Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 26: Tai Chi is like thunder

   Chapter 26 Tai Chi is as mighty as thunder

   "Oh?" Zhang Lao stopped and turned around.

   "Elder Zhang, I'll do Tai Chi again, take a look." Xu Guangling said.

As the saying goes, there is no evidence for his words. He understands whether it is correct or not. After playing it once, he will know it. As a veteran who has been immersed in Tai Chi for many years, Zhang Lao can also see it at a glance. Demonstration, one is one, two is two, and there is no possibility of falsehood and water seepage in between.

   "Yeah." Zhang Lao nodded lightly.

   So the two of them slowly turned back to the previous place, which is the old pine tree where Zhang Laochang was doing Tai Chi.

   It's not that there are no other suitable places in this huge park. On the contrary, it should be said that there are everywhere. The reason why Xu Guangling turns around is that he wants to take this turning time to brew a little in his heart. The comprehension just now is comprehension, comprehension can only be said to be thorough in the heart, whether this kind of thoroughness can be taken out from the heart, put on the shelf, and shown to Zhang Lao is another matter.

   I walked all the way for about ten minutes just now. It took almost the same amount of time to turn around. Even Xu Guangling was a little suspicious. Because of Zhang Lao's pace, it can almost be used as a meter ruler and a timer.

   Maybe this is a Tai Chi master's instinctive mastery of the body?

   "Lao Zhang, I'll start." When he returned to the place, Xu Guangling still spoke to Mr. Zhang first.

   "Okay, the old man is looking forward to it." Zhang Lao said.

   Looking forward to it, and looking forward to it, it seems a bit exaggerated at first, but what Zhang Lao said is really true. ——This young man, the first time he met yesterday, surprised him a lot, and when he punched him before, he was not surprised at all, but shocked, quite shocked!

   But this young man doesn't seem satisfied, and seems to want to give him some more surprises, no, fright.

   What was the result?

   Lao Zhang's expression became focused, and he decided to raise the standard a little higher. If the young man didn't have a dazzling performance, and couldn't improve significantly from the first time he played before, he would only give an "average" evaluation, lest this little guy be too arrogant. ——You are so frightened when you are an old man?

   Old Zhang thought so lightly, but before he could turn his mind around, his eyes widened again.

   That is Xu Guangling has already set up the frame.

   The so-called stance is an action, and it can also be called a move, but the word "action" is simpler and more straightforward.

Before   , including yesterday and just this morning, Xu Guangling believed that these movements of Taijiquan were not fundamentally different from the radio gymnastics in school. They were all exercises for the body, but the rhythm of Taijiquan was much slower. Broadcast gymnastics is a physical exercise for young people, and Tai Chi is a physical exercise for the elderly. This is the difference!

   And the difference between the two is only reflected here.

   But just now, after Zhang Lao's explanation, Xu Guangling realized how wrong his previous understanding was. In fact, it can't be said that it was a mistake, it can only be said that at that time, he didn't really know Taijiquan.

   I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I haven't entered the mountain yet.

   No matter how straight and steady he is, he is just wandering outside the mountain.

   At the same time, Xu Guangling was walking towards this mountain called Taiji through the purpose and essence he had understood before, and through the ready-made shelves.

  Tai Chi, Yin and Yang.

  Although he has never been in contact with Tai Chi before, Xu Guangling has heard of the four words "Tai Chi Yin Yang". Even if he has never heard of these four words, he has finally eaten Yuanyang Hot Pot. But now, with the comprehension of the purpose of Taijiquan, the yin and yang, movement, speed, etc., are all like the fallen leaves blown by the strong wind in autumn, dancing in his mind.

  Ready, let's go!

   All starting movements are designed to disrupt the balance of the body.

   All the intermediate movements are to guide the flow of Qi and blood in the body to the greatest extent possible on the basis of the destruction of the balance of the body.

All subsequent actions are to continue to expand the imbalance of the body and strengthen the flow of qi and blood in the body while guiding and conforming to the flow of qi and blood in the body. In imbalance, there is a constant lead to a dynamic, overall balance.

  Under the implementation of this purpose, the so-called thirty-six forms of Taijiquan can no longer be separated, and there is no obvious boundary and distinction between one move and one form. Thirty-six? There are no more thirty-six forms, only one form, and once this form starts, it cannot be stopped.

  Continuous, waves meet, wave after wave, the back waves push the front waves, keep moving forward, rolling and galloping!

After Xu Guangling started, his movements were slow at first, but after only three or five moves, his movements became significantly faster, and it was getting faster and faster, so fast that many moves could not match his speed. . So what to do, slow down?

   Reduce the speed and match the moves?

Xu Guangling's choice was the other way around. No, there was actually no choice. At this time, he was already in a state of immersion, and in this state, he instinctively "cut out" his moves to match his overall movements. The situation, so, continue, continue, continue, the speed is getting faster and faster, the movements are getting more and more outrageous, although there is still the shadow of the thirty-six styles in each movement, but it is just a shadow!

   Unconsciously, as if only a moment, thirty minutes have passed.

  Xu Guangling didn't stop voluntarily, but all the "jin" in his body seemed to have been used up, so he slowly slowed down and stopped a little bit. After stopping, Xu Guangling realized that he was a little unstable!

   All over the body, it's like the bones are soft and sinew.

   What's even more outrageous is that right after he stopped, his body began to sweat, on the top of his head, on his face, on his neck, on his chest, back, thighs and calves, and even on the soles of his feet and feet! At first it was a little bit of sweat, the size of the tip of a needle, then a little bit, a little bit, more and more, within two or three minutes, his whole body was already sweating profusely!

  The clothes were all wet.

   It's almost like being fished out of water!

Xu Guangling was a little dumbfounded and a little stunned. The scene of the Taijiquan just now was still reverberating in his mind, and the movements that were almost completely out of shape after the fight were not mentioned, but the speed was exaggerated to say, Like a thunderbolt, like a thunderbolt.

   Is this still Tai Chi?

Do not! This is simply Thunder Fist, Ben Lei Fist, or some kind of Kaishan Fist! In short, any boxing can be, but it is definitely not Taijiquan!

   This is the main reason for Xu Guangling to be stunned.

Before    punching this time, he asked himself that he had understood the purpose of Taijiquan, and he was full of confidence, but now, who can tell him what is going on?


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Phoenix Changli".

   (end of this chapter)