Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 233: Nine thunders in spring, flowers bloom o

   Chapter 233 Spring Thunder Nine Rings, Flowers Bloom on Mo

   Xu Guangling left.

  The two old people came to the backyard, and invariably looked up at the sky.

   The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the stars are brilliant.

   "Lord Ge, it will also rain this day? Is Xiao Xu talking nonsense?" Mr. Chen muttered.

"We haven't been together for a day or two. Do you think Zhuoyan will be a nonsense person?" Mr. Zhang said with a smile, "Tomorrow morning, there must be rain!" But the next moment, his words changed. , stood on the same front as Mr. Chen: "Mother, the old man is also very curious about how the rain will fall."

  The two old men became really stubborn, they simply moved chairs, sat in the backyard, and acted as weather observers.

  Of course, they are actually taking a rest.

For those who have opened the top orifice, sleep no longer needs to be so "stylized". Any time, any place, any posture, as long as the mind is quiet and the spirit is inward, it is a great rest for the body and mind, and its effect is far better than ordinary Human sleep, or similar to the so-called deep sleep?

  The time gradually moves from night to late night.

In ancient China, a night was divided into five watches. The first watch was not actually night at all, but only faint. However, since the first watch is set here, it means the replacement of day and night, indicating that the activities of the day can come to an end. Then when it was the second watch, that is, around nine o'clock in the evening, "the lonely people set the beginning of the day" and went to bed.

   One more update, Zhang Lao gave Xu Guangling a lesson.

  Second shift, two old people are sitting in the courtyard.

   Three shifts, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

   Four shifts, the stars are brilliant.

It seemed that he had been sitting for a long time. Mr. Chen stood up from his chair and walked again in the courtyard. After he finished walking, he looked up at the sky again and looked at the sky for a while before he laughed. He said, "Xiao Xu is afraid that he is going to miscalculate."

   "It's still early." Mr. Zhang opened his eyes and said lightly.

   "It's getting late, there's only a few hours left." Mr. Chen said. An hour is two hours.

   But when he finished saying this, he was stunned for a moment.

   "Is it... the wind is blowing?" The old gentleman raised his arm in a daze, and his movements were similar to Xu Guangling's previous movements. Standing there like a stone sculpture for a while, the old man suddenly turned his head and said to Mr. Zhang: "Lao Zhang, get up and see, is it windy?"

   "I don't even need to get up to know that the sky has changed!" said so, but Mr. Zhang still stood up, and also raised his arms into the air, his fingers swaying back and forth in the air.

   In fact, the weather was still very sunny at this time.

   There was no wind at all.

   At least the leaves on the edge of the courtyard did not shake at all.

   But this is just the beginning.

  After about twenty minutes, the leaves began to swing.

   After an hour, all the stars in the sky disappeared, and when I looked up, I could vaguely feel that there were a lot of clouds gathering in the sky in the dark night.

   An hour and a half later, dark clouds appeared, covering a large area.

  Two hours later, a bean-sized raindrop fell on Mr. Chen's face looking up at the sky, and at the same time, another drop of rain fell on Mr. Zhang's flat palm.

   "What time is it?" Mr. Chen suddenly suggested.

   Go back to the living room.

   "Four thirty-three." Mr. Zhang glanced at the landline.

   "Haha, it's not very accurate, it's a full seven minutes!"

Before Xu Guangling said it was around five o'clock, at this time, Mr. Chen mischievously ate the "left and right", and then came to an inaccurate conclusion, but when he said that, the expression on his face was extremely Wonderful.

   "It is said that if you cultivate to the depths, you will be able to understand ghosts and spirits. Old man, Xiao Xu will be terrifying and dreadful in the future!" After a long while, Mr. Chen sighed solemnly.

   "My humble words are indeed farther than our two old guys. I am looking forward to his future." Mr. Zhang just smiled.

   When the window was covered with rain curtains and the pouring rain fell on the earth, Xu Guangling stared at it for a while, and then withdrew his eyes.

   The rain came on schedule, Xu Guangling felt a wonderful feeling in his heart, a little bit of joy and excitement.

But it was only a moment, the joy and excitement faded away, and he returned to peace and tranquility. Xu Guangling took four or five steps away from the window, and stood quietly in the room with his hands down, his eyes slightly closed. situation.

