Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 397: intuition

   Chapter 397 Intuition

  The phone hangs up.

   "Ari!" Ito Mato knelt down.

   But although she was anxious, she didn't panic too much. My sister's condition is not optimistic in the long run, but her condition is normal and relatively stable, and there will be basically no major problems.

   Sure enough, after a while, Ito Manari woke up leisurely.

   "Sister, have you hung up?" After waking up, the first sentence she said was this.

  Ito Masato glared at her fiercely, but wanted to laugh again, "I'm not Xu Guangling-jun's little lover, I definitely won't talk to him, and of course the call is hung up."

   Hearing her elder sister joking, Ito Manri's slightly pale face turned red, and she said in a low voice, "That's too rude!"

Then she stretched out her arms around her sister's waist and put her head on her shoulders, "I don't know why, when I saw Xu Jun, I felt very cordial, I always felt as if I had seen him in a dream, I'd love to see him."

   Ito Matou didn't tease her again this time, but his expression became solemn.

  My sister, because of her body, has always been unable to accept the hilarity, nor does she like it. Although her personality is not extremely introverted, she has never shown that she wants to meet outsiders or the like.

   And now...

  Something, maybe she thought wrong from the beginning?

Ito Matou thought about the things that had happened to her since she was a child. There were many things she didn't know why she did it, but inexplicably, her intuition made her do it, and afterwards it always proved that her intuition was too correct. again correct.

  Ali is the younger sister of one of her compatriots. Although she has not shown the same talent as her since she was a child, but...

   Ito Mayu thought a lot at this moment.

She is a very decisive person, and she made up her mind in just a moment, and said to Ito Mayori: "Ari, why don't we go to China to play, haven't you always been interested in China? This time we will go there and play. , I happened to meet Xu Guangling-Jun by the way."

In order to be quiet and recuperate the body and mind, Ito Mauri has been learning tea ceremony, yoga and chess since she was a child, and any of these three are inextricably linked with Chinese culture, so Ito Mauri is actually a little half a sinologist of.

   Her interest in China is obvious without asking.

   But because of her body, she couldn't walk around easily, so she was only separated by water, and she had never been there.

   Actually, Ito Masato himself is also interested in China.

After learning Chinese and ancient Chinese, she also read the twenty-four histories of China by the way, which brought great help to her later in the family's business operations, so until now, her study is still complete There is a set of twenty-four histories in the whole, and sometimes when I have a little spare time, I often turn over it a few times.

   She has also never been to China.

"Sister, can you spare some time?" Ito Manari was quite excited when she heard the proposal to go to China. She was not worried about her body being able to travel far, but worried that her sister was wasting too much time for her. .

   "Fool, have you forgotten that there is a thing called a telephone now?" Ito Matou glanced at the phone that was still on the ground, and sneered: "Is there anything that can't be handled by phone? Well!"

   "And your body, don't worry, I'll take a whole medical team with me."

   "Sister, I've made you worry!" Ito Mauri said.

"Fool Ari, I'm going to be angry if you say that again. I'm your sister. If I don't worry about you, who will worry about you? Who else will I worry about if I don't worry about you?" Her little head is the same.

  Ito Mauri also tickled.

   In a few days, everything will be ready soon.

  Ito Mauri's body is not suitable for flying, so they took the ferry.

Immediately after disembarking from Qingdao, Mayu Ito dialed the only Chinese phone number she remembered.

   It is also thanks to this time period that if one month goes forward, no matter how many times she calls during the day, it is impossible to get through the phone.

   "Hello?" Xu Guangling still answered the unfamiliar call.

   This is the third mobile phone number that Xu Guangling has changed. The first one, because of the bank and other connections, caused too much unnecessary harassment, so he simply changed it. The second one was used in college, and it was still because of a lot of unnecessary calls, so he changed it later.

   The third number is also the current number. It belongs to a small remote area in China. There are no advertisements at all. Besides, few people know his number.

   So most of the time, it is in a "silent" state.

   And once there is a call or letter, it is mostly related to him, and he will deal with it as soon as he sees it.

   "Excuse me, is this Mr. Xu Guangling? Hello!" A pleasant but rather cold female voice came from the receiver.

   Xu Guangling determined that it was the voice of a stranger.

   And this tone doesn't seem to be used in China. To put it simply, no one in China will add a "jun" after the name.

   "I am Xu Guangling. Who are you?"

"Xu Jun, hello, I'm Ito Masato, my sister Ito Masato was on the phone with you a few days ago." Saying this, for some reason, Ito Masato's heart also thumped inexplicably at this time. jumped up.

   made her feel an inexplicable dizziness, as if the whole world began to spin.

   But she stood firmly at the center of that rotation.

This is?

   Ito Masato's eyes widened involuntarily.

   She is all too familiar with this situation! She has experienced it many times since she was a child.

   This is what it feels like when intuition comes!

   But before, I never felt as strong as now! It was so strong that she almost fainted.

Every time she used her intuition in the past, she was tired to varying degrees. The most tired one was sleeping for a whole day. Even after waking up, her body and spirit seemed to be completely drained. It took her half a month to recover. .

   In this case, does she need to sleep for two to three days afterwards?

  No, it's more than that!

   Seeing the person who is on the phone with her now, do your best and try to gain his favor, this is very important! Very important! Very important!

   This is her intuition, telling her things constantly at this moment.

Masato Ito switched the phone from his right hand to his left, and gently stroked his heart with his free right hand, trying his best to calm the dizzy and fast heartbeat, and then listened to the phone with great concentration, for fear of missing the conversation on the other side. even a single word.


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   (end of this chapter)