Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 47: Please do a new review next month

  Chapter 47 Please do a new review next month

The    evaluation continues.

   It was just the next chess game that surprised Xu Guangling a bit.

Xu Guangling was already prepared to fight tough and protracted battles all the time, and was prepared to carry out the cannibalization tactics to the end in most cases, but the situation in the next battle was not like this. Divide two to snap off.

   This is a wave of parallel imports?

   However, the "parallel imports" are not just that wave, but several consecutive games, still the same! The ease of the battle made Xu Guangling seem to have returned to the level one to four. After a few more games, when he found that the opponent was still being dealt with so neatly, Xu Guangling realized that it did not seem that he had reached the fifth level. The steps, but the two opponents he had encountered before, were purely individual phenomena.

   In other words, amateur level 5 is still a concentration camp for rookies.

   It is very likely that as long as the word "amateur" hangs on it, you will still not be out of the rookie category until you reach the ninth level of amateur?

   After thinking about it, Xu Guangling felt that it was probably the case, and it was also very reasonable.

   So he calmed down again, no longer cared about the level, and decided that as long as he was still at the amateur level, no matter what level of amateur he was, he would no longer care about it. ——Bai Juyi has a poem called "The same people who are fallen from the end of the world, why do they know each other when they meet each other?"


   Then next, round, round, round.

   There were no waves and no accidents. Just when Xu Guangling was estimating that he should not be too far away from being promoted again, the system suddenly popped up this prompt: "Sorry, you have reached the monthly limit of 100 evaluation rounds this month, please do a new evaluation next month. "

   Xu Guangling was taken aback.

   Then he was depressed.

   The evaluation is limited to 100 rounds per month, and the re-evaluation next month when the 100 rounds are completed? Isn't this funny! The person who develops the program is in the water, come up with such a rule?

   He used up the one-month quota in one day, how can this be broken?

  Wait for next month? But now is the beginning of the month!

   Well, even if he waits until next month, and then he runs out of the limit of 100 rounds in one day, and then waits for the next month?

   This is a joke!

  It is difficult to use appropriate words to describe the mood of Guangling at this time. anger? No, crazy? No, it hasn't reached this level yet, but it seems like it's more than just talking about depression. In short, it's very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable!

   You have to accept it.

Since the    program has been prompted like this, he has no way to continue, maybe a hacker can? Get a small program to hang on this, break through the restrictions and continue, but this is just an idea that flashed in Xu Guangling's mind, and then he shook his head, not to mention that he knows nothing about programming, he is proficient and proficient. He shouldn't do anything like that.

  Or, register a QQ account and start over?

   But that must be the beginning of his career again. Xu Guangling now wants to get out of the rookie circle and see the world that is not a rookie, but he has no interest and has been entangled with the rookies.

   But suddenly, Xu Guangling remembered, there are other rooms in this new Chinese chess game besides the chess evaluation area? Maybe there's no limit to the number of rounds there? Returning to the main interface, Xu Guangling took a look and clicked "Intermediate Course" in the four rooms of "Elementary Course", "Intermediate Course", "Master Course", and "Peak Showdown".

  The master field seems to be very high, his chess power should not be reached, the primary field, as the first game here, his chess power should be over.

So Xu Guangling ordered the second one, "Intermediate Course", entered the room smoothly, found an empty table, and sat down smoothly, but when he sat down, the system popped up a prompt: "Your points are less than 1800, You can't play in this room!"

   This is really, really…

   At this moment, Xu Guangling finally understood why some people on the Internet said that the huskies were dying.

   But at this time, Xu Guangling accidentally saw the time prompt in the lower right corner of the screen: 03:58.

   It's almost four in the morning?

  Xu Guangling was taken aback for a moment, this time flies a bit fast! But if you think about it for a while, it's not surprising. Anyway, he played a hundred games of chess just now. Even if a game takes three minutes, it will take a full five hours. The fact is that there are many games that are far longer than three minutes. .

   Of course, there are also games that go very fast.

  The combination of speed and slowness led to dawn after a hundred sets.

  The sky was not yet bright at this time, and it was still pitch black outside. Without the experience of the past few days, Xu Guangling probably thought that it was only midnight, and it would not be bright until six or seven o'clock at least. But it's not. ——In twenty minutes at most, the dawn will begin to shine outside.

   At this time, Xu Guangling naturally didn't think about playing chess anymore, so he just closed the notebook and stood up.

Compared with desktop computers, notebooks are so convenient. In the power settings, closing the lid is equivalent to shutting down. In fact, Xu Guangling didn't use this function much before, or rarely used it. In general, he first I closed all the open programs, and then shut down honestly, but today, perhaps because I was really in a bad mood, I omitted the shutdown steps, and even though the QQ game program was still open, I directly closed the book.

After    stood up, Xu Guangling realized once again that he needed one or more sets of Sanshou for short-term activities, and decided to do it exclusively this evening. Should I be able to find something applicable online? If not, he would have to go to the library again. Xu Guangling remembered that there seemed to be some in the library, and there were many.

   But he didn't pay attention to these directions before.

   Then there is another thing, that is the USB flash drive that Zhang Lao gave him yesterday morning.

  Thinking of the U disk, Xu Guangling realized that the computer was turned off earlier. Tsk, it's really not okay to be emotional, even if it's just to shut down the computer! Under normal circumstances, when he turned off the computer just now, he should have thought about whether there was anything else that was not done on the computer.

   At this time, there is no other way but to turn on the computer again.

After plugging in the USB flash drive, Xu Guangling found the file smoothly, but it didn't work either. There was only one folder in the entire USB flash drive, "Menu". Seeing the name of the folder, Xu Guangling sweated a little. Zhang Lao's personality, hehe, is really that rough.

   First cut it, moved it to the notebook, and then Xu Guangling opened the folder and took a look, but saw a bunch of picture files in the folder, just opened one, and it turned out to be a scanned copy.

  Tsk, Mr. Zhang, I thought you would show me the notepad file. It seems that you are not keeping up with the times too closely.

   I wonder if you always know how to type?

  Xu Guangling speculated or slandered the old man a little in his heart, and then turned off the computer with a smile. Some of the previous hesitations disappeared at this time.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Xiaoyue Canxing".

   (end of this chapter)