Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 225: Experiment in the Park

   Chapter 225 Experiments in the Park

  The world of people and people is not the same.

   The feelings of people and people are not connected, and the joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

   At this time, between Xu Guangling and the two old people, it can also be said that the experience of people and people is not the same.

   pointed to a flower and asked, have you smelled its fragrance? Or walking in the mountains, watching the boundless wild flowers and weeds swaying, ask, have you seen their gestures swaying in the wind? If the subject of the previous question has lost his nose, and if the subject of the latter question is blind, then such a question is undoubtedly pointless, or even funny.

  The two old men believed that the qi that Xu Guangling saw was very important based on their knowledge and intuition.

  Xu Guangling thinks that thing seems useless based on his own experience.

   What is right and what is wrong?

   is still the same, when you are not sure, just check your ideas.

   Didn't Xu Guangling say that qi seems to have no effect on the body? The idea of ​​the two old men was very simple, let Xu Guangling pour a little into their bodies to take a look and try again.

   As for Xu Guangling, he asked a little worriedly, would that qi be harmful to the body instead?

   Mr. Chen replied with two words.


Of course, Xu Guangling didn't actually think that it might be harmful to the body. One is that life (tree) radiates out, and both of them have absorbed so much into the body. If it is really harmful, even a little , with his current sensitive sense of the body, it is unlikely that he can't feel it.

   And the reason why he asked before is that this thing caused the dead branches to turn into a small tree overnight. At best, it is magical, at worst, it is a little scary. —It wouldn't be something like a "hormone", would it?

   But the judgment of the two old men was unanimous and unanimous, and Xu Guangling was convinced, so this matter was decided.

   Therefore, this night, Xu Guangling did not leave as usual.

  The gossip of the three continued until midnight, and even the tea was changed twice.

There are still many topics to talk about. The two old people, one is "the first genius doctor of the millennium" and the other is "Dr. Chen Twenty-three". Of course, if all the knowledge of the latter is replaced by a degree, I am afraid that two hundred or three or even There are more than two thousand three doctors.

   As for Xu Guangling, although he is still young, his accumulation of knowledge is far from being on a par with the two old men, but he also has his own strengths.

The master rank that surpassed the physical and mental experience of the two old people, and the tangible and intangible development of "Dream" for him, gradually gave him his own confidence, and this confidence turned into words, which made him talk to the two elderly people. There is more than just being the listener in your communication.

  Occasionally, his few words can also inspire the two old people, and even think deeply.

   Of course, in general, he has benefited more. Gossip in the living room is not as goal-oriented and systematic as the regular class in the study, but for Xu Guangling, it is also a kind of learning.

   There is no need to make too many sighs, but I still have to say that it is indeed a great luck for him to meet the two old people.

   Time enters eleven o'clock.

   In the living room, Xu Guangling calmed down and began to feel the qi.

   This position is less than ten meters from the nearest tree to the door, even if it is right in front of you, but after feeling it for a long time, Xu Guangling still did not see it, so the three moved to the tree, but the result was still nothing.

   This is also just a small experiment.

   The experimental results are not unexpected.

   Next, according to the predetermined plan, the three of them went to the park.

  It only rained in the morning. At this time, there is no smell of rain in the air or on the road. This is also the characteristic of the city. Its prosperity and hustle are enough to remove any freshness and tranquility.

   But when we came to the park, where there were far more trees than people, a quiet atmosphere appeared. With the recent physical changes, Xu Guangling felt this quite clearly.

   Maybe this is also the reason why Zhang Lao liked to go to the park in the morning for morning exercises?

   Xu Guangling guessed.

   The first thing they did when they entered the park was that the two old men led Xu Guangling to the place where the small tree was, but they were surprised to find that the small tree had been pulled up. — and when it was removed, it was left haphazardly on the side of the aisle.

  Xu Guangling felt a faint relief in his heart, and shouted hello for the guy who cleaned up.

   Through the traces at the root of the small tree, after confirming that the small tree was transformed from the dead branch, this matter is let go.

Next to    is a bench.

  The two old people sat on the other, Xu Guangling sat alone in the middle, and then entered the state.

The state entered very quickly. This time, it was no surprise that Xu Guangling felt the qi again. First he felt it, and then he saw it. This time he came with verification. Xu Guangling finally confirmed what he thought. Annoyed at that.

   First of all, it is the physical sensation.

   Before that, he couldn't see anything.

  Only when the body and mind are completely relaxed, it seems to be connected with the environment here, and the "mist" that actually exists is also connected and penetrated into his body, he can feel it, and at the same time, see it.

   With his eyes closed, that is, with his eyes lightly closed, Xu Guangling "saw" that he was in a vast white fog.

   No more doubts!

   This should really be the "third eye".

   Then, in a state of immersion, Xu Guangling slowly opened his eyes, and then, he was slightly surprised to find that the two eyes outside seemed to be able to see the mist! Although it was night, he did see the mist that seemed still and flowing with his eyes.

   This stunned state suddenly interrupted.

  Xu Guangling's feelings were interrupted, his eyes seemed to be turned off in an instant, his eyes were blank, no fog could be seen, and if he closed his eyes again, there was still nothing.

   This is really amazing.

   Xu Guangling told the two old people about this experience, and the two old people were also amazed.

   This is the first experiment, or a small verification, and the second experiment is next, which is also the highlight of the night for the three of them.

Xu Guangling re-entered that state, and then slowly guided the mist with his consciousness. These two points were easily achieved, but when he tried to guide the mist to infiltrate and perfuse the bodies of the two old people, the problem appeared. .

   First was Zhang Lao, then Chen Lao.

   The situation of the two elderly people is exactly the same.

   There seems to be an invisible film around their bodies, preventing the infiltration of the mist. Even if Xu Guangling intentionally and forcibly infiltrated it, it would be of no use at all. This mist only overflowed around their bodies, but did not enter their bodies at all.

  Xu Guangling tried to force it again, and then he himself fell out of that state again.


  Thanks to "Datong Tian" for the support of the recommendation ticket.

  Thanks to "Wusha" for the monthly ticket.

   (end of this chapter)