Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 549: Crowd sucking...

   Chapter 549 Gather the crowd to suck...

  Basic research work is very boring.

   Many times, there is no greatness, and there is no rapid progress. Most of the people who work in this field will never experience anything related to these two words in their entire lives, and some are just plain everyday.

   As far as the people in this institute are concerned, many of them have jobs, some of which are similar to those of the uncles and aunts who water the flowers, plants and trees in the park every morning.

   After work, lunch and dinner every day can even become an expectation.

   Moreover, the master craftsmen in the cafeteria are not bad, at least for the people in the research institute, they are quite good.

He just watered a row of small saplings. These saplings will be sent to an ecological room in a few days to measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions. He Peiming put down the watering device in his hand, straightened up, and slowly relaxed. tone.

   The glasses were a little loose and hung on the nose, He Peiming reached out and pushed them.

   He has severe rhinitis.

   Back then, I went from my hometown of "Jiangnan, Xinghua, and Rain" to a university in Beijing. Oh my mother, my nose was bleeding from dryness on the first day. In the next four years, I got used to it, but at the cost of being ignorant and suffering from rhinitis.

   Even, because of a "cold" that lasted for more than a month, the doctor told him that it was not a cold, but a rhinitis!

   "Rhinitis? How long will it take to heal?" He Peiming asked stupidly.

   "Young man, condolences!" At noon, the doctor was going back to eat after get off work. When he stood up, he patted his shoulder and said earnestly.

  How long will it take?


   Rhinitis is not a disease, it can kill people when it strikes.

   Once a year, there is a letter from the tide, and He Peiming gradually became numb, and after a long time, he also found some small ways to deal with this stubborn thing. Although it can cure the symptoms, it is not so uncomfortable.

   Later, from the capital to the north, to the foot of Changbai Mountain, hey, if nothing else, He Peiming only found that his rhinitis was gone!

   Is your body getting better?

   Having communicated with two "patients" who also suffered from rhinitis, He Peiming realized that it was not good, but that the air quality here is relatively good, and there is no environment for rhinitis.

  He Peiming also discovered slowly that although the rhinitis no longer occurred, his nose was not feeling well!

   is not too strong, you can't smell it.

   Although this result is depressing, it is not unacceptable.

  He Peiming will also explain himself, "Fortunately it's the nose!"

  If it's ears or eyes, that's a problem. Although his eyes were nearsighted when he was in high school.

   pushed up his glasses and touched his nose with his fingers. He Peiming unconsciously remembered this, then suddenly stunned, his nose sniffed unconsciously.

  This is... a fragrance?

   One sniff, another sniff, another sniff...

   After sniffing and sniffing again, it took He Peiming a long time to finally confirm that this was not his illusion, but that it really smelled! Moreover, why does this fragrance seem to be getting stronger and stronger?

  He Peiming was very surprised!

   First, he was surprised how his nose worked so well today. Could it be because he has lived here for a long time, and his rhinitis has really started to heal slowly?

  Second, I was surprised, where did the fragrance come from?

  He Peiming turned around and looked around.

   He wouldn't try to use his nose to identify the source of a scent, that would be an absolute shame.

   Being able to smell the fragrance so clearly made him feel quite incredible and unexpected.

  The surrounding is empty, there is not a single person, and there is nothing unusual.

   "Hey! That's weird!"

   Just when He Peiming felt strange, suddenly, the aroma was strong, and his body almost instinctively took a deep breath. Then, He Peiming found, like a dream, that his nostrils seemed to be "stretching".

   The inside of the nose is numb and itchy, like a few small ants crawling inside.

   But, surprisingly, it wasn’t uncomfortable.

   Even after a short while of numbness and itching, He Peiming discovered that his nose not only smelled the fragrance, but also smelled the peculiar smell of grass and trees from the small saplings around him.

"This is……"

   This is something He Peiming cannot understand.

  He Peiming was a little dazed, and felt a little unreal for a while. Was this really an illusion? And, is this really a dream?

   He was stunned.

   But his body didn't freeze, and his nose didn't freeze.

Almost as much as he could, he exhaled deeply, inhaled deeply, and went back and forth. He Peiming woke up like a dream after being stunned in the local area for almost a minute, and then without hesitation, he walked out of the work area and looked for the source of the fragrance. .

   When he came out on the aisle, the scent was more pronounced.

   Moreover, He Peiming found that many of his colleagues were doing the same thing as him. ——Like a thief, or like a detective, one by one, they stretched their heads and looked around.

What are you doing?

   What more!

   "Old Dong, where did the fragrance come from?" He Peiming raised his voice and asked a man in his thirties not far ahead.

   "I don't know, this smell is so fragrant and weird!" Lao Dong said loudly.

   Saying that the fragrance is thief is actually not very correct, at least it is not as strong as the floral fragrance.

   But what to say, as soon as you smell this fragrance, you can't help but smell it again and again, and smell it again and again. - It smells so good! He Peiming was a little skeptical, if the scent persisted, he could smell it for a day without doing anything.

   Smells all the time!

   "Is the chef in the cafeteria doing something delicious?"

   Soon someone came out to "refute the rumor", "No, the chefs in the cafeteria also came out, looking for this fragrance!"

   "It smells like... mulberry?" Someone said.

   "It's a bit similar, but how can the smell of mulberry be so good!"

  The research institute, which was originally very quiet, seems to be changing to the vegetable market at this moment. Almost all the people we meet started to communicate from a distance, discussing this strange fragrance, and trying to trace the source of this fragrance.

   "Professor Zhou, you came out too?"

   "Xiao Wang, what's the matter, where did this smell come from? It smells so good, I can't even read the information."

   "We are all, you just can't read the information, I'm even hungry, what a hell!"

  No insiders.

   For a while, there is no result.

   After a long time, an "informer" finally had a flash of inspiration, and then hesitantly said: "Just now, Mr. Xu seems to have received a package..."


  Like a dam breaking, the blocked flood found an exit.

  Led by Professor Zhou and several other veterans, the crowd walked towards the residential building behind them without much thought.

   As we got closer and closer, the goal was finally determined.

   That scent really came from the living building!

   Enter the gate, turn left, and go up the stairs.

  First floor, second floor, third floor.

   When we got to the third floor, everyone didn't need to look anymore, because the door of a room not far away was already crowded with people.

   was surrounded by people, but it was silent.

  Everyone stood there with a look of intoxication, as if they were hypnotized.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Cowardly Fox".

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Moon Flower Fall".

   (end of this chapter)