   Silence, nothing in my heart.

   secluded, God connects heaven and earth.

   The room seems to be blurred and no longer exists.

  Xu Guangling felt like he was transformed into the earth, and the pouring rain fell from the sky and filled the sky, it was a vast expanse.

  The only thing that can be felt in the vast expanse is the inexhaustible rain, which gathers into depressions, gathers into pools, gathers into streams, gathers into rivers, gathers into seas, and gathers into abyss. The dark face of the abyss gathers the waters of the eight directions and absorbs the Qi of the Six Harmonies.

   After an unknown time, the fourth node was washed away.

   Then, Xu Guangling woke up.

   The pouring rain outside had turned into a drizzle at some point, blown by the wind. Some of them were rippling like willows, but more of them fell vertically.

   This scene is like a painting, full of rigidity and softness, the change of Yin and Yang.

Xu Guangling seemed to have seen the dance, the countless musical notes floating in the sky, and also seemed to have seen a calligrapher who was holding a large pen like a rafter, but it fell down very lightly, writing one by one both beautiful and elegant. Hairpin in lowercase.

  The world at this moment presents Xu Guangling with incredible beauty.

  I mourned, and the world mourned with it.

  I am silent, and the world is silent.

   I laugh, and the world laughs with it.

   I sing, and the world becomes a butterfly, spreading its wings and flying.

  Xu Guangling gently recited the sentence he had written before, and then smiled faintly. —His world, indeed, is different from before!

Xu Guangling wants to study dance, music, calligraphy, sculpture, food, and vegetation... Countless ideas and topics, at this moment, are all like mushrooms in the mountains after the rain. Clusters came out.

   But these thoughts were washed away in the bottom of my heart after a thorough bath.

   Those who are blind are good at hearing, and those who are deaf are good at seeing. One source of absolute profit, ten times the use of teachers.

   "Yin Fu Jing" said so.

   At least for the time being, Xu Guangling just wanted to cleanse his body and mind, and with the most cohesive mind and the most abundant state, he rushed through all the nodes in one go. Whether it's reading, playing chess, or making vermicelli, it's just a matter of adjustment.

   In addition to these adjustments, for the time being, Xu Guangling did not want to leave the door open and disturb his body and mind.

   A few days later, the hemp shoes that Zhang Lao once swept up in the past arrived.

   I don’t know if the old gentleman has something to say. These hemp shoes are quite exquisite and fashionable. As for their function and wearing experience, Xu Guangling only feels very soft, refreshing and breathable when wearing them on his feet.

   In short, very satisfied.

   But not only Xu Guangling wore it alone, but even the two old people followed suit and changed into their own hemp shoes. - Zhang Lao ordered all three of them, and they were all 20 pairs of each person. Even if one pair was discarded in January, it would be enough to wear for a long time!

   But of course it's just the little things.

The day after    put on hemp shoes, Xu Guangling rushed through the fifth node in a dream.

   When Zhang Lao gave Xu Guangling a thorough lecture on the five internal organs, Xu Guangling rushed to the sixth node.

   "This is the 'nine needles' mentioned in the "Huangdi Neijing"." In the study that day, Zhang Lao started a new course, showing Xu Guangling nine different acupuncture tools and explaining them one by one in detail.

  Xu Guangling learned at this time that there are actually so many kinds of needles used in acupuncture, and many of them can't be described as "needles", right?

   That night, Xu Guangling rushed to the seventh node.

   "Mr. Xu, please advise!" After breakfast that day, when Xu Guangling returned to his residence from the park and was about to sleep, he received a text message from Ms. Zheng.

   Open the link after the text message on the notebook, it is a video.

   A woman dressed in ancient clothes like Hanfu and as beautiful as water, facing the camera sideways, sitting in front of the piano, dancing with both hands, the keys of the piano jump like a elf, this is the title page of the world.

   "Not bad. Can you play this song?"

   After watching the video, Xu Guangling sent the score of "Fate".

   In the sleep that followed, Xu Guangling rushed through the eighth node.

Nine to eight, only the last node is left. When Xu Guangling thought that it would take a few more days, on this night, in the park, there was a thunderstorm in silence, and the last "dam" was just like the same Like layers of thin paper, it was washed away by the agitated torrent.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "It's Late Autumn".

  Thanks to "Yunhao" for the monthly ticket.

   (end of this chapter)