Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 522: eager

   Chapter 522 Eager

   Complete nine steps.

   Do you want to jump again?

   At this moment, both old men expressed deep doubts about the words of their disciples.

   Mr. Chen unconsciously looked down at his legs.

When    arrives, how can he use his milk-feeding strength and jump "gently" to jump to that position? Then, the bigger question is, how long will it take him to complete the nine steps before the jump?

   "Hey! Shu Dao is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky." When Mr. Chen was doubting himself, he heard the old man beside him say this.

   Next, the two old men all looked at Xu Guangling.

  Today, to this day, they have finally determined, extremely certain, this disciple is poisonous!

   After staying with him for a long time, will he be hit and lose any confidence?

   As a large-scale figure, it is ridiculous to say that you lose your self-confidence. But the fact of the matter right now is that it's not funny at all, it's scary.

  From the beginning to the present, this disciple has been walking higher step by step in front of them, and three steps and two steps, before they can react, they have already reached the cloud. But, this disciple, what did he say?

  He just reached the foot of the mountain?

  He hasn't officially started climbing yet?

   I was lying in a trough, the old Ji Fuzhen-style lying in a trough, where is this mountaineering, this is going to heaven!

   The shock, aphasia and even the loss of the two old people need not be said any more, and they turn their perspective to the big brother and Qian Shaoyou.

   With the "little method" taught by Xu Guangling, the group boarded the car and left. Even though the driving has always been smooth, it couldn't be smoother, when he returned to the base this time, Qian Shaoyou unconsciously accelerated the speed.

   Even the boss felt this way, "Little Qian, drive faster, why are you so slow this time?"

   Recently, the speed of the car has been increased by three times, okay?

   Outside the car window, on the side of the road, the roaring trees were all ignored by all the people in the car.

   On this newly built road that is 5 meters wide and only has one car in the whole journey, it really doesn’t matter if the speed of the car is faster. Of course, Qian Shaoyou is not a little faster, he is almost 80% of the theoretical limit of this car.

  So about half an hour later, a group of vanguard soldiers who were busy outside the base saw that it was like a cannonball attacking them.

   If it wasn't for the daytime, and the reason was still there, it is estimated that many people would directly shout "enemy attack".

   "Is Qian Squad driving?" Someone who knew Qian Shaoyou looked at this situation with an incredible look on his face, even more surprised than seeing a man wearing women's clothes.

  The car was parked, and a group of six people got down from front to back, left and right.

   Then they saw that it was indeed Qian Shaoyou who was driving.

   Not only was driving in a hurry, but even getting out of the car, several people hurriedly walked towards the residence.

  The base is still under construction, but the residence has already been completed, that is, a simple building that is built in a day and demolished in half a day.

The bosses have their own independent residences, and Qian Shaoyou and others can't do it. As captains, each of them and 99 other teammates, 100 people, belong to one big unified room, but in fact, the so-called unified room, That is, many single rooms are opened inside.

   But at this time, there was no one even in the unified room.

   are busy outside.

  The base was built from scratch. In all aspects, there are many facilities that need to be started.

   The boss, Qian Shaoyou, and the other four people were almost one person in one place. The six people who entered the base together scattered into six fishes and swam to their respective residences. Then, in broad daylight, they all went to bed.

   Really don't blame them for being so eager.

   Not only here, but even Shi Aiguo and the others, as well as Zhao Yuzhengqin and the others, have been bedridden to varying degrees after they returned from Kailash. They wanted to go to bed earlier at night and wake up later in the morning.


   Because of how the body feels and experiences.

   For these people, no one knows what Kaizen is, neither beforehand nor afterwards.

   Even after I came back, I searched in books, searched on the Internet, but did not find any useful information. In fact, there is information, there are many more, but if you look closely, there is no one that matches their situation.

   But it doesn't really matter.

   What matters is how the body feels, really strong.

During the day or when I am busy, the feeling is not very obvious, but when I lie quietly on the bed at night, the position of the right hand and the palm of the hand will slowly start to become warm, cool, and warm. Crispy, fluffy.

   From the outside to the inside, it seems like there is a small wind blowing, and it feels like a spring breeze in a dream. I can't tell whether it is warm or cool. Anyway, it is very comfortable, comfortable and comfortable. After a long time to feel, the spring breeze gradually becomes mellow and thick, weathering into water, like a small spring, flowing gently and gurgling.

   Then, the spring water slowly flows from the palms to the elbows, to the shoulders, and spreads out on the chest, and most of it flows to the heart.

   Then, the whole heart is also warm, cool, crisp, and numb.

   Until this feeling starts from the heart, gradually spreads out and spreads throughout the body. However, they generally can't hold on to that time. Usually, when this feeling spreads to the smaller half of the body, they will fall asleep.

   Goes to sleep and quickly transitions to deep sleep, also known as sound sleep.

   Then wake up in the morning.

  The body from the inside to the outside, from head to toe, seems to be washed, a fresh, full, lazy and stretched experience, permeating the whole body and mind.

   Vitality, like the spring in the right heart before going to bed, gurgled and appeared on the body. When I was in my 60s or 70s, I felt like I was back in my 30s and 40s, and when I was in my 30s and 40s, I felt like I was a teenager.

   In short, whether it is Shi Aiguo, etc., or big brothers, etc., or Zheng Qin, etc., without exception, they all feel that they are many years younger.

   Especially Zheng Qin, when he came back, he didn't dare to take a selfie of himself and post it on Weibo.

  Because it's so much prettier than before.

  If she dared to post it, many people would say she had plastic surgery, but even if she had plastic surgery, it wouldn't be like that, right? Completely two concepts.

   So many…

   How can they not be greedy?

   How can you not be addicted?

   And if such a situation is just basic performance, then, what kind of good is the small method of "the effect should be good"?

   The urgency of the boss and the urgency of Qian Shaoyou are really normal.

   The other four did not have a trip to Gang Rinpoche and naturally had no experience of enlightenment, but they all knew that Xu Guangling, "Mr. Xu", was already a legend and legend among them.

   Something from the hand of legend——

   Can that be normal?

   And even without this, just looking at the performance of their boss and comrades-in-arms Lao Qian, they all know what to do.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "・・Book-loving bugs・・".

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Blood Dark Dragon Crazy.qdcn".

   (end of this chapter)