Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 454: Incarnate grass

   Chapter 454 Incarnation of Grass

   Xu Guangling performed routine activities and boxed.

   With the boxing frame he constructed as a quasi-big sect, the qi and blood in the body washes away the internal organs, reaches the limbs, and bathes the whole body. Under the perfusion of qi and blood, or "seduce", the middle orifice, which had been dormant overnight, became active again.

   After Xu Guangling stopped his fists and stood silently in the snow for about half an hour, Dazhongqiao went dormant again on his own.

   This is the beginning of a new day.

   Afterwards, Xu Guangling roamed freely again, and ordered a few places for the kitten to squat and wait for the mouse. However, looking at the scene of the heavy snow still rising, its breakfast, lunch and dinner today will not be too smooth.

   If you don’t get it right, the three meals will be reduced to one meal, or even one meal.

   Continuing to walk, while walking, Xu Guangling deduced in his mind the content of the "Simple Women's Concentric Art" in his dream last night, and after waiting for an unknown amount of time, he stood in front of a small grass.

  In the wasteland, there are large grasslands, and there are independent lone grasses that grow. The latter looks larger.

   Whether it is grassland or individual grass, they are all dry at this season.

  The stems and leaves on the ground are all yellow and withered, but they still maintain their unique toughness, at least in the case of strong winds and snow, there is nothing to do with it. The grass that Xu Guangling was facing now had more than half of its stem buried in snow, and only a small tip was exposed.

   But under the eyes of the sky, the whole plant shape of the grass, exposed snow, under the snow, and even the roots under the soil, were all clearly reflected in Xu Guangling's field of vision.

   Even the subtle textures on the grass stems!

  This grass is deeply rooted in the ground, and the roots of the underground part are even longer than the stems on the ground, and those roots are criss-crossed, forming a small dense network directly on the ground.

   This is also the characteristic of most plants in this no-man’s land.

This kind of growth form, one is to ensure its own survival, in the harsh natural environment, the other is that even if it is eaten by those antelope, yak, etc., it can "stay in the roots", no matter how it is chewed, it is extremely difficult. uproot them.

  The stems and leaves on the ground are completely withered.

   If you only look at this part of the ground, it is easy to judge that it has lost its vitality.

   But in the eyes of the sky, the "aura of life" of this grass is still stubbornly clinging to its roots, but it is indeed in a dormant state that is close to static at this time.

Before   , Xu Guangling could only see these.

   Through the eyes of the sky, through the "Xuanyuan Wang Qi Jue".

   But now, he has a "Plain Girl Concentricity" on his body.

  Standing quietly, almost without any need to concentrate, Xu Guangling naturally entered the state of tranquility. Everything outside his body gradually faded and ceased to exist, but the grass in front of him was still truly present in the state of tranquility.

  The snow is gone, the soil is gone, and the whole plant of grass appears in Xu Guangling's mind like a still water, at first the outline, and then the concrete.

  The roots of the grass, the whiskers of the grass, the stems of the grass, the leaves of the grass, the lines on the outside of the grass, and the veins inside the grass! Until the end, at the biggest root of the grass, a small spot of light, like a spot of light that reduced the halo of life many times, appeared in Xu Guangling's mind.

   Feeling this light spot, he was immersed in this light spot. At some point, Xu Guangling himself became this light spot in a trance.

   His mind seemed to be dragged into this spot of light.

  Contemplation ceases to exist.

   In other words, he is still in a state of stillness, but he has completely changed his appearance.

  The surroundings were dark, not only dark, but also cold. Threads of white air-conditioning invaded from all directions, heavy, oppressive, cold, and Thurso.

   But in addition to this white cold air, there is also an extremely thin mist of colorless water, floating in the surrounding darkness.

   Points of light stretch out tentacles, or try to open a "net".

  The net was flowing slowly like a soap bubble, but the bubble was not round, but a completely irregular shape, as if the original circle had been squeezed into a short bean shape. And in the flow of this bubble, a little, a little, a little...

   The thin mist in the surrounding darkness was absorbed little by little and merged into the light spots.

  In an instant, the feeling of warmth and stability passed into Xu Guangling's mind.

   However, the flow of the net was too slow, stagnant to the point of being static, and the efficiency of capturing the mist was too low and too low.

Can    flow faster?

  Xu Guangling's mind unconsciously conveyed this command.

   However, the spot of light did not move.

  No, it has!

  It tried its best to make the net flow faster, but it was heavy, depressed, and weak, and the surrounding darkness and cold invaded like a mountain. Under the light spot's best efforts, it actually made itself dim and trembling.

  Don't move, don't move, don't move!

  Xu Guangling's mind also trembled, and he quickly conveyed this awareness.

   The spot of light settled down.

   began to pass through the open "net" very slowly and laboriously, catching the surrounding fog, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit...

   After an unknown amount of time, the tranquility collapsed, and Xu Guangling came to his senses.

   For the first time, when he woke up from the state of tranquility, Xu Guangling was not feeling relaxed and refreshed, but felt a heavy cold and depression. After a while, he got rid of this feeling.

  This is how that grass feels?

To put it simply, just now, through the "Simple Women's Heart", his mind was connected with the grass in front of him. In a sense, he "incarnated" for the grass and felt everything the grass felt. .

  The field of vision with a radius of less than five meters is too extravagant even in terms of "vision", but only a hazy feeling.

   Then, in this feeling, there was darkness...

   Just, if this is "concentric", what is the meaning?

   Through the eyes of the sky, Xu Guangling silently looked at the grass in front of him, and then subconsciously, infused it with the energy of the earth, mountains and rivers. ——Its own capture of the qi of the earth, mountains and rivers is too difficult and too weak.

  Xu Guangling had a hard time forgetting the difficult and weak feeling he had just experienced.

   But when he was pulling the air of the earth and mountains, Xu Guangling was stunned for a moment.

   Seems got a lot easier?

  Usually, through conscious mind, Xu Guangling can make some simple disturbances to the qi of the grass and trees or the qi of the earth, mountains and rivers that he senses around him, such as attracting, or dispelling, but basically he can only do this.

   is clumsy and crude.

   At this time, his traction seemed to be like an invisible hand waving in the water.

   Although it seems a bit stagnant and uncomfortable, the atmosphere of the earth, mountains and rivers is really solid, and it has become a little obedient.

  Xu Guangling was focused and focused, like a child facing a newly acquired toy, he threw himself into it with all his body and mind, and soon, a word appeared in front of him in the vision of Tianyan.

   is a word condensed from the condensed air of the earth, mountains and rivers.


   Then, "two", "three".

   And then, "four".

However, two and three were successfully completed, and four, Xu Guangling managed to "write" only half of it. When he "wrote" the corner on the right side of the frame, the first completed vertical, fell apart and blurred. gone, gone.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Snake of Winter".

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Private Visit of Hades".

   (end of this chapter)