Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 200: Shennong Jue

   Chapter 200 Shennong Art


   This name is not unfamiliar to the vast majority of Chinese people. The story of Shennong tasting all kinds of herbs can be said to be well known to women and children.

  Xu Guangling knows a little bit more, ignoring some other irrelevant things here. What he also knows is that Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs, and then screened out the "five grains" from the herbs, which established the Chinese planting model for thousands of years.

   Shennong Art.

   This thing is not necessarily related to Shennong.

The so-called "fly attached to the tail and lead to a thousand miles" has been very important in China since ancient times. This is from the fact that many things like to be related to celebrities. In reality, Xu Guangling heard from his teacher last night "The Yellow Emperor" The same is true of the Classic of Internal Medicine and the Classic of Shennong's Materia Medica.

   Most of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics have nothing to do with the Yellow Emperor.

   Shennong's Materia Medica has nothing to do with Shennong.

   Similarly, in the dream, the two things he learned successively, "Fu Xi Jue" and "Shen Nong Jue", may not have anything to do with the two figures in history.

  These two things belong to one of the "Twenty-Four Cheap Methods". Xu Guangling is a little curious about this. What will be the next trick? Are they still named after the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?

   But come back here now, "Shen Nong Jue"!

  The difference between    and Fuxi Jue is that Shennong Jue is just a kind of application know-how, which does not require practice, or in other words, does not require daily practice. Yesterday, in a dream, he had already learned this thing.

   "Diet and health, the beginning of practice. Lie Shennong Jue recognizes the law of plants and trees, which is the second of all dharmas."

   This is an introduction to Shennong Jue.

   Xu Guangling's first experience with Shennong Jue was when he woke up and was stunned in bed for a while before getting out of bed to brush his teeth.

  Experience, come unexpectedly.

   When a small amount of toothpaste inadvertently touched the tip of the tongue, Xu Guangling was struck by lightning for a while.

  The human tongue can distinguish between sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and fresh. This is something that many people know. Among these five flavors, the tongue is the most sensitive to bitterness. The so-called bitterness, which is bitter and astringent, mostly means that it is harmful to the body. The tongue is the least sensitive to sweetness, because sweetness is mostly good. It can even be said that in nature, Natural taste, sweet, not mostly but basically good, so you don't need to be so sensitive in distinguishing.

   In addition to these five flavors, can the tongue distinguish other flavors? Or, in addition to these five flavors, are there any other flavors?

   Just as the eyes can distinguish black and white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, are there other colors besides these colors?

   This morning, this moment.

When the toothpaste touched the tip of the tongue, Xu Guangling felt that the whole tongue was "alive". It was an unprecedented experience that quickly spread from the tip of the tongue to the whole tongue, and then quickly penetrated from the tongue to the whole body. The next moment, it was really called Something magical happened.

  Xu Guangling presented or “saw” a picture in his mind.

Just like a clock, the twelve lines are equally distributed in a circle with the same center. At this time, a ribbon of cyan, blue and purple is dyed in one of the line areas, and then slightly spreads over the other lines. two line areas.

   Then, through the experience in the dream, Xu Guangling understood the effect of a certain ingredient touched by his tongue at this moment on the body.

   Those twelve lines directly corresponded to the twelve meridians that he had just initially contacted yesterday.

   In his mind, the meridian represented by the line area dyed by the ribbon is connected to the lungs. Then, the three colors of cyan, blue and purple represent different functions.

  Blue is the main harmony, blue is the calming, and purple is the dissolution.

   In other words, the ingredients that his tongue touches have a toning, calming, and dissolving effect on the lungs, and the whole body parts directly affected by the lungs. In the next moment, the knowledge learned from Zhang Lao these days was applied here.

   This ingredient can be used for tongue and eye irritation, sore throat, pharyngitis, trachea and bronchitis, and pneumonia.

   For a while, he didn't care about brushing his teeth, Xu Guangling put the toothbrush in his mouth and took the toothpaste.

On the    toothpaste, there is no ingredient indication, but there are two big words on the side, "mint".

  Xu Guangling also immediately understood that the ingredient analyzed by his tongue just now was mint.

   Next, during the entire brushing process, Xu Guangling was a little stunned.

   At this time, he probably knew how in the legend, Shennong tasted the herbs, and how he screened the five grains from the herbs and used them as daily food.

Up to now, he still doesn't know what mint looks like, whether it grows in water or is planted on the ground, whether it is similar to "He" or something completely different, he doesn't know all of these. .


  The effect of peppermint on the human body has been completely understood by him. Further, with a little research, a series of medicines with peppermint as the main body can be developed.

   For example, use peppermint extract with alcohol to prevent colds.

Among them, the two main functions of mint are "blue" and "purple". "Blue" is not helpful for colds, but it can relieve the discomfort caused by colds to the entire tongue cavity. "Purple" has a digestion effect. Another way of saying it is that it has permeability, bactericidal or anti-inflammatory effects.

   This effect corresponds to a cold.

   But the main role of mint is still reflected in the two aspects of "green" and "blue", and the aspect of "purple" is less, but only a little involved.

   Therefore, if you really want to prevent colds, you need to add something other than mint, something that shows more "purple" effect.

   This is just one example.

  Others, many ideas and plans flashed in Xu Guangling's mind.

   So that he brushed his teeth for about seven or eight minutes, and then ended the brushing process in an instinctive habitual action, put the toothbrush into the cup, and after a light click, he came back to his senses completely.

   Xu Guangling's second experience with Shennong Jue was immediately after washing and so on.

   A cup of wolfberry tea in the morning.

   This is about health preservation. Xu Guangling has seen such words more than once before. Generally speaking, it is to drink a glass of water in the morning, and then it is best to add some wolfberry or something. However, Xu Guangling didn't have this kind of mood in the past, and now his body doesn't need this trivial adjustment at all.

   However, in order to get rid of the taste of boiled water, he did add a few grains of wolfberry to this glass of water in the morning.

   And just after the first sip of water, the same experience as when brushing your teeth came again.

   The next moment, he completely understood the effect of wolfberry on the body.

   Xu Guangling's third experience with Shennong Jue was later, in the park, when he was boxing.

Before boxing, it is a necessary process to concentrate and calm down, and it is also a habit Xu Guangling has developed over the past month. Just this morning, in this process of concentrating and calming down, with Xu Guangling's deep and slow breathing, it belongs to Xu Guangling. The breath of the old pine tree on the side and on the top penetrated into his body as if tangible.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "The Lazy Man on the Seventh Floor".

  Thanks to the monthly ticket of "Sanyo Kaiti".

   (end of this chapter)