Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 448: Sun and moon reincarnation

   Chapter 448 Sun and Moon Reincarnation

The effect of the    big orifice on the body lies in "fullness".

The effect of the    middle orifice on the body lies in "clearing".

   This is something Xu Guangling has long known.

When the first twenty-five middle orifices were opened, Xu Guangling only had a general judgment on "Qing", or a macroscopic perception, but since the twenty-sixth middle orifice, every day, his body changed. In the process of "washing the marrow".

   Of course, it is not just a marrow washing, but a comprehensive cleansing of the entire body.

   This kind of cleansing is so violent that a lot of impurities are precipitated out of the body every day, and this process continues until the thirty-third middle orifice is opened.

   From the twenty-sixth to the thirty-third, across the eight middle orifices.

   Obviously, the properties of these eight middle orifices and the other twenty-six middle orifices should be different. And it is obviously too crude to use only one "clear" to summarize the middle aperture, but Xu Guangling can only do this at present.

He did not notice the effect of the    middle orifice on other aspects of the body.

   Anyway, his perception of the body is getting more and more subtle, and the sensitivity of eyes, ears, nose, etc. is getting better and better. This has been going on all the time. Xu Guangling has long been accustomed to it and did not attribute it to the middle orifice.

  Perhaps, after looking back in the future, for example, after becoming a great master, then can we really define the middle aperture?

  When we are in love, we do not understand love.

  Xu Guangling remembered such a sentence. There are similar, when living, do not understand the meaning of life?

  Many people love life, starting from the near-death. Having had a near-death experience, and after walking on the edge of life and death, life is completely different from before.

   This "many people" actually includes Xu Guangling.

   Thinking about the present, thinking about the past, Xu Guangling shook his head and smiled faintly, not knowing what it meant.

   Then he raised a hand in front of him.

   At this moment, it is morning. The mild sunshine poured down from the bright and clean sky, sprinkled on the snowy ground that stretched for thousands of miles, sprinkled on Xu Guangling's body, and also sprinkled on his raised right hand.

   The sun didn't seem to be hindered, and passed straight through.

   Of course, just "seems".

  Xu Guangling looked at his hands, especially the fingers.

   It seems that it is not flesh and bone, but jade, and it even appears slightly transparent under the sunlight! Xu Guangling also felt for the first time that his fingers could be described as "like green onions"!

   Of course, it's only rough, and his fingers are obviously much thicker than the green onions.


   That kind of tenderness, that kind of texture, that kind of crystal that is close to translucent, and it is simply incomparable to green onions.

   That’s it, take a picture of the hand that he is holding in front of him without any modification, that is a piece of art, and it is estimated that it will become a hit at any small exhibition.

   Not just fingers, not just hands.

   The hand is like this, the arm is like this. Legs like this, feet like this, toes like this.

   is like this all over the body.

  Xu Guangling didn't have a mirror to look at his face, but he didn't need to look at it to know that his image is probably not so ordinary now. ——It has reached the level that people can’t ignore it at all!

   This is the opening of the middle orifice, the effect it brings to him.

The external effect of    is like this, but Xu Guangling knew that it was just incidental.

The real effect of the    middle orifice on the body is not "beauty", but starts from qi and blood, and then affects any part of the body, including viscera, limbs, flesh, bones, etc., to make it... clean?

  Xu Guangling thought about it and denied the word clean.

There is nothing wrong with    clean, but not accurate. In other words, it is not profound, and it does not touch the essence.

The essence of    is not clean, but synchronization?

   In the process of this synchronization, from the inside to the outside of the body, everything that is out of synchronization is classified as impurities, and then separated out of the body. Therefore, rather than saying that the function of the middle orifice is to "clear", it is better to say that it is to purify and pure the body?

  Thinking of this, Xu Guangling suddenly moved in his heart.

   Big move!

  Return to the Yuan interest machine, the fundamental trick.

   Could it be that the process, process and effect of opening the middle orifice belong to "returning to the origin"? Or, is it part of the return?


   If this is the case, then, what is the "relief machine"?

  Xu Guangling can easily think of Fuxi Jue, and it is easy to think of the cessation of breathing at the mouth and nose, but that happened a long time ago, and the two should not be the same thing. But if not this interest, what is it?

   Of course, the most critical place is not "interest" but "machine".

  Machine (body), scheming (thought), and the operations of the mind and body can all be called "machines". As for the specific meaning of the fundamental method, Xu Guangling still can't understand at this moment.

  If you don't understand, you don't want to, anyway, he is walking on this road.

  What is the scenery in front of you, you can see it naturally when you walk.

The process of    the body's continuous precipitation of impurities continued until the thirty-third middle orifice was opened, and since the thirty-fourth middle orifice was opened, the movement was very small, and it was getting smaller and smaller.

In front of   , the opening of each middle orifice will bring a big shock to the body, and the thirty-fourth, thirty-fifth, and thirty-sixth ones seem to be fading away. Xu Guangling originally thought that when the thirty-sixth middle orifice was opened, there should be a particularly big effect.

   After all, this is the last middle orifice.

  The Olympics, etc., and the opening and closing ceremonies, you just finished it quietly?

   However, this is the truth.

The thirty-sixth middle orifice, the last middle orifice, just opened up like that, and after it got through so smoothly, Xu Guangling didn't realize it was the last middle orifice for the first time. Have.

   The last one, it shouldn't be like this!

   And looking back on the process of opening the thirty-six middle orifices one by one, it seems that the effect brought to the body is not as big and obvious as the big orifice?

   Of course, that's all.

When the    big orifice was opened, he was still like an ordinary person, except that he was a big fool with great strength. At this moment, Xu Guangling knew instinctively that even if he jumped from a height of twenty meters, he might still be fine.

   This is actually the same as the external appearance of the body, it also belongs to the "surface" thing.

   It is as if spring has come and the flowers are in full bloom. But that hundred flowers are not spring, spring is the pervading life of the earth, and all life is prosperous, covering vegetation, birds, beasts, insects and fish.

   Xu Guangling wanted to know more about the internal changes in his body. For example, his current health index?

   But unfortunately, from the perspective of the heavenly eye that starts from itself, it is impossible to observe itself. And even if he could observe it, Xu Guangling estimated that he would be mostly disappointed, because the health index system he had established before was very likely not applicable to his current body!

   In any case, the thirty-six middle orifices have all been opened up!

  Fundamental tricks, big orifices, middle orifices, small orifices, returning to the origin, fundamental orifices, the middle orifices have been get√, the next step is to step into the small orifices.

  A new journey starts from this moment!

   No need to stop, no need to rest, it’s time to take the wind and break the waves!

  At this moment, at this moment, Xu Guangling's mind suddenly flashed the three 16-character orders from the librarian:

  Mountain, fast horse and whip without getting off the saddle. Looking back in shock, three feet three from the sky.

  Mountain, overturning the sea and turning the river and rolling the huge waves. Pentium fast, ten thousand horses are still in full swing.

  Mountain, pierced through the blue sky and still remains intact. Heaven wants to fall, rely on it.

   And Xu Guangling automatically continued a song, or rather, it is a portrayal of his mood at this time-

   Mountain, the sun and moon reincarnation in the palm of your hand. The snow is long, and I intend to climb.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Tiandiwuzhu".

  Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Tree of the Avenue".

   (end of this chapter)