Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 402: observe

   Chapter 402 Observation

   This is a person who is talented enough to be compared with anyone in ancient and modern China and foreign countries, no one can surpass her, but at most equal. ——Xu Guangling can't imagine what kind of existence is more superior.

   Of course, talent is one thing, achievement is another.

   The two are not equivalent.

  When the perspective of the eyes of the day turned from Ito Mayu to Ito Mayu, Xu Guangling discovered something even more astonishing.

   There was a vortex on the top of Ito Mauri's head.

   Moreover, it is bigger than Ito Mayu's!

   These two sisters, all of them were born with a top orifice!

   So much so that Xu Guangling began to wonder if his inference was wrong. Perhaps, they are not born with the top orifice, but some expert has opened the top orifice for them through some mysterious means?

   No, this is amazing too!

   It's just that Ito Mauri's situation is not the same as her sister.

   The whirlpool above Ito Matong's head is large and spinning steadily. Ito Mauri's is half the size of her sister's, but it is in a strange state of near stagnation.

   is either small and slow, stagnant, or absent.

   Either big, fast, and stable.

   But for someone like Ito Mauri, who is big but stagnant, Xu Guangling didn't quite understand for a while what kind of state this was.

   First of all, the top orifice is wide open, different from ordinary people, this is for sure.

  Secondly, the top orifice that was opened was in a state of...a so-called "cooling" or "sealing" in legends?

  Xu Guangling's own top orifice is not open, and he can't see his own situation on this day, so there are only four cases for him to observe from beginning to end, the two elders, and the two sisters in front of him.

  For the time being, most of the time, it can only be in a situation of observing and collecting data, and there is not much room for judgment and speculation.

  Perhaps, introduce these two sisters and teachers to know them?

  Xu Guangling lingered in his heart, not knowing whether it was necessary or not.

   As for the reason for the recommendation, it is easy to find. The health status of Ito Mauri is very poor, very poor! If it goes on like this, he will not live to the age of 30, or even in a few years, he may die of organ failure due to insufficient qi and blood.

  Ito Masato's situation is much better, but there are also hidden dangers.

   At present, she can be said to be invulnerable to all diseases.

  If Xu Guangling is correct, she will not even have a little cold for years and months. Because of the whirlpool above her head, her body's qi and blood are automatically in a very active state, and therefore, not only does she not get sick, but she doesn't have any fatigue.

   Even if you get tired due to too much concentration and so on, you can recover quickly.

   At the same time, her sleep does not need as long as seven or eight hours of ordinary people. It is estimated that three or four hours is almost the same. At most, it does not need to exceed five or six hours!

   This is simply a "born perfect body".

   In addition to the fact that Xu Guangling can't judge too much about the top aperture, he has seen many other things in Ito Mayu.

   The human health index system established before has received a lot of supplements.

After observing the two sisters, Xu Guangling was interested in their mother or father and their family. Could it be that it would be a family with extraordinary genetics, not only the two sisters, but also other people who were born with enlightenment. ?

   In the process of walking up the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, Xu Guangling flashed a lot of things in his consciousness for a while.

   And the two Ito sisters also had their own ups and downs.

  For Ito Shinto, before coming to China, although she was also interested in Xu Guangling, more often, she just came here to accompany her sister. But when she came to China and was on the phone with Xu Guangling, her intuition came into play again, and her attitude changed all of a sudden.

   As before, although she still doesn't know why, the person in front of her is very important to her! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

  Before, from the video, this man gave her a sense of mystery.

   But now, after face-to-face, it is more than unfathomable!

   In charge of the Ito family business affairs, several years of business operations and business battles, she has seen countless people, both inside and outside the family, various elite bosses, it can be said that she has seen countless.

   However, no matter whether it is elite or big, most of them are transparent in her eyes.

   Through her eyes, through dialogue, and through gestures, she can easily get the information she wants from it. Even if she doesn't get enough information occasionally, her intuition can help her make the most correct decision.

   This made her almost always invincible.

   But Ito Masato never dreamed that one day, when she stood in front of someone, she herself had a transparent feeling of being seen!

   There is an inexplicable trembling in my heart, as if facing a natural enemy.

   From the moment that person stepped into the teahouse, she had been in a state of slight dizziness. She was familiar with this state, but it had never happened like this, and she had not made any judgments in her heart!

What exactly is going on? ! ! !

   Walking in the stairwell, behind the man, separated by about a meter, Ito Matong's heart trembled, and his eyes turned to the man's hand unconsciously.

   Then, it settled down.

   There was a handshake before, but she didn't look at the handshake.

  Looking at other people's hands when shaking hands is extremely impolite, and she naturally wouldn't do it. Throughout the whole process, her eyes were smiling to meet each other's eyes.

   And at this moment, her eyes were fixed on the opponent's hand.

   If it wasn't for the obvious difference in hand shape, size, shape of nails, lines on the side of the palm, etc., if these characteristics were very different between men and women, she would definitely think it was a woman's palm!

  No, it's not appropriate to say the palm of a woman.

  Ito Masato has seen the hands of countless people, and she can identify everyone she has seen based on the features of the palms alone, but.

   She had never seen such a pair of hands.

   Whether it is male.

   is still a woman.

   Whether it is old, young, or young.

   "Xu Jun is younger than I saw on the video, and he is also very beautiful. He is the most beautiful person I have ever seen!"

  Ito Masato suddenly thought of what his sister said just now.

   She thought it was rude at the time, but now, she thinks, maybe only Ali's words can be used to describe this man? Beauty comes from appearance, but has nothing to do with appearance.

   instead permeates the opponent's body, anywhere.

   includes the palm, including the smallest little finger on the palm.

   From hands to feet.

   Ito Manari turned her gaze and turned to the feet of the person in front of her, or the footsteps.

   Then, her vision was a sudden trance.

   In a trance, there was an earthquake, the stairs collapsed, Ali screamed and fell to the ground, but the man in front of him continued to walk forward normally as if nothing had happened.

   The next moment, the trance-like state disappeared from his eyes and mind.

   But in Ito Mayu's heart, a trance started.

   The world seems to have become illusory, only the figure in front of him is real, and it seems that everything else in the world is real, only the figure in front of him is illusory.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Love Snow Dance".

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "9 Bookworm 6".

   (end of this chapter)