Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 231: everyday things

   Chapter 231 Everyday Things

   After reading a book, a real mirror image is formed in the mind.

   This is the beginning.

   But not long after, Xu Guangling's obsessive-compulsive disorder or perfect disease attacked again. He felt that such a book was not very suitable for him, whether in terms of content or layout. So, slowly, in his mind, Xu Guangling processed these books again.

  The processed "clean version", or "self-annotated version", replaced the original format.

   And there is another situation, that is, some contents of a book are not needed or liked by Xu Guangling at the moment, and those contents are naturally "deleted".

So, just like this, from the initial one after another, to gradually a small library began to appear, Xu Guangling lingered in this small library every day, feeling that this small collection had grown from nothing, from scratch. From less to more, each day is a little more than the day before yesterday. This gradual increase and expansion brings him a considerable pleasure.

   As a result, Xu Guangling was like a squirrel storing rations for himself, moving books into his mind from the outside world, and he was very happy.

   Of course, it can’t be the kind of purely procedural “moving”, slow reading, thinking and even deep thinking are still Xu Guangling’s current reading style. Yet another consequence of being energized is that thinking can easily become rambunctious.

   In other words, divergent thinking has become outrageous and terrifying.

   This is a small detail, Xu Guangling followed along, naturally.

   What made him interested and curious was how far the library in his mind could expand? Where is the limit?

   Of course, there is no answer to this question at the moment, and it can only be verified by time.

  Shuangshuangwajue writing desk, dotted with poplar flowers into the inkstone pond. Sitting at the small window to read the Book of Changes, I don't know how long the spring will be. There is a little poem that says so.

At this time, it was not spring and summer but late autumn. Xu Guangling's reading environment had no tiles, no poplars, and no inkstones, and he didn't read Zhouyi, so he couldn't understand it at all. When reading a book quietly, it is easy to not know the passage of time.

   As long as there are books, it seems like this can be read for three hundred years.

   But of course it is an extravagant wish, or delusion.

   In any case, reading is only a fraction of Xu Guangling's current daily life, and it does not occupy the center of gravity.

   Reading is not the center of gravity, let alone playing chess.

   Xu Guangling successfully passed the first round of the audition with a 60-game winning streak, and he also found that those who passed the audition were all 60-game winning streaks. ——Let's not say fifty-nine wins and losses, even a win, will be out, and you need to come again.

   This made Xu Guangling quite sigh, it was only the first round of audition or pre-selection, so the requirements were so high?

   But thinking about so many people in the country, he was relieved. The same game, if it is South Korea or Japan or something, is probably different.

  Because of the collection of music information, Xu Guangling went over the wall and went to their network. Compared with China, their popularity is almost barren.

  On the Internet popularity alone, it is absolutely the first in the earth and the first in the solar system in China. There is no doubt about this!

  The second round after the first round is the seeded players after 60 consecutive victories. The same round battle is still a qualifying round. And this second round, the quality is much higher, even if Xu Guangling is relying on "stunts", it is impossible to kill all the way without blinking like in the first round, like a broken bamboo.

   More than half of the opponents are tenacious.

   Of course, there are still rookies or less tenacious opponents. Xu Guangling was a little surprised how they passed the first round.

The time is very long. In this round, there is a whole month to play the game, so Xu Guangling is not in a hurry. He will play two or three games, three or five games a day. Forced a few times.

  No way, this is the limitation of chess.

  The level is high to a certain extent, and you have the first mover advantage. As long as you don’t want to win, there is a considerable chance to keep the balance. Even if you are of a higher level, more than one floor tall, it will not help you.

   Fortunately, there are not many such opponents.

  Otherwise, Xu Guangling might doubt his life.

   Of course, there are probably quite a few chess players who doubt their life because they encounter "the wine is too thin to drink".

Playing it day by day, Xu Guangling's ID has actually accumulated quite a lot of fans. Every time he starts a game, in less than a moment, a large group of people are crowded into the room, and many of them are. A fixed audience, along with the progress of the chess game, the screen brushing and discussion under the chessboard are not lively.

   "Hello, Great God, Goodbye, Great God." This is a moment of silence for the opponent who is too thin to drink.

   "Hengdao immediately, only my wine brother." This is a hymn for the poor drink.

   "This kid is dead again, let's change the number again, and be a hero again in a week!" This is to comfort the opponent, um, is it "consolation"?


  Speaking like this has almost become a repertoire after every opening.

   Then a large number of melon eaters laughed and laughed, such as "HAHA", "hhhh", "2333333", etc., quickly swiping the screen and rolling like rain lines.

   For Xu Guangling, he just played chess silently.

  High-quality opponents bring high-quality games. Many games, all kinds of changes, whether they become clumsy or clever, are quite impressive, and often those clumsy changes are more interesting and worth exploring.

   Xu Guangling's mind also began to store a lot of exquisite games.

   "chess library", in the small library in his mind, he listed a separate bookshelf.

   As a result, after just ten days passed, Xu Guangling felt that his chess level seemed to have improved by half a level. The opponents who can force him to become less and less.

  Besides reading and chess, making vermicelli is something that Xu Guangling needs to do continuously during this period.

This time, Dashajia and the two young masters sent a lot of raw materials. The ginseng alone contained three large bags. The two guys were crazy. When they received the goods, they had to stun Xu Guangling. This time he also directly Let the logistics party use the big truck to deliver the goods.

   The place to make vermicelli is still the old place, Xu Guangling can do it with a phone call.

  Manpower, this time even more.

This time, the big truck stopped at the gate of the courtyard without even needing to say hello. Xu Guangling, with the help of the delivery driver and the uncle of the landlord, moved the goods into the courtyard. A lot of aunts, uncles, old men and ladies, and of course, little friends, crowded the place into a congestion.

   "Xiao Xu, are you still making that vermicelli this time?"

   And after being affirmed:

   "Xiao Xu, leave me a few more pounds this time."

   "Xiao Xu, can your vermicelli stop coughing? I had a bad cough last time, so I can eat it with this vermicelli!"

   "Xiao Xu, this vermicelli is strong and delicious!"


   is full of praise.

   In fact, last time, apart from the landlord and auntie’s house, Xu Guangling only gave two kilograms by one person. It is estimated that this amount can’t eat anything, right? These praises and speculations, Xu Guangling guessed that it was because of the raw materials.

  After all, whether it is ginseng or wild yam, they are all rare items for making vermicelli.

   Even the potato flour, last time, there were a few aunts who knew the goods, and they gave a very high evaluation.

   And vermicelli made from such good raw materials, can it be good? ——This should be their instinctive idea.

   In fact, if he really discovered and affirmed the utility of this vermicelli, Xu Guangling would have called him long ago, and the landlord had his phone number here. And since there is no phone, their praise and high evaluation of this vermicelli are just, um, how to say it?


  Thanks to "ZX Stars" for their support.

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Hidden.Quark".

   (end of this chapter)