed gradually.

   No fragrance comes out!

   However, the fluctuations of the aura are getting bigger and bigger.

   Moreover, it seems to be gathering from all directions towards Wangting Mountain?

   Just now, Wu Shanting didn't feel anything, because although there were aura fluctuations over there, the amplitude was not large, but now, the larger and larger aura fluctuations made Wushanting see some clues.

   This is not baking anything!

   Wu Shanting denied the first possibility.

   Then, which of the three fellow Daoists is cultivating?


   When this thought came to mind, Wu Shanting suddenly lit up.

   It's not the kind of bright spot that you figure out what the problem is, but the real bright spot!

  In the darkness, in the dark night, a little light suddenly lit up from the direction of Wangting Mountain!

   That light is actually not that bright, it can even be described as dim, but now it is a dark night without any light at all!

   Over there, he is using the Condensation Technique, or is he raising fire?

   Usantei is confused again!

   But its confusion didn't last long before it was replaced by shock.

  Wangting Mountain, that was originally a dim light, and in just a few breaths, the brightness of the light continued to rise upwards.

   It's not just the brightness that climbs!

   also has size.

   Or, how much?

   Finally couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, Wu Shanting flew into the sky again, and then looked towards Wangting Mountain.

   At this sight, its wings suddenly froze, and then its entire body almost fell from the air.

   What does it see?

   What it saw was not which of the three human Taoists was casting spells, but that the seventh-rank cloud tree was glowing!

   suppressed the shock in his heart, and Wu Shanting continued to watch.

   Then, it saw something more.

Around   , a large amount of spiritual energy, like a boundless tide, rushed towards the cloud tree, and the whole body of the cloud tree was radiating light, radiating more and more intense light!

   That seven-rank cloud tree, its huge trunk is shining, its branches are shining, and almost all its leaves are shining!

   When Wu Shanting first saw the leaves, only a small part of the leaves were glowing, but just now, more and more leaves began to glow!

   And then, Wu Shanting even saw that the roots of the cloud-patterned tree that went deep into the ground seemed to be glowing, making that large area of ​​ground appear a translucent color that was extremely strange and beautiful at the same time.

  The ground seems to have become the water surface!

   Wu Shanting was completely sunk in an indescribable sluggishness.

   It was sluggish, but the changes on the Wang Tingshan side continued, and there was a tendency to accelerate more and more.

In the sluggishness of Wushanting, the other six of the seven repairs came to the air like it, or put themselves in a high place by other means, and then, like Wushanting, all of them came to the king. Look in the direction of Tingshan.

   Then, like Osantei, they fell into sluggishness.

  One breath, two breaths, three breaths, five breaths, ten breaths…

   After dozens of breaths, the entire Wangting Mountain was illuminated brightly.

After    more than 100 breaths of time, the Qixiu Mountain Court and all the surrounding mountains, rivers and rivers were illuminated.

   After hundreds of breaths...

  Anqiu Forest, extending far and near from the area where the Qixiu Mountain Garden is located, is all bright.


  The night was suddenly replaced, and the day came to the world.

   But no day can shine like this.

   At this time, Wangting Mountain, the luminous seventh-grade cloud pattern tree on Wangting Mountain, had already turned into an extremely blazing mass that could not be seen directly.

   The latest update may continue to be affected a little bit, but it shouldn't break. Well, I try my best.

   Please forgive me.



   (end of this chapter)