Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 382: leave the institute

   Chapter 382 Leaving the Institute

   The Red Army is not afraid of difficult expeditions, and it only takes time to relax.

   Wuling roars with fine waves, and Wumeng walks away with mud pills.

   Jinsha water beats clouds and cliffs warm, Dadu Bridge crosses iron cables cold.

  I am even more pleased with the thousands of miles of snow on the Minshan Mountains, and the three armies will be happy afterward.

   After silently reciting the librarian's "Long March", Xu Guangling stretched his waist pretentiously. Well, this is just a subconscious action, which he developed while reading books in the library a few years ago.

   Put away the book and walk out of the museum.

   This search is not without gain. Xu Guangling at least knows one thing, that is, if he encounters any problems on this road in the future, he does not need to come to the library again.

  Because it's here, it's impossible to find the answer.

  I am a wolf from the north

  Walking in the boundless wilderness

  The piercing north wind blows

  The long yellow sand passes by

  I just grit my cold teeth

   responded with two long whistles

   nothing else

   only for the legendary beautiful grassland


   When he went downstairs, the background music played in Xu Guangling's mind, then he shook his head and smiled, "Prairie, here I come!"

   Prairie Xu Guangling is definitely going, although I have been there before.

   At that time, I went as a tourist, but in the future, I will go as a pharmacist, or is it more than a pharmacist? Xu Guangling still had to inspect the mountains of Kyushu.

   In the future, Kyushu may expand to the entire earth.

   depends on whether you need it or not.

  Xu Guangling is hope and does not need to go this far. That would mean that the difficulty of the road would be more difficult than he imagined.

   But at the moment, he just needs to stay in Changbai Mountain.

   Quietly be a Changbai Mountain Keeper.

   Staying in Changbai Mountain, but no longer need to stay in the research institute.

  The old director and his wife have been down for a while, and they have treated him more and more affectionately, as if they were looking at him as a son and nephew.

  Among them, acupuncture is of course the biggest and most critical factor. Xu Guangling's medical skills have become his sharpest public relations means.

   Especially in Teacher Zhou's house, it is estimated that when Xu Guangling said that he wanted to be a son-in-law, he probably didn't need Teacher Zhou to nod before his wife would sell her daughter.

   In addition, the old director's appreciation for Xu Guangling was also based on academics.

   He is a scholar after all, and Xu Guangling came to him as a researcher.

Before   , the two sides didn't care about communication, and a webmaster was not free enough to pull a researcher who was affiliated with him to engage in academic exchanges, but then it was another matter.

   The two spend a lot of time together, and it is inevitable that there will be exchanges on this aspect.

  Xu Guangling is relatively modest, and the old director also has the qualifications worthy of his modesty, because Xu Guangling found that in his profession, this old man is really quite powerful, broad, and profound, and he has accounted for all of these two aspects.

   But the old director soon discovered that the young man was also not very simple.

  How to say, the two sides will soon cherish each other.

   An old scholar's appreciation for a new scholar, and a new scholar's respect for an old scholar.

   So, what to say.

   They got close because of acupuncture, and then they got close because of academics.

   At least for the old webmaster.

   But anyway, they are really close now.

   Then today, when Xu Guangling proposed to leave the institute, both Mr. Xu and his wife lost their temper.

   "Xiao Xu, to be honest, I'm a little bit reluctant to let you go!" The old stationmaster patted Xu Guangling on the shoulder, as if feeling abrupt, but he knew that since Xu Guangling offered to leave, he would definitely not be able to keep him.

   After the old lady was shocked, she only said one sentence, "Xiao Xu, let's chat first, I'll go shopping."

  As a result, Xu Guangling ate another very, very hearty meal at noon that day. The old lady probably did her best to get all her good and good dishes.

   Big or small, whole or zero, fourteen dishes!

Xu Guangling was not pretentious, but once again turned into a gluttonous eater and ate a lot. As a result, his heavy consumption scared the old director and his wife, "Xiao Xu, eat less, and auntie will give it to you later. you do."

  The old lady said, and then she came back to her senses after saying this, showing a bit of sadness, but she didn't say much, just one sentence.

   "Oh, look at me, I'm so confused."

  After the meal, Xu Guangling performed acupuncture for the two elderly people for the last time.

Very carefully.

  Although I have never been sloppy before, the atmosphere is different after all.

   Said to leave, but Xu Guangling was left until the evening. In the evening, the same as when he came, the whole place had another big dinner, but before it was a welcome to the new, but now it is to send off the old.

  Xu Guangling is not too old at the institute. Although he did not communicate much with other people, the only ones who had more were the three who stayed behind during the Chinese New Year, but everyone still showed enthusiasm.

  Xu Guangling is a little regretful that he is not a real researcher after all, or a "pure researcher", so after all, he has no chance to integrate with these serious and straightforward men, and he has no time to mingle with them.

   There was no wine on the table, Xu Guangling used tea instead of wine and had a drink with everyone.

   At this point, the life of the institute has come to an end.

   After leaving the institute, where will Xu Guangling go?

   There are two options, one is to find a house nearby, but that is really superfluous, so the other option becomes the only one actually. - Forest Protection Station.

   Lao Tan there.

   When he received Xu Guangling's call, Lao Tan was quite surprised, and he was even more pleasantly surprised to learn that Xu Guangling planned to "place orders" at the protection station for a period of time.

   When Xu Guangling arrived, Lao Tan greeted him from afar.

   In addition to him, there is another person, without introducing Xu Guangling, he can also judge that that person should be another member of the protection station, Lao Lin.

   "Uncle Lin, I'm going to disturb you for a while." Xu Guangling said.

   "Don't bother, it's just that it's a bit hard here, I'm afraid you young people will not be used to it." Lao Lin said with a slightly restrained smile.

   Why don't you get used to it, I'm also a forest ranger.

   Xu Guangling said in his heart.

   Well, this identity has only been experienced in a dream, not in reality, and this time here, it is estimated that there is also no time and mood to "revisit old dreams", but having that dream and not having that dream are two different things after all.

  Forest protection stations are usually directly under the jurisdiction of the Forestry Bureau, but the situation here is a little more complicated.

   First of all, it is in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, and secondly, it is also on the border in a sense. Xu Guangling asked if he wanted to go to the relevant responsible unit to make an explanation or go through a simple procedure, etc. Lao Lin said no, he is the person in charge of this small station, and he can make decisions here.

  Xu Guangling has never met Lao Lin before, so this must be Lao Tan's relationship.

   He didn't say much, and just stayed in.

  The protection station has guest rooms, and they don't need to be cleaned. Just move in directly, just the one where Xu Guangling lived before.

  Xu Guangling also has no luggage, and everything is handled in one big bag.

   From the research institute, to the protection station, and to a different location, for Xu Guangling, it also means a new journey, and it starts here.


  Thanks to "config123" for the recommendation ticket support.

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Song of Nightingale".

   (end of this chapter)