Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 332: Moe long

   Chapter 332 Meng Chang

the next day.

  Although I used the air of the earth, mountains and rivers to nourish the sapling before I left yesterday, the sapling that appeared in front of Xu Guangling still looked a little slack today.

  This is not a suitable weather for the sprout of grass and trees. The new seedlings are not frozen to death, which is already very good.

  The air of plants and trees stimulates vitality.

  The air of the earth, mountains and rivers provides nourishment.

   Under the influence of the two qi, it didn't take long for the little sapling to show off its power again, and in the severe cold, it showed its vitality without any fear.

   After taking care of the saplings, Xu Guangling betrayed himself.

   This is a dense forest in the mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest belt. Xu Guangling stood in the dense forest, also in front of the small seedling, when his mind moved a little, the most familiar mist, like a cloud and mist, enveloped him.

   Maybe it was the psychological effect of knowing the nature of the qi of plants and trees, or maybe Xu Guangling's feelings about his body really tended to be subtle.

   In short.

  Xu Guangling felt that under the infiltration of the mist, every cell in his body began to cheer.

   At the same time, the blood flow gradually accelerated.

  From head to toe, from feet to head, the whole body is numb.

The maddening itch is gone, replaced by an indescribable warmth and coolness, like being lit by the sun, the scorching heat penetrates every cell in the body in a gentle and domineering way, like being moistened by a drizzle of rain , the thousands of rain threads also spread throughout every corner of the body in a gentle and domineering way.

   Stronger than any time before, many times stronger, Xu Guangling felt that he was a small sapling.

   And this little sapling is now "sprouting".

   sprouted from the inside out.

  This state lasted for about an hour. After withdrawing from the state of meditation, Xu Guangling felt that his body was very light, and it seemed that a gentle breeze could blow him up.

   This feeling was even more pronounced as he walked up the hill.

   His pace was steady, and he didn't escape, but every cell in his body was jumping for joy, and the feeling of touching his palms, feet, and four hearts was particularly evident at this moment.

  Go down from the top of the mountain to Tianchi.

Into the water.

After    into the water, Xu Guangling turned from quiet to wild in an instant, and the dragon started tossing again.

   A few hours later, Xu Guangling was lying in his old place.

  The back of the body, including the hands, feet, and four hearts, was close to the ground, and under the ground, a hint of warmth was leaking out, accompanied by another kind of mist, which gradually fumigated Xu Guangling's entire body from the outside to the inside.

   The two qi overlap, bathing the body and mind.

   This is the practice plan Xu Guangling has drawn up for himself at the current stage, and it is also the most important item in his daily schedule.

   Other than that, the rest is optional.

   And this one doesn’t take long. ——Because the time when Xu Guangling slept was integrated here. So in general, he still has about fifteen hours of free time every day.

  The highest state of the medical way is not medicine, but Xu Guangling will not completely put "medicine" aside.

   Therefore, the rest of the time, Xu Guangling is roughly divided into three parts, two of which are used for medicine, one for medicine and one for needles, and the other few hours are used for daily chores.

   Xu Guangling's understanding of medicine is still at the basic stage.

   Although his basics are scary enough.

   And at the moment, when he was quiet, he carefully studied the herbs in his mind.

   Start with a certain herb.

   For example, ginseng.

  The main property of ginseng is tonic, what other herbs are there?

  Which aspect of ginseng nourishes the body, and what herbs have similar tonic properties?

  What are the herbs that can be paired with ginseng to make it nourishing, and what are their properties?


   This is another review and combing of what I have learned in Zhang Lao before, and this combing is endless.

  Thousands of threads are coming one after another.

   And in this process, every bit of new knowledge and questions have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, filling the mountains and forests overnight. Then Xu Guangling was like an old farmer who digs bamboo shoots. With a shovel here, a shovel there, often after a while, a basket full of bamboo shoots will gather.

   until basket after basket.

   Harvest brings joy, and this joy is manifested in a peaceful way.

  The sun was shining in the window, Xu Guangling looked at the light, as if he saw thousands of musical notes, beating in them, and they seemed to be saying to him, come on, come and pick me.

   In the south of the Yangtze River, you can pick lotus, and the lotus leaves are in Tiantian.

   Fish play among the lotus leaves.

   The fish play with the lotus leaf east, the fish play with the lotus leaf west, the fish play with the lotus leaf south, and the fish play with the lotus leaf north.

   That ray of light is like a note, and each note is like a small fish swimming smartly. Xu Guangling's heart is like water, his mind is like a lotus, he doesn't need to move his mind, and the swimming fish is lingering on his own.

  Between the strings, there are all movements.

  Xu Guangling suddenly felt a little itchy in his hand, he wanted to play the piano.

   At this moment, it would be great if there was a piano in front of him, or the guzheng and guqin, in short, anything.

   But this little wish is unlikely to come true.

   After all, at this moment, he is a guest.

   However, in the afternoon, Xu Guangling went out and bought a bamboo flute.

   This is the simplest and most portable instrument, but even if it is simple enough, it is still an instrument.

   In the evening, Xu Guangling took it up the mountain.

  Therefore, on the night of this day, when the moon was in the middle of the sky, on the top of Changbai Mountain, a faint whistle sounded.

  It was a cold winter, and the entire Northland was sealed off by snow and cold.

   The sound of the flute reveals the wisps of spring.

  Like the wind, the wind blows in an instant, thousands of trees and flowers bloom like rain.

   is like rain, after a night of rain, the earth is moist, and the pond is full of fish.

  Like light, that light falls from the sky, falls on the hills, falls among the rivers, falls on the fields, falls on the treetops.

   falls on houses and haystacks.

   Then I looked at a naughty grass seed in the haystack and watched it fall to the ground, take root, sprout, and then sway a hairy grass in the spring breeze...

   Piccolo blows without a word.

  Xu Guangling had no intention, no intention, but what the flute revealed was the sky, the earth, the mountains, the water, the sunshine, and the rain and dew.

   The sun shines on the green water.

   Green water ripples.

   Ripples are caused by the wind.

  Spring also follows.

   This night, the stars are bright, the moon is bright, and people are idle.

   and the flute.

   The speed of the high and low is tossing and turning.

   But this flute is only lingering in the clouds, mountains, fog and sea, and cannot be played in the human world. In this world, a good night's dream.

   Returning early the next morning, what the old lady prepared for Xu Guangling was a pot of millet porridge that was boiled over a low heat and boiled.

   This is the millet that was harvested this year. The source is authentic and the quality is quite good.

Drinking it in his mouth, the snowflake-shaped millet rolls between his lips and teeth, making Xu Guangling in a trance, feeling as if he is walking in the wilderness of spring, the wind is gentle, the water is soft, the grass and trees are fragrant, no wind is far away, no smell Into the lungs.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Eat Sweets Meow".

  Thanks to the monthly ticket of "Bright Sunshine".

   (end of this chapter